BeeDog said:Aww, no Sony-published stuff? Was hoping for something new from God of War 3 and/or GT5.
That means no Resistance 3, and that means that their may be hope for a longer dev cycle. ^^
BeeDog said:Aww, no Sony-published stuff? Was hoping for something new from God of War 3 and/or GT5.
MirageDwarf said:Was there any meaty trailer last year? Only big announcement was MW2, a game which people knew was coming. It was hardly any surprise.
Septimus said:Very first (short) video of God of War 3 was at last years. I think we'll see a new GT5 video.
These right here I'd definitely be interested in seeing/hearing about. Though with Ubisoft, it would probably be CG trailers anyway.Jtyettis said:From the PR, start making your guesses;
I could definitely see a Dead Space 2 announcement from EA happening. Possibly a Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six announcement from Ubi. New UFC from THQ perhaps.
BenjaminBirdie said:Why does it need to be "countered" or "offset"? Does the French Tourism board have to trot out the REAL Eiffell tower because some mope took a crappy picture of it with their iPhone?
Did anyone take those pictures truly seriously?
From the release:SolidSnakex said:Sony's not on the list of publishers releasing footage to them, so GT5 is a no go.
The 2009 "Video Game Awards" will reveal blockbuster global premieres of never-before-seen titles and break international news with announcements of new games from the industry's leading publishers. Game companies contributing exclusive new content to the VGAs include 2K, Activision, Disney Interactive Studios, Electronic Arts, LucasArts Entertainment, Microsoft Game Studios, THQ, Ubisoft, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, with more to be announced in the coming weeks.
Vinterbird said:The somewhat negative reaction and all the stupid "looks like Halo 3! buuuh" comments has soured a lot of mind share of Reach. Not everyone wants to read the thread and discover that it's pre-alpha, running on a new engine and all that other stuff. They just see a shitty picture and judge from that.
They need to turn that around and start controlling the Reach message again, and make people think it looks awesome and is gonna be awesome.
Mentioned elsewhere on GAF it will be from the opening cinematic."This year VGA viewers will get a sneak peek at Halo: Reach with the debut of an exclusive, world premiere video from the opening of the game."
Sound good? Make sure you mark your calendars and strap yourself in. Halo: Reach premieres LIVE on Saturday, December 12 At 8:00 PM ET.
And then there's the small matter of the public Reach beta, which will probably have more of an impact than some blurry early pics on the internet.BenjaminBirdie said:But I mean like the audience of millions of Halo fans. That's the majority of the actual mindshare MS would be worried about.
Actually, this happens quite frequently. So yeah, I think they will show good footage.BenjaminBirdie said:Why does it need to be "countered" or "offset"? Does the French Tourism board have to trot out the REAL Eiffell tower because some mope took a crappy picture of it with their iPhone?
Did anyone take those pictures truly seriously?
BobFromPikeCreek said:Modern Warfare 2 is going to win best RPG.
/flameshield ON! Even though it does not deserve it.chandoog said:Modern Warfare 2 is most definitely going to win every category it is nominated for.
templeusox said:From the release:
We've seen Red Dead Redemption's debut trailer already, but yeah, Agent would still fall under 2K.John Harker said:Red Dead Redemption? Agent?
Yeah... much as I'd like to see footage, if Disney's only unveiling one game, Pirates: Armada seems far more likely.Nirolak said:I don't get the Epic Mickey guesses though. I mean, do we really feel that the Spike VGA audience is the target market for that game?
JardeL said:GAME OF THE YEAR Nominees
No KZ2
~Devil Trigger~ said:[IMG][IMG][IMG]
C'mon Capcom show at least one of em[/QUOTE]
Capcom is not listed as a presenter. They tend to hold their own shows also actually.
ThatGuy said:My updated guesses:
2K - 2k Boston Game or Firaxis(Sid Meier) new game or probably from Yager Development (they said that their game will be soon unveiled and published by 2k)
Activision - Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack or/and James Bond Game
Disney Interactive Studios - Gameplay trailer from Epic Mickey and/or some new game from Propaganda Games
Electronic Arts - Dead Space 2 and/or New Medal of Honor and Dragon Age DLC Content
LucasArts Entertainment - one of their three Star Wars Games in development(Battlefront 3?)
Microsoft Game Studios - Halo:Reach, some XBLA game some new Rare Natal game
THQ - Warhammer 40000 MMO trailer? and/or Saints Row 3
Ubisoft - Ghost Recon title that was already listed at the ESBRN but not announced yet
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment - FEAR 3 probably
Kagari said:Last year's show was HORRIBLE. Not expecting much out of this.
NeoUltima said:Ugh nominees dominated by recent games. Lets forget all about SF4 and KZ2 huh? Shafted games released earlier in the year...I'm amazed how they can justify that GOTY nominee list when some of those games just literally came out yesterday.
I expect similar patterns all over. Good games getting semi-ignored cause they aren't new or fresh in people's minds.
~Devil Trigger~ said:![]()
C'mon Capcom show at least one of em
[Nintex] said:Do we have 'that' Geoff gif, with him shaking hands with all the man babies and product placements?
At least it will be in-game stuff. Gameplay towards the beta launch.MirageDwarf said:Halo: Reach opening cinematic? Disappointing.
I would be much more excited for gameplay trailer.
Kibbles said:Also, what the hell happened to MGS: Rising? Nobody has even talked about that game since E3. I doubt it would make an appearance here, but I would like to see more about it.
Holy shit wow. Did not even notice that. Just goes to prove my point even more. This award show is such a joke. I know we all have known it is, but a lot of the people who will watch it do not...or maybe they will if the presentation is anything like the past few years.Septimus said:Lol WTF at no MLB The Show 09?
fixedZealousD said:Don't even watch this for the announcements, guys. All the videos will be on Youtube within hours.
Possibly a Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six announcement from Ubi.