That should be enough for you people! LISTEN TO THIS MAN
Ha, I dunno, Moobs...this thread is a bit of a different beast from the wonky love-ins we usually inhabit. I do love me some ugly ducklings.
You sound different when you talk about good games, than compared to decent games. These impressions sound more convincing than the rocketbirds one

What was the price for EscapeVektor and what are the different modes?
Rocketbirds is a great game, but I don't think it's a must-own if you're not totally sold on what a Delphine software platformer would feel like these days. I'm not a huge platformer fan, but love me some Flashback/Another World/Oddworld puzzle-platforming where the gameplay focus is far more about a measured approach than skill-based reaction and timing.
It's pretty divisive and thus I wouldn't pimp it hard in a thread such as this one. I don't like pushing a game in a non-OT thread where the chance of accommodating a game's quirks is far less tolerated.
However, escapeVektor has a greater appeal because it's mechanical sharp as a tack and is much more a known quantity given its simple parameters. Modes are normal, timed and eraser - eraser being really tricky, given you're playing the usual hectic craziness, but you can't go back over your claimed cell lines without scrubbing them.
The scoring system is pretty good, too. It has the usual bronze, silver, gold, platinum medals...but then you get badges and score modifiers for things like claiming multiple cells at once, getting two kills with a single detonation, going passive and not detonating etc.
There's also the ability to essentially bet on yourself and apply, say, a double modifier prior to doing a level - which is awesome when you start getting competitive on the leaderboards. If you fail, you lose the modifier.
Well worth the price of admittance. I'll admit a sliver of the reason I'm happy to support such an excellent game is that they're an Australian mob and I've got to support my countrymen - Australian development is a tough gig outside of iOS it seems - but regardless, this arcade puzzler is one I feel many would enjoy.
It has a slightly slow start, but once you start seeing the abilities at work and the complexity of levels increase, escapeVektor becomes something very cool indeed.