It'd be hard not to, I've never heard of the other games before.
Never heard of Sakura games?
Also, looking on VNDB it seems the Yu-No remake has been delayed. ;(
Edit: Found an article.
It'd be hard not to, I've never heard of the other games before.
Never heard of Sakura games?![]()
Kind of sick of keeping this a secret and since I've gotten confirmation that people are on board with it I'll just say it.
Subahibi is getting an official localization.TLWiki/KeroQ are working together on an official localization of Subarashiki Hibi. Further details to come in 2016.
I wonder if they're partnering with MangaGamer or Jast as they're obviously not selling this game on Steam.If you're lying moogy, I swear...
Although knowing the content, I don't know if I can handle it anyway.![]()
It makes sense though, why else would have been sitting on a finished translation for months.
I wonder if they're partnering with MangaGamer or Jast as they're obviously not selling this game on Steam.
New Baldr title by Hiei Murasaki incoming:
So what's the best VN you played this year, VNGAF?
I gotta say YU-NO (the original). That last 10-15 hours, man. FUCK.
(yu-no spoilers!)
Sayless has become one of my favorite characters ever. Her relationship with Yu-no and Takuya is just so beautiful. I can't even bear to look at her amazing h-CGs due to how sad it feels to see her alive and happy again. :-:
The whole true route was amazing
F/SN is mine. Yu-No comes second tho. Wasn't a fan of the H scenes at all, since they don't really show anything, if you know what I mean.
So what's the best VN you played this year, VNGAF?
F/SN is mine. Yu-No comes second tho. Wasn't a fan of the H scenes at all, since they don't really show anything, if you know what I mean.
Utawarerumono Spoilers:
If you want something else with a similar genre shift to Yu-No, you should try Utawarerumono.
Also, I'm not sure how you could only take 10-15 hours.
I've been waiting forever to play the fan translation patch that was madeDoes this mean a retranslation from the ground up?
Adrift In A Cobalt Eternity is somehow still aiming for a Spring 2016 release even though they haven't received any crowd funding and they're a new company (and they have people like Shinji Hosoe and Xenoblade's composer on board).
Exogenesis has been in radio silence for quite a while now. Sigh... two promising OELVNs which don't seem to be coming anytime soon (Exogenesis was marketed as Nov 2014).
Adrift In A Cobalt Eternity is somehow still aiming for a Spring 2016 release even though they haven't received any crowd funding and they're a new company (and they have people like Shinji Hosoe and Xenoblade's composer on board).
Exogenesis has been in radio silence for quite a while now. Sigh... two promising OELVNs which don't seem to be coming anytime soon (Exogenesis was marketed as Nov 2014).
Looking forward to both of those (I even backed Exogenesis for the Vita), both look promising but as you say, no KS for Adrift in a Cobalt Eternity yet.Sigh
How did the AiaCE guys get Shinji Hosoe? Considering he's working on the actual ZE3 (and originally AiaCE was going to help fund ZE3, AFAIK) thats quite a coup. What happens with that part now?
Probably thats whats happening. Hope more news will come soon for this one (AiaCE).
Uchikoshi said Hosoe was back for ZE3 afaik (check his tweets).
IndieGala has another nukige bundle. >_>
Does anyone know if Higurashi CH2 has a voice-only patch yet? I don't want to replace the sprites or BGs.
(voice + sprite was released today it seems)
It's had a patch for a long time.
It was labeled Work In Progress and it's for Watanagashi which has only been out for like 40 days. I can't for the life of me find a voice-only patch which sucks :/
You linked to it yourself. Just follow the instructions and skip the one step where you install the graphics pack.
So Harvest December is pretty weird so far. I'm kind of surprised a VN just came out of nowhere to release on the 3DS.
Translation seems fine though.
I sure hope it does ok... Been VERY stagnant lately, most likely due to the holidays.
Translation Status Update December 27 from /r/visualnovels
Originally from /jp/ on 4chan
Fuwanovel version
Flowers - 100% translated, 23% edited
I've been wondering... these are super cheap games, but is there any substance to them? Or are they just Sakura games with cat ears?
I've been wondering... these are super cheap games, but is there any substance to them? Or are they just Sakura games with cat ears?
Nah. There not just cheap half-assed nukige. The artwork is quite nice and the music is pretty good too. And the story is pretty funny, even if It's not the greatest sfory ever.
They're better made than the Sakura games, but the "substance" is interacting with moe cat girls.
I love the neko para 2 op! it makes me happy w
I'm gonna be spending a lot more time on grisaia in january... I'm a little under halfway with common route according to my friend and the game is super funny