So guys, I was going to catch myself up on the Infinity games, with all this hype going around about Zero Escape 3 reminding me it exists. The thing is, I'm not quite sure which ones are part of the canonical series?
From what I'm seeing, there are three Infinity games: Never7, Ever17, and Remember11, which are in that order. But, there's also Code18 and Riven12. It seems as though most people don't consider Code18 canon, so it seems safe to ignore if I want to.
I think I got all that right. So, my three questions are:
1. Where exactly does Riven12 fall into all this? I can't tell if it's canon or not, or if it's worth looking into.
2. Regardless of their canon status, are Riven12 and Code18 good VNs? Are they worth a read?
3. I've already played Ever17, so should I tackle Never7 or Remember11 next? Or does it not matter too much?
Thanks guys~