I think this will end up being a weird question, and please feel free to PM me instead if you think a reply is better as I do not want to derail anything in the thread.
If I was someone who wanted to learn a bit of Japanese on the side at some point, are the localizations that the big VN companies provide good enough to use as a reference point, or are they good to really great localizations (possibly outside of Go Go Nippon and I wouldn't know how good that localization is of course) and just leave it at that?
Thank you very much.
I think this will end up being a weird question, and please feel free to PM me instead if you think a reply is better as I do not want to derail anything in the thread.
If I was someone who wanted to learn a bit of Japanese on the side at some point, are the localizations that the big VN companies provide good enough to use as a reference point, or are they good to really great localizations (possibly outside of Go Go Nippon and I wouldn't know how good that localization is of course) and just leave it at that?
Thank you very much.
SERN will take care of that.
Probably for Vita as most VNs are released on that platform.
Licensed LN/anime adaptations are mostly on handhelds though.
I want to know Japanese, but I don't have the time or the patience to actually learn it. We have spaceships and computers already, where's my "download a book into your BRAIN and absorb the knowledge" machine??
How good is your current level of Japanese? I think trying to read VNs won't work at all unless you know most basic kanji.
Trying to learn words by looking at the translations would also be a bad idea, since a good translation sometimes opts to rephrase things so that they work better in the new language, which would result in you picking up the wrong words.
If you really want to learn and have at least enough to get by, then you could try joining a fan translation team or something, like I have. It's definitely a good way to practice and pick up new words (as long as you aren't slow enough at TLing that you end up slowing the whole development down).
I'm actually having a hard time answering this in the realization it's been years since I played a localized game, wow w. From what I have played and read, if you're looking for the most literal translation, I would look in to KonoSora. That said, it has some more complex technical words that I had to look up when I was playing, so there is that.
Memory's Dogma has been greenlit!
Also, the physical stretch goal has been reached. Well, actually, they decided to add it early. Backers can choose it as an addon for $40, and backers who pledge $250 get it for free.
Would I be able to just back the game for the $5 wallpaper and then add on $40, or would I need to actually get a reward tier with a game key? Everything else I've pledged to already had the physical game as a reward tier, so I'm not sure with this one!
Assuming it works the same way as all the rest of Sekai's kickstarters, (backerkit) then yes.
I'm reading Grisaia no Kajitsu its pretty okay the common route was funny but the girls routes are incredibly underwhelming.
The common is just a slice of life / comedy route and does not reflect the awesome heroine routes.
The common route is by far the strongest part of the VN. Grisaia is best when it's a slice of life comedy.
I'd like to play some moege, but I don't know what's good. Well, I have some idea of what's good, but I'd like to get an answer from people with experience. Anyone have any recommendations? Translated or untranslated is fine. Thanks.
Edit: The Moege Awards looks like it has some good choices. Strangely they classify the Grisaia series as moege.
Vaguest question I've ever heard, it's like half of all games released. Do you have a VNDB I can look at to help narrow it down?
Just a warning that I have a huge wishlist, I pretty much add anything that even remotely interests me.
Yeah, no kidding. Damn
My wishlist is 3 games over a page and it holds everything I would consider playing for now, holy hell.
Looking at that list of what you have, KonoSora is probably the go to if you don't want to buy anything. I can't really comment on the translation or the patch, What I've played of it is from the original. Otherwise without votes it's a bit of a guessing game for me, I can tell you liked F/SN and that's it.
I'd like to play some moege, but I don't know what's good. Well, I have some idea of what's good, but I'd like to get an answer from people with experience. Anyone have any recommendations? Translated or untranslated is fine. Thanks.
Edit: The Moege Awards looks like it has some good choices. Strangely they classify the Grisaia series as moege.
グッド!Finished ep 3 of Umineko a few days ago. First one where I felt glad I played it instead of just rewatching that part in the anime. Good stuff, even after having seen its anime counterpart (which was when I dropped it, so 4 and up is all new to me).
Unfortunately, ep 4 has been a chore so far. There's been some interesting stuff here and there, but I REALLY don't care about Ange's relationship with those 7 purgatory fucks, nor do I think her life in general needs to be shown for 5 hours, ESPECIALLY when it interrupted an actually interesting part in the world of 1986.
Like seriously, 90% of this could be trimmed down to 1/5 of what it was and the point would still get across well. Everything over ep1-3 could have been told in 10-15 hours, and ep 4 isn't shaping up to be any better paced.
Ep 5 better be worth it like you guys said.
I don't play as many (PC) VNs as I used to.. mostly because sitting at my desk for long periods of time is getting uncomfortable.
Figured someone here would know of a way to play them in a portable fashion? (Besides getting a laptop) I've seen people recommend Windows tablets but I'd have no idea which one to get.
I've tried Teamviewer to stream my pc to my phone but eh, it's just too slow. The Vita remote desktop thing is too slow as well sadly..
I don't play as many (PC) VNs as I used to.. mostly because sitting at my desk for long periods of time is getting uncomfortable.
Figured someone here would know of a way to play them in a portable fashion? (Besides getting a laptop) I've seen people recommend Windows tablets but I'd have no idea which one to get.
I've tried Teamviewer to stream my pc to my phone but eh, it's just too slow. The Vita remote desktop thing is too slow as well sadly..
There is a program called VNDS Interpreter for Android (IIRC) which lets some VN's run on Android devices. I don't know if it can run most VN or if they require a game-by-game patch.
I'm sure most of you are already aware of this but Groupees has a VN bundle going on right now. NSFW, btw.
If you want more info here are the vndb pages:
Go! Go! Nippon! (Slightly NSFW)
Aselia (NSFW)
Demonbane (NSFW)
Edelweiss (NSFW)
Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia (side story for Edelweiss, not in bundle) (NSFW)
Obscene Medical Records of a Married Nurse (NSFW)
Also it's weird to not see anything added to that bundle since most of the ones I get from there do.
Thanks for the email. Please email me again at end June, I hope to have more information then.
Best regards,
Not to stir anything up again, but Reading Steiner (one of the Steins;Gate translators) posted another teasing image on /a/:
A few days earlier he posted on Vitagen regarding the Steins;Gate release and the future of the Science Adv series:
In addition, some people have emailed PQube regarding future localizations, and received responses along the lines of
Of course, this is all 4chan-sourced, but it certainly couldn't hurt to take Steiner's advice.AND ALSO MAINTAIN HYPE
Not to stir anything up again, but Reading Steiner (one of the Steins;Gate translators) posted another teasing image on /a/:
A few days earlier he posted on Vitagen regarding the Steins;Gate release and the future of the Science Adv series:
In addition, some people have emailed PQube regarding future localizations, and received responses along the lines of
Of course, this is all 4chan-sourced, but it certainly couldn't hurt to take Steiner's advice.AND ALSO MAINTAIN HYPE
Maybe more Science ADV games?![]()
Last day or so for the visual novel bundle, just bought the $4 tier myself:
Every single game there looks terrible but got $1 tier just to have on Steam and never play.
Aselia the Eternal is supposed to be really good.