Now he ran away.
Muv-Luv Alternative Spoilers
Back home?
Guy just can't catch a fucking break, holy shit.
Ummmmmm guys, guess what's getting adapted?
装甲悪鬼村正;161390803 said:Celia -senpai ~ (´∀`
Finished Walkure Romanze Re:Tell 2 and it was good, because more Celia is always good. But still, it's seriously time for Ricotta to move the fuck on, they've been doing nothing but Walkure Romanze for like, half a decade. I guess they can't be arsed because releasing yet another Celia figurine is going to make them more money than most companies earn with their full-price games. At some point Komori Kei just has to feel the urge to draw new characters though.
So are things still safe to talk about in here?
That's incredibly vague and could be referring to one of several things, please elaborate.
Chances are the answer is yes as long as it doesn't go overboard.
Mainly just if I'm allowed to talk about stuff like Saya no Uta for its amazing atmosphere and OST or criticize Killer Queen for having the most boring usage ever of a generally proven premise.
Fortunately, it seems like as long as the content gaf finds objectionable doesn't become the forefront of the conversation, games like those are still fine to talk about.
Given the previous and repeated nature of the problem topics in gaming, as long as things stay on topic, which they generally have (let us not forget what happened to that guy who was a little busy trying to run his own crusade a few pages back) we should be fine. This has never really been the place to discuss or argue the "artistic merit" of the games, something I mentioned in the OP (rules bullet #3). Unless a mod steps in to tell me otherwise, I see no reason we can't talk about things like ost, plot, characters, ect.
If we've asked people not to talk about a particular game, that includes in this thread and every other community thread. If you think that making a thread about a game would result in the mods banning it from discussion, that seems like a pretty good indication that you shouldn't talk about it.
World End Economica Ep2 is finally completely translated. There's just the editing and engine work left. Hopefully the delays are over.
World End Economica Ep2 is finally completely translated. There's just the editing and engine work left. Hopefully the delays are over.
As someone who is getting the physical copy, I'll have to wait till ep 3 is translated before I get that reward in.
Some many projects right now. I can't wait until they start finishing them upGrisaia is getting close to completion (well, Fruit, anyways) but still a bunch that are up in the air. I wonder where they are on Clannad, for example.
Vita version when?
Clannad had a progress update in March, but it'd be nice to hear more often. Though it's a big enough project that I imagine it will take some time.
Meanwhile, Exogenesis is still in limbo...
This is why I don't do Kickstarter. Shame
Of course if someone said they were making a Danganronpa-inspired game, I might have to donate regardless.
I got burned by the Dysfunctional Systems sequel KS. Thankfully it was only 10 Canadian Dollars.
Sekai Prokject's Kickstarters haven't delivered anything but Fault Milestone One, but that was good. We'll see what happens with the rest.
WEE was a kickstarter, unless you consider it not delivering until all three chapters are out.
Episode one was already out before the KS and wasn't even translated by Sekai Project. The crowdfunding was for the 2nd and 3rd episodes. They haven't delivered anything yet other than delays.
Hang in there!Muv-Luv Alternative December 23th
Hang in there!
They redid the script for ep 1, didn't they? I've heard the original one was basically Engrish.
Sekai Prokject's Kickstarters haven't delivered anything but Fault Milestone One, but that was good. We'll see what happens with the rest.
bzzz, wrong
The success of this (I know a few people who backed it way back when) is one of the only reasons I even decided to back their stuff in the first place. I have faith that SP will deliver.
Exogenesis is the first project of a new team, and their last update was a joke update on the first of April. The one before that was in March.
The original date was December last year, but according to the updates they had a lot of problems in terms of employees for porting the game to Unity.
Apparently that Project ACE game has been put back to early next year. Looks very interesting.
This seems to be following in the wake of Exogenesis.
Which means I will totally back it but it probably will not arrive until much, much, much later.