Thanks! Love the game. it's extremely well made. Sad it doesn't have a bigger community. I can't even find combo tutorials for characters online, I guess it's kinda freeform if you keep juggle right? there's no ability to get yourself out of juggles like in Soul Calibur?
Is it me or the netcode is GODTIER? Played a few matches on local and couldn't feel the difference with local. Am I oblivious or is it that good?
"Who is the best Brad player? I'd like to watch a few of his matches to mimic his means to confirm and what he does for his combos, etc."
Considering he currently has the highest possible rank in the arcade (and IIRC he's currently now the only player to hold that rank after his Deathmatch against Joseph), "Itoshun" probably qualifies.
Who is the best Brad player? I'd like to watch a few of his matches to mimic his means to confirm and what he does for his combos, etc.
Renzo at Southtown Arcade has a sick Brad. He busted him out at the last tournament. Almost made me want to play him.
Question about the DLC costumes though---when I d/leded the Brad costume stuff it was 1.93 GB just like the actual game. WTF? Does this mean each characters costume items are another 2GB each?
This may piss you off.
You downloaded all the costume data when you just downloaded brad, but you cannot see all of them until you buy them all. On the bright side if you do buy them all the download speed is near instant!
The game is like Tekken where its very exciting if you know whats going on, but otherwise hard to really tell the dramatic moments imo. Just a "problem" with all 3D games I guess.
Still haven't encountered a single Taka-Arashi online. The rest of the cast is well represented on PSN.
I noticed that it is much easier to find Player matches on PSN during the afternoon. At night Ranked is the only option.
This may piss you off.
You downloaded all the costume data when you just downloaded brad, but you cannot see all of them until you buy them all. On the bright side if you do buy them all the download speed is near instant!
Can anyone confirm that I wont see opponent's custom outfits without buying the rest of the DLC?
Also, sometimes I get matched against a Hunter or other high ranking player and they instantly back out. I'm still a Kyu rank, up to 2nd now. Is there a snobbery going on amongst high ranking players, or do they get less ranking points for beating scrubs like me?
Also, sometimes I get matched against a Hunter or other high ranking player and they instantly back out. I'm still a Kyu rank, up to 2nd now. Is there a snobbery going on amongst high ranking players, or do they get less ranking points for beating scrubs like me?
Well... its official.... Im addicted to this game!! ahhh
I was always huge fane of the previous VF games. None of my friends liked it so I just played the cpu at the hardest difficulty. Since the Saturn days with VF1 been using Jerky.
Now VF5 FS is the first VF game I have had that I can play online, I have owned vf1, vf remix, vf2, vf3 ( Japanese imported DC for this game alone), VF4, VF4 Evo , VF5 (PS3).
I just love the depth of this game and how its really all about reading you opponents.
Ono-san would always compare SF to Chess... I feel VF is much more accurate analogy then SF.
I too hope the community stays when TTT2 drops.
I back out not to be a dick but the fact I dont get any points from playing Kyu's or Dans. It's a little self-centered but I need to play people who I can rank up against or you feel like you're treading water sometimes.
cant find any games EU.
already dead?![]()
I back out not to be a dick but the fact I dont get any points from playing Kyu's or Dans. It's a little self-centered but I need to play people who I can rank up against or you feel like you're treading water sometimes.
Aoi's customization options suck so much. bums me out.
Really enjoying the game, finally a 3D fighting game that lives up to the promise.
If I buy one DLC costume pack can I see the customized characters online?
Any tips for a complete beginner El Blaze? This is the first VF I've really taken seriously and I find Blaze's luchador moveset awesome.
Don't use "same area".
No, you can only see the customizations of the characters that you bought it for.
Aoi's customization options suck so much. bums me out.
is Taka-Arashi decent? I kinda like the way he plays, but i cannot seem to do his 33PK > P > 43P > 6PKPP combo. the 3 P to 43P is difficult. I seem to be able to do it when I guard cancel the P, is this expected of this combo? anyone play him?
I like her in a suit... but she doesn't have the tie that I need to make her Suit Saber.
It's my first VF game. I have to say, my heart was won over by how honest this game feels. I don't feel that gimmicks are all that reliable at all.
even though it only uses three buttons, the inputs feel really tight, and highly technical. The music is good too. The character roster is extremely varied, as are the stages.
This game is something I'm going to play for a long time. the fuzzy guard tutorial made me extremely excited to play.
I'm very new so probably don't want to play with me..but if there are any other new players we should level up together.
Anyone up to play around 10pm PST? I'll probably be hitting ranked, but I'm down for some lobby play.
Also, Daily Blow-Up started:
Anyone up to play around 10pm PST? I'll probably be hitting ranked, but I'm down for some lobby play.
Also, Daily Blow-Up started: