Honestly, they're making money just from the visual novel's fame. They're putting no work towards the campaign whatsoever.
This is what bothers me the most about them, honestly.
They're skating by on the name, and they'll probably make it, and they'll think they were in the right to approach the project this way because it was successful.
They'll likely ignore the fact that if the project were being run by someone competent it could have been far, far
more successful.
If they'd done a decent job then (at least some of) the stretch goals would have been givens rather than unlikely bonuses. And they were good goals - a vita port, localisation of the fanbook,
localisation of Kaziklu Bey as well. We could have gotten there, and we're going to lose out if the project is popular enough to meet the bar, but not run well enough to get that bit further.
And Light won't really get to see the sort of reception the project
could have commanded, which depending on their actual expectations could impact on future projects (if they were expecting a runaway success like their Japanese fundraiser for the anime. They asked for 30million yen and got over
96million. Yeah, a large part of that is because people are already fans, but coming off the back of that I imagine they expected a bit
more from the kickstarter than crawling to the finish line).