I got caught out by the game using the same plot twists multiple times. It did imply that "Kid" in Kid's route was different to "Kid" in Takeshi's route, using amnesia to hide it... It never even crossed my mind that "Takeshi" was different between the two routes as well. Retrospectively, I'm surprised Tsugumi didn't just snap at Kaburaki in Kid's route, rather than merely being massively distrustful of him.
I definitely liked the Kaburaki reveal - again, it's not something I'd ever considered, even though the explanation ended up being pretty simple. I thought that maybe You'haru' had been infected by Cure, explaining why she looked very young for a 35-year-old, but I didn't expect Cure to be invoked a third time to explain Kaburaki's identity!
My favourite part of the true ending was the hinting at Tsugumi's family (namely, Cure's relation to infrared vision, and the lullaby's name), and the subsequent reunion. Tsugumi definitely shot up in my estimation there.
I wasn't a huge fan of the things that happened after that - they seemed pretty contrived. Hokuto reviving Takeshi through the
power of love was just dumb, Pipi's valiant rescue effort was super implausible, and the whole time loop thing was eh. Blick Winkel was a cool idea, but doesn't really make much sense. The paradox scene was pretty unnecessary, too. I'm glad the characters got a happy ending, but some of the things used to make that happen were pretty bullshit.
A bunch of the weird stuff in the game was still unexplained (the voices in the elevator? fluctuating life readings? who was counting down in Takeshi's route, or if it was BW imagining things, why did everyone else hear it? who kicked the can in Kid's route? etc)
The second countdown timer counts down to the start of the second incident, a.k.a. the plot twist that You's ending makes waaaay too obvious. I wish I hadn't gotten that ending first