So I want to get serious for a second here:
Do you guys think the Vita really is in trouble, after that random stream that didn't reveal anything big except a price cut? I mean, we've all been holding on for the ride, just patiently hoping it would be fine after a price cut and some new games but I'm starting to actually get really concerned now.
This is my favorite handheld, and one of my favorite gaming platforms of all time. I want it to be around long, and to get lots of good games. I just feel like Sony isn't money-hatting enough third parties, or they're not forcing enough of their first party devs to make projects for it.
I'm pretty sure Naughty Dog said outright that they don't want to touch the Vita, which is pretty lame considering Sony pays their bills and could make them put out a game for it - they just don't. That's the main problem Sony has, they don't or can't push their studios to support their handhelds because they're a lot more flexible than Nintendo and Microsoft are.
Sure we have Cambridge making KZ: Mercenary and a part of MM making Tearaway, but neither are dedicated Vita studios.
Honestly, they should have either set one to two studios as Vita developers, and have them only make Vita games - or at the very least have smaller teams within their bigger studios work on nothing but Vita games. There just isn't anything iconic coming out for the Vita currently, and Sony is obviously not money-hatting third parties anymore so... it's just a damned shame.
Sorry, I just got a bit upset after seeing countless posts crying for the death of the Vita. It's just rough considering how much I like the system and it's games.