Dog and piss play.
I might try that one, even though I'm not a fan of the art.
Jesus. I honestly didn't remember those. And I thought No, thank you!!! was bad. It has nothing on this game.
Dog and piss play.
I might try that one, even though I'm not a fan of the art.
Jesus. I honestly didn't remember those. And I thought No, thank you!!! was bad. It has nothing on this game.
Why did you think NTY!!! was bad?
The whole VN was basically a huge rapefest, aside from half of one route.
I've found two Hadaka Shitsuji screenshots on vndb that'd completely turn me off, not sure I'll be getting that one.
Yeah, that was pretty much the same sentiment of what I'd played of hadaka shitsuji. Trash, pretty much.
What the fuck did I just see
"Uchi says that since Ever17 isn't well-known in the west, decided to reuse some ideas in ZE - important to show it to more people. #AX2016"
Doesn't that sound lazy? "I did a fine work, but since people overseas didn't get to experience it, I'll reuse it on other games."
Well this is one of the main issues I had with VLR, it was uninspired and recycled.
I haven't played ZTD yet so I don't know if he found his muse again there.
Being absolutely new to otome VNs, was the latter a decent choice among games in its genre?
I ended up getting Fata Morgana from Steam, and also got Amnesia as well since it seemed okay. Being absolutely new to otome VNs, was the latter a decent choice among games in its genre?
WotWas one of themthe penis nipples?
I try to convince myself by calling ZE a spiritual successor to Infinity because despite the twist reusal being uninspired BS I want to love Ever17 and VLR both."Uchi says that since Ever17 isn't well-known in the west, decided to reuse some ideas in ZE - important to show it to more people. #AX2016"
Doesn't that sound lazy? "I did a fine work, but since people overseas didn't get to experience it, I'll reuse it on other games."
Sölf;208817448 said:Why not a play on the epitaph? But with "post" instead of "kill". :0
Island English release confirmed:
Might give this a spin someday to see if Euphoria has desentesized me to everything or not.
I try to convince myself by calling ZE a spiritual successor to Infinity because despite the twist reusal being uninspired BS I want to love Ever17 and VLR both.
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni |OT| Thread Of The Witch
So many titles I'm unfamiliar with... Mostly eroge but any all-age Steam titles? I see that the one Otome from Mangagamer will have both versions come out.
Other all-ages titles?
There's Island from Frontwing and I imagine that MangaGamer's two moege titles will get Steam releases.
I try to convince myself by calling ZE a spiritual successor to Infinity because despite the twist reusal being uninspired BS I want to love Ever17 and VLR both.
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni |OT| Thread Of The Witch
I'm pretty glad I didn't play Ever17 back when it WAS getting some mention in the west, since probably wouldn't like ZE anywhere as much if I did.
On that topic, since I DO like ZE so much, should I give Danganronpa a try? I have it already but haven't played. I know Uchikoshi didn't write it but, you know, giving the whole company the benefit of the doubt.
Danganronpa is worth playing, but it's not quite the same kind of experience as ZE.
Other all-ages titles?
There's Island from Frontwing and I imagine that MangaGamer's two moege titles will get Steam releases.
Dal Segno is getting an all-ages Steam version. That's the only one they said that about.
Oh and the otome game.
IMO the only notable game at JAST that isn't just a dumb porn thing was Katahane and that game's really boring.
Looks like there's two versions of that one, but I assume they haven't said which they are doing. Being JAST, I'm going to guess both.
Sharin no Kuni KS isn't doing so hot.
It's not Root Double bad, as it's trending towards 150% of the goal so far, but they might not hit the stretch goals. :\
WOOOOOOIsland English release confirmed:
I've been to /d/ before lol what's the worst it could be?Wot doesn't even begin to cover it. You probably shouldn't google it though - it's a very scarring image.
I'm pretty glad I didn't play Ever17 back when it WAS getting some mention in the west, since probably wouldn't like ZE anywhere as much if I did.
On that topic, since I DO like ZE so much, should I give Danganronpa a try? I have it already but haven't played. I know Uchikoshi didn't write it but, you know, giving the whole company the benefit of the doubt.
"Uchi says that since Ever17 isn't well-known in the west, decided to reuse some ideas in ZE - important to show it to more people. #AX2016"
Doesn't that sound lazy? "I did a fine work, but since people overseas didn't get to experience it, I'll reuse it on other games."
It's kinda hard to say. When it comes to the main stories being connected there is almost nothing linking the two (as in Umineko is not a sequel to Higurashi in a traditional sense at all) but at the same time there are a few Higurashi cameos/callbacks that can give huge plot points away if you read between the lines. You 100% can jump straight to Umi without knowing anything about Higu but if you plan to play Higu after Umi I'm more conflicted about recommending it.
It's a really tough situation. Higurashi chapters could be released a bit faster I agree but at the same time they already have 3 episodes out. And remember, Umineko has 8 episodes in total and they only release the first half next week so who knows how the releases will cross.
You can of course watch Higurashi+Higu Kai anime and go to Umineko VN from there. Unlike the anime adaptation of Umi, Higu was decent.
I guess Fruitbat Factory lost Eiyuu Senki's license to JAST, that'd explain why they said the Vita release isn't happening anymore.
Couldn't it be that Fruitbat Factory has console rights, and JAST USA has PC rights?
Tweet JAST and askEiyuu Senki to me is worth it even if only for Ooyari Ashito's art. My preferred foreheads artist.
Too bad it's not GOLD (it's not GOLD, right?).