Seconding this. The changes have been massive improvements in my mind, and I'm actually friends with Tay (the new head) now. Aaeru and I did not get along very well, I know I've posted about it before so just search or something.
I never heard of that site before, but I guess that's because I'm not that much into VNs yet. Does anyone know if actual fan translation groups go there?
I was thinking about going back into fansubbing and fan translating in order to keep polishing my Japanese, so I'd be thrilled if I could hop into some translation project (as long as it isn't for a blatant eroge, I guess).
Fuwa is basically THE place for EL vn discussion. I know of multiple translation groups that are based or started there.
Speaking of translations, I have a bit of news I guess. I was going to keep it a secret originally but I've been blabbering away about it on twitter so no real point in that.
I've been working on setting up a project for myself, and unfortunately the tools for said game are long gone and I wasn't able to find a competent hacker so I've been working on it myself, and things are looking up. I have a script and a very good idea of how to put it all back together, I've just been incredibly busy and have another non-school programming commitment to finish first, but I hope to have repacked text working this weekend. Fun stuff.
The other piece of news is a little more interesting, and I'm honestly not sure how much of it I should talk about, so apologies for vagueness. Light's games aren't so invincible after all. I haven't been able to produce a script yet, but I have lots and lots of working assets. The encryption is off the wall crazy though. The dream of translating Soranica Ele is only mostly insane now.