No $ goal mentioned. At least the tiers are less insane.
Is this the third company they create just to save face?
No $ goal mentioned. At least the tiers are less insane.
Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning Steam Edition is out. Lower price than I expected, and not a 1:1 for EU. Grabbed right away.
Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning Steam Edition is out. Lower price than I expected, and not a 1:1 for EU. Grabbed right away.
So uh GIGA is doing something, not sure what. But there was a link on the Baldr Heart site, about something called "Character1". Not sure exactly what that is. But the page does have some sweet looking shirts. Also they're having an event of some sort. Can someone with better Japanese skills translate it? I can PM the page if necessary.
Okay reading the site more, and also finding the Character1 site, it seems it's an event, that GIGA has a booth at? And they also have their own event planned there.
So, I've spotted both Dai Gyakuten Saiban (JP) and Virtue's Last Reward (US) are on sale on their respective eShops. The thing is I'm still pondering whether I should buy both (since that'd kind of stretch my gaming budget for this month), so I wanted to ask you guys for advice since the AA community hasn't replied after a couple days since I talked about it.
The biggest strike against DGS is that I still don't know enough kanji to fully understand what's going on even though I can still read enough of it to form a general concept of what's being discussed, which means I might end up missing out on vital pieces of information required to know which evidence to present or statement to press, for example.
On the other hand, I haven't played any other games in the zero escape franchise, so I don't know if I might be missing out on too many things due to that...
For reference, DGS is on sale for 50% off (so about 2.5K yen) until 04/18, and I think VLR is $15 until 04/21.
yes, they're selling goodies, holding a mini lottery where you get one roll for each 3000 yen you spend at their shop, and most importantly they have a physical trail of baldr heart for visitors to try out.
is anybody going? Although I guess they'll have a downloadable trail out sooner or later anyway.
the phoenix wright games are very pun heavy so it would depend on how much you mind missing lots of those and the more subtle hints/clues giving during cross examinations/investigations.
But well, a 50% sale is good and it's not like you have to play it right away if you buy it.
If you're going to play it I'd recommend to try and get the hang of radical searching so you can look up words you don't know yet .
edit: there's a trail of phoenix wright 6 you can use to see how well you'd manage .
Started on Lucid 9
I have enough finnish games to play as of now to start an EA one. :\
Started on Lucid 9
The opening sceneButwith an assassin (?)/killer is pretty darkLater Ryouta (the therapist) says "Let me know if you ever get the urge to murder someone"
You're a murderer?
We want to make an English version of the currently released Japanese Mobage version of Chushingura46+1.
That description of the Mobage version sounds really awful, even if there's no believe they're adopting the mobile version's business model. I don't know why they aren't just using the Vita version of the game.
This project still seems like a disaster.
Its getting better and better. What they actually want to port is not the pc version but the mobage adaptation of the game. Yes, you read it right ... the. mobage .version.
*Note: Visuals/assets courtesy of inre, Inc.
The promotional trailer shown on this page is from the PC software version released in Japan, and from the official Youtube channel of ChuShinGra 46+1, provided courtesy of Next Ninja, Ltd.
Its getting better and better. What they actually want to port is not the pc version but the mobage adaptation of the game. Yes, you read it right ... the. mobage .version.
I finished my playthrough of Higurashi Kizuna 1 getting the regular onikakushi ending, so I'm now looking around for alternate routes, since I actually expected separate episodes with minor branching choices rather than multiple arcs using the same starting point and branching based on a couple choices you make.
My only gripe with some of these is that new branch options are sometimes locked behind tips, and it and the mood wheel are both opaque ways of giving the player choices at several points through the story. It's also a bit weird how the game doesn't help you by highlighting your current route in order to make mixing and matching choices easier. For example, I got to an alternate route where Keiichi and his dad visit Angel Mort and meet Shion, but then the story just branched back into the Onikakushi route; I later read online that there's a separate arc where Shion actually matters, but that Irie doesn't shop up during the Angel Mort scene in that route.
I can get Keiichi's reactions to his everyday life with the girls shaping up the story, but things such as Irie showing up feel like pretty arbitrary things that are beyond the player's control, since Keiichi doesn't even know who Irie is at that point, for example.
Guess I'll experiment some more to see how things change after I read some more tips, but it's a shame that Kizuna being a Japan-only game means it's hard to find stuff such as route maps (and I ended up stumbling upon one for the first game in the Crunchyroll forums).
Hopefully the original devs don't get the wrong idea about why the kickstarter keeps failing![]()
Hopefully the original devs don't get the wrong idea about why the kickstarter keeps failing
you can try searching for: name of game + 攻略
I'm guessing it's these?
The whole thing is a mismanaged, deceptive disaster; I'd imagine it's clear there's interest but frankly "Japan Content" and friends seem more like a few greedy people just trying to cash in on a rapidly growing market with a good bit of money involved than a company interested in releasing a quality product.Hopefully the original devs don't get the wrong idea about why the kickstarter keeps failing![]()
How is Gahkthun?
That it is written by the person responsible for Fate/Extella and CCC and whatnot doesn't inspire in me the greatest confidence. Not to say the stories in those games were bad, but they were nothing special.
How is Gahkthun?
Huh? Sakurai didn't write for CCC and how can you even judge the writing of Extella when it's not released? Sakurai's writing is good, and it is generally praised for the quality of its prose, which doesn't come through in most translations, though Gahkthun's translation is quite good. The Steampunk series as a whole is noted for the quality of its writing.
It's basically a cross between Revolutionary Girl Utena and Demonbane.
Episodic, ridiculous setting/story/characters, an over the top writing style, etc.Huh, the first part sounds pretty great as the Anime was original as hell considering on when it was released. Second part I am not sure as I never played/saw Demonbane? Can you elaborate more?
Huh, the first part sounds pretty great as the Anime was original as hell considering on when it was released. Second part I am not sure as I never played/saw Demonbane? Can you elaborate more?
It's basically a cross between Revolutionary Girl Utena and Demonbane.
Sorry but whats OZMAFIA?Is it an acronym?
At the helm of this ambitious project is Frontwing, which has put together a team of professional translators made up of native English speakers and visual novel experts. Our localization team will work hard to deliver the best reading experience possible, creating a heavily revised translation based on the original scripts by TLWiki (see FAQ for details).
We hope to release this game in September 2016, on Steam. As the original game contains scenes with adult content, these will be replaced by less explicit scenes to ensure there are no holes in the narrative. These scenes will be newly translated. We estimate that the game will contain over 20 hours of gameplay, depending on your reading speed.
Localization: The Frontwing Translation Team
A brand new in-house translation team formed to localize games for the English-speaking market. Every member of the team is a native, or native-level, speaker of English. They have experience translating games, anime and manga, and have spent many years studying Japanese and Japanese-English translation.
Here are a few words from the translation team:
"Hi everyone, it's great to finally meet you all! As fans of the game ourselves, we are committed to creating a definitive version of Sharin that does justice to the original work. While we can't reply to questions and comments individually, we know how important it is to respect and listen to fans of the game. With little information about who we are, it's understandable that people may have some misgivings about us, but we hope we can begin to build trust with everyone from this point on."
Q: Are you going to be using the fan translation?
A: While we have permission from TLWiki to use the existing fan translation, it will only be used for reference, and the localization team will be carefully combing through it for translation, wording, and other errors. As a result, the official version will be heavily edited, although some similar passages may remain.
Sharin no Kuni Prefundia page is live. The goal is $140,000. The fandisc is a 240k stretch goal.
Receive a physical copy of the game (Windows) in a deluxe game box and a physical artbook in booklet form, as well as a thank-you letter!
Sharin no Kuni Prefundia page is live. The goal is $140,000. The fandisc is a 240k stretch goal.
Versions of the game planned for release on Steam:
Wheel Country, Sunflower Girl [Deluxe Edition]
(Includes the main game, Sound Mode, and CG Gallery)
Wheel Country, Sunflower Girl [Regular Edition]
(Main game only)
Sound Mode DLC pack
CG Gallery DLC pack
The Release Schedule of Memory's Dogma
We've translated a new blog post from LizArts with a development update about Memory's Dogma.
The production of Memorys Dogma has been progressing nicely, and we are happy to announce the schedule for Memory's Dogma. We had been working on the schedule since last year.
- Memorys Dogma will be a multi-part release
- The first chapter was the story we wanted to write when this project began, and it was originally planned to be the common route for the first week.
- We are planning to release the Japanese version in August 2016, and the dual-language version sometime between September and November 2016.
- The Japanese version (physical release) is planned to coincide with the dates for Summer Comic Market. However, it may be later.
- If there are delays, only the dual-language version will be released.
- The story is planned to be divided into 2-4 game releases.
- Kickstarter supporters will get all of the digital releases as they become available.
When the Memorys Dogma project started in 2013, it was originally planned to have a mainline scenario as the base story, and other routes were going to be branched off from the main story as sub-stories. It was going to consist of roughly 80% mainline and 20% sub-story branches.
However, with this successful Kickstarter, we decided to increase the total amount of scenarios and as well as improve the overall quality of the game (of course, this also includes improving the background art and audio). As a result of digging into each characters story more deeply, we created a main scenario for each of the heroines (Reina, Haruna, Akane, and Ema).
Doing so has enabled us to give heroines their own unique stories and characters, and write about their own problems that they are facing, which we couldnt accomplish in the previously-planned structure. This is one of those amazing things about crowdfunding. This is all thanks to those of you who supported us on Kickstarter.
We announced once last year that we had reconsidered and reconstructed the layout of the story scenarios before entering production. More scenarios simply meant that there were more materials to be made and thus more time needed. Even if we had rushed production of the game, there was no guarantee that we would be ready in time for Winter Comic Market in December. Besides, making a game quickly ultimately means we have to not make something in order to reach a deadline. Even now, we still have to do that to some extent.
For the sake of all of our supporters on Kickstarter, and the rest of you who are looking forward to playing the game, we wanted everyone to be able to play the game as soon as possible, and to ensure that the game is worth playing.
To determine how we could make a high quality game and release it as soon as possible, we consulted with Sekai Project and many others who offered their advice and support. The final decision we made was to pursue a multi-part release. We are planning to release the Japanese version in August 2016, and a dual-language release between September and November 2016.
That being said, we are working on the Reina route for the first chapter, as this was originally going to be the main story route. Since this was planned to be the common route for the first week, we thought it would be the best to have this come out first in terms of the overall story flow. Although it is possible that the release of the Japanese packaged version will be after September, we are trying our best to make it in time for Summer Comic Market in August. The number of Japanese packaged editions that will be distributed will be low, since we are going to release the dual-language version as soon as the English translation is complete. The overall story is planned to be divided into 2-4 game releases.
We are not completely sure how to divide the story yet, but we would like to split it in the best way possible for the scenarios to make sense. We are thinking of dividing this into two releases, and if this is not possible, we will have a maximum of four. Our Kickstarter backers are going to receive all of the 2-4 games, no matter how many releases the title is divided into. We are going to continue to do our best, and we would like you to stay with us as we work to bring Memorys Dogma to the public.
We're still working out how to deliver the physical versions to backers. As shipping each game individually will be very costly. We're also going to try something a bit new this time. We would like to get backer's opinion gathered on our forums so we can better organize and search comments. So please give us your ideas or thoughts on this latest update here.
That's a first...