It's a VF thing.
i'm pretty sure VF5 had DD5.1 at least.
It's a VF thing.
i'm pretty sure VF5 had DD5.1 at least.
As someone who is generally a lot more comfortable with 2D fighters than 3D, which characters are generally beginner-friendly?
Right now I'm using Eileen and she doesn't seem too bad. I'm getting the hang of canceling combos into her monkey stance and/or her overhead.
Anybody? Anyone at all?
got a couple of training hours in. too scared to go online.
so what's up with the sound in this game? sounds so low-fi. how can they be so cheap with sound, i can't believe this. you need good sound to feel the hype.
so has it been confirmed if the individual character dlc packs also act as comptibility packs on xbox live? they are all the same size as the full packs
Anybody? Anyone at all?
In my experience, this isn't true. I've been "hyped" for a lot of matches where I had trouble hearing sound, especially at tournaments (and especially at majors), where there's so much ambient noise that it's hard or almost impossible to hear game noises. I personally play with game sound off at times and just listen to music, and for me the hype doesn't need good sound to feel the hype.
I read the OP, but i'm still confused.
Tha OP says 45$ for the complete thing, but on my PSN (EU) i see the game for 12.99 euro (must be the base game) and the complete edition for 25.99 euro, with (so says the description) all the custom packages.
I see nothing else.
I just picked up FS, been awhile since I played it, not since last year-ish I think, so it'll be fun to get back into the groove.
I'd probably still put SCV's customization over VF5 since you can edit the actual items themselves, but VF5 does have some great options.
Not perfect, but still a good selection. Hopefully TTT2's console release can learn some things from both those games.
Anybody? Anyone at all?
Hold the start button as you select the character.How do you select the Type B costume ?
got a couple of training hours in. too scared to go online.
Think I will go back to Aoi, I mean someone has to, right?
Hold the start button as you select the character.
Just now I was playing ranked at 8th kyu, I got connected with a 1st dan Pai player. This character cusses me out the entire match. I took him all the way to 5 rounds. He barely beat me at the end, I was mad, and his final words were F U.
Wtf is wrong with these people ?
Does Dural have some weird auto reversal I don't know about? I'm in free training and if I hit her with Goh's descending P and do a regular P immediately after she grabs itI have not changed any CPU settings.
I wonder how many new players are playing Jean online just because he looks a bit like Dante. :lol
Just say no to Aoi. :|
I love her...
So help me out, Aoi fans. Why are you drawn to her? What are your favorite things about her? And are you ok with pronouncing her full name? Just curious.
I main Aoi, I like her counter centric style, I like how she can burst out with brutal attacks, and I can pronounce her name correctly, but I usually don't
Why do you hate her?
Everbody hates someone, kage pisses me off.Same reasons you like her, except for the name. Frustrating as hell. Plus she looks stupid! Stupid I tell you! In the meantime, I'm making a whimsical looking Jeffry...
Same reasons you like her, except for the name. Frustrating as hell. Plus she looks stupid! Stupid I tell you! In the meantime, I'm making a whimsical looking Jeffry...
Aoi looks stupid, but Jeffery is cool?