M mr_nothin Banned Dec 13, 2009 #1,301 Well...with this, it's already starting to fall off immensely. BLAAAAHHHH
Shrennin Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment Dec 13, 2009 #1,302 Thought show was redeemed when AA2 was announced, then I quickly got a taste of the first reward. ;_;
Thought show was redeemed when AA2 was announced, then I quickly got a taste of the first reward. ;_;
T Tiktaalik Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,304 I love how the camera is on Mark Hamill and he looks absolutely disgusted to be there.
scarybore Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,305 Jack Black? Really? Oh well, least it wasn't Nolan. I'm turning this off. Seriously. Now. Click to expand... If it wasn't for the Halo Reach thing, there would be no chance in hell I would be watching this at 1am in the morning. :lol
Jack Black? Really? Oh well, least it wasn't Nolan. I'm turning this off. Seriously. Now. Click to expand... If it wasn't for the Halo Reach thing, there would be no chance in hell I would be watching this at 1am in the morning. :lol
B Barrett2 Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,306 Wow. they aren't even pretending this isn't staged / choreographed....
C criesofthepast Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,307 :lol :lol Guys, lets not all act surprised. The awards are a sham. He's the only "big" name who bothered to show up. No one there even knows who Nolan North or the other voice actors are.
:lol :lol Guys, lets not all act surprised. The awards are a sham. He's the only "big" name who bothered to show up. No one there even knows who Nolan North or the other voice actors are.
wolfmat Confirmed Asshole Dec 13, 2009 #1,308 banKai said: do I have to do anything special? now the justin stream asks for a password does joystiq to the liveblog? nothing happening at my joystiq link Click to expand... PW: rushrushes
banKai said: do I have to do anything special? now the justin stream asks for a password does joystiq to the liveblog? nothing happening at my joystiq link Click to expand... PW: rushrushes
N NeoUltima Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,316 That was decently funny, but I feel they gave him that award just so they could have that...
M mr_nothin Banned Dec 13, 2009 #1,322 Well...with this, it's already starting to fall off immensely. BLAAAAHHHH God, Jack Black needs to be banned.
Well...with this, it's already starting to fall off immensely. BLAAAAHHHH God, Jack Black needs to be banned.
Revolutionary Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,326 I hope all the winners smash the award. And looks like GAF was right again: True Crime
V V_Ben Banned Dec 13, 2009 #1,329 True Crime? did she just say true crime? uh oh. it might be good? maybe?
W Willectro Banned Dec 13, 2009 #1,330 Fuck. After last year I thought they would never have Jack Black on again. He's not funny, he's a moron.
Fuck. After last year I thought they would never have Jack Black on again. He's not funny, he's a moron.
B bounchfx Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,331 why am I watching this? just give me announcements I don't care who your phoney awards go to.
I iamcool388 Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,332 I like both games shown until now. I'm there for the new Batman day 1 and True Crime has potential.
J JWong Banned Dec 13, 2009 #1,334 Give me the real cam guys. Stage cam was like on the stage when they were showing video footage...
Y Y2Kev TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009 Dec 13, 2009 #1,335 True Crime is the worst open world game of last gen, what the fuck.
H hamchan Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,336 True Crime? Wasn't the NY one terrible? Or was that a different series I'm thinking of?
T Ten-Song Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,338 After dealing with Jack Black... I think I'd rather be watching the Ubisoft E3 press conference again.
After dealing with Jack Black... I think I'd rather be watching the Ubisoft E3 press conference again.
R Red Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,343 Trying to watch this online and it's buffering constantly. What's going on? I see Jack Black in a cape.
Trying to watch this online and it's buffering constantly. What's going on? I see Jack Black in a cape.
T TTG Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,345 Does anyone know exactly when the Reach trailer is gonna be shown? I can only /facepalm so many times before turning this off.
Does anyone know exactly when the Reach trailer is gonna be shown? I can only /facepalm so many times before turning this off.
W WyndhamPrice Member Dec 13, 2009 #1,348 Did Two Steps From Hell do this trailer music? Sounds like the fucking Star Trek trailer.
B BakedPigeon Banned Dec 13, 2009 #1,349 Why are you guys complaining that this sucks? Of course it sucks, it was ALWAYS going to suck. Watch at your own risk.
Why are you guys complaining that this sucks? Of course it sucks, it was ALWAYS going to suck. Watch at your own risk.