Blue = Vita Red = Blood Purple = DeadSo, the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus Official Thread will be going up tomorrow.
Any last minute suggestions for a tagline?
I'm still thinking of going for "More Blood, Less Frames" but if anyone has an idea that they want me to consider, speak up!
So, why is no one mentioning how AMAZING that Soul Sacrifice trailer was?
Honestly it looks just amazing. What worries me is that there's zero marketing for the game so far, and I assume since Sony is transitioning to their new marketing firm it'll probably be sent out to die. It could be a killer app for the Vita :\ Also, someone mentioned before that the environments are just one big arena but those environments look pretty awesome/huge..
Edit: Also I'm knee deep in NG Sigma+, what was that display correction you guys were making?
For me I just find the art style to be a complete turnoff. I simply don't want to spend time in that world. It looks dark, dreary, and utterly uninspired. More power to those who like it though.![]()
When is the embargo up? I'm still on the fence but will consider it anyways if it gets good reviews. Especially with that PS+ discountPeople who enjoy the genre should be excited about Trials. It's very good.
For me I just find the art style to be a complete turnoff. I simply don't want to spend time in that world. It looks dark, dreary, and utterly uninspired. More power to those who like it though.![]()
That video looks better graphically than I remembered from my experiences with the Japanese demo. I wonder if Marvelous/SCEJ polished up the graphics.So, why is no one mentioning how AMAZING that Soul Sacrifice trailer was?
Honestly it looks just amazing. What worries me is that there's zero marketing for the game so far, and I assume since Sony is transitioning to their new marketing firm it'll probably be sent out to die. It could be a killer app for the Vita :\ Also, someone mentioned before that the environments are just one big arena but those environments look pretty awesome/huge..
For me I just find the art style to be a complete turnoff. I simply don't want to spend time in that world. It looks dark, dreary, and utterly uninspired. More power to those who like it though.![]()
Blue = Vita Red = Blood Purple = Dead
The health potions are blue in NG and it's also Vita's colour was my thinking. Plus Blue + Red = Purple
Easy, of course! (I know this is ~12h ago but hey.)I would, but everytime my Near says it picked one up, I cant actually find it in Treasure Park
The direct message thing still works though, will do that then
Edit: Done and won!Will send you one in return. Want an easy or hard one? ;p
Don't mean this in an offensive way at all but I couldn't help but find a slither of irony in the way you call MH archaic, yet violence with blood and gore is okay with you, even attractive, in a game. A little archaic?Well I'm personally a fan of dark, gritty, grimy and or post apocalyptic things so I guess my opinion isn't as validDon't get me wrong, I can enjoy high fantasy or cutesy stuff (like DJMAX) but my bread and butter is dark stuff. This game looks like it has buckets of blood and gore so I'm right on board. I think the violence will probably hold this game back from being as widely appealing as MH is.
Still, I stand by my statement that MH is archaic and people should stop putting so much stock into the franchise.
Facebook works pretty good, but no WhatsApp. The browser isn't as good as I hoped it would be. It's ok but a far cry from browsing on an iPad
I just want a dedicated gaming handheld that I could also use to surf the web on wifi connections and chat via WhatsApp or Skype.
The new multiplayer in the new Ratchet & Clank game is pretty MOBA-ish. You have to buy base defenses and creeps, and there's a resource gathering phase before you can assault the enemy base, but over all it's pretty MOBA.This... this is what I've been wanting on Vita. Maybe not rednecks but I've been wanting a MOBA on the Vita. So happy right now - hopefully we don't have to wait like 6-8 months for them to localize it on the American servers (despite it being in English).
Sony Bend has been handheld exclusive for nearly a decade. And the Cambridge team has been working on Killzone since before the Vita launched, and they previously did LittleBigPlanet PSP. I wouldn't be surprised if they start on a Vita game based on the new IP Guerrilla is supposed to have in the works after Mercenary, though it will likely be years before that game will be out.Honestly, they should have either set one to two studios as Vita developers, and have them only make Vita games - or at the very least have smaller teams within their bigger studios work on nothing but Vita games.
The new multiplayer in the new Ratchet & Clank game is pretty MOBA-ish. You have to buy base defenses and creeps, and there's a resource gathering phase before you can assault the enemy base, but over all it's pretty MOBA.
Sony Bend has been handheld exclusive for nearly a decade. And the Cambridge team has been working on Killzone since before the Vita launched, and they previously did LittleBigPlanet PSP. I wouldn't be surprised if they start on a Vita game based on the new IP Guerrilla is supposed to have in the works after Mercenary, though it will likely be years before that game will be out.
I guess I should have been more specific. I just need Facebook, YouTube, Skpye, WhatsApp, and a good browser. Doing research on the net the Vita browser is considerably worse than mobile safari and chrome.
I just want a dedicated gaming handheld that I could also use to surf the web on wifi connections and chat via WhatsApp or Skype.
Niiiice! Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus is 23£ (27) on
Tecmo you just sold a copy.
Edit: Also I'm knee deep in NG Sigma+, what was that display correction you guys were making?
Velocity fans heads up.
Dear neogaffers - it's all very well having stats but how do we analyse those stats? I have a proposal. If you press the triangle button on the stats screen I'll run a simple maths formula on all the stats and print up a message - e.g. "ricen beans salutes you!" - where the name is chosen based on the formula. Who wants their neogaf name to be in the game? Or your real name if you prefer. Post a reply here and I'll add you to the array. James likes the idea and it's no problem to code it in.
Robin Jubber, Futurlab, Feb 2013
Post in here
Gamma: 1.1
Brightness: 0.0
Contrast: 1.1
Speaking of which, beat the Dyno rebattle on Saturday evening. Need to go grind essence to get the potions back before I go into the base. Even with button controls the bow controls are AWFUL since you can't turn the six-axis off to where it fucks with your aiming and if you twitch slightly while firing the bow you're fucked. D:
I'm going to buy a $50 PSN card. Vitabros, fill my budget for me.
Hot Shots - $35
Kyntt Underground - $9
MGS3 - $20
Rayman Origins - $27
Sine Mora - $10
Sly Cooper - $27
Sonic Racing - $30
Resistance: Burning Skies - $25
I'm going to buy a $50 PSN card. Vitabros, fill my budget for me.
Hot Shots - $35
Kyntt Underground - $9
MGS3 - $20
Rayman Origins - $27
Sine Mora - $10
Sly Cooper - $27
Sonic Racing - $30
Resistance: Burning Skies - $25
Not sure where you live but, it's selling at 9.99$ in Canada. Even at that price and being a big resistance fan myself, I am not touching nihilistic games.
I'm going to buy a $50 PSN card. Vitabros, fill my budget for me.
Hot Shots - $35
Kyntt Underground - $9
MGS3 - $20
Rayman Origins - $27
Sine Mora - $10
Sly Cooper - $27
Sonic Racing - $30
Resistance: Burning Skies - $25
Yeah, the the R&C game got delayed, but unless the development has completely derailed it should be out before Deathmatch Village, so it will be the Vita's first taste of MOBA.Didn't R&C Vita get delayed again?
And from what I've played, LBP PSP kind of sucked... I wouldn't have thought it was Bend after playing Uncharted:GA.
I'm going to buy a $50 PSN card. Vitabros, fill my budget for me.
Hot Shots - $35
Kyntt Underground - $9
MGS3 - $20
Rayman Origins - $27
Sine Mora - $10
Sly Cooper - $27
Sonic Racing - $30
Resistance: Burning Skies - $25
I'm going to buy a $50 PSN card. Vitabros, fill my budget for me.
Hot Shots - $35
Kyntt Underground - $9
MGS3 - $20
Rayman Origins - $27
Sine Mora - $10
Sly Cooper - $27
Sonic Racing - $30
Resistance: Burning Skies - $25
But not by purchasing the digital version right?For $3 more you can have both Vita and PS3 versions of the game...
When is the embargo up? I'm still on the fence but will consider it anyways if it gets good reviews. Especially with that PS+ discount
So Hot Shots price is messed up, I'll wait on that. I'll but on Sine Mora so that leaves me with $40. Rayman, MGS3, and Sonic are what I go to next. Thoughts on these three?
When is the embargo up? I'm still on the fence but will consider it anyways if it gets good reviews. Especially with that PS+ discount
So Hot Shots price is messed up, I'll wait on that. I'll but on Sine Mora so that leaves me with $40. Rayman, MGS3, and Sonic are what I go to next. Thoughts on these three?
People who enjoy the genre should be excited about Trials. It's very good.
So, why is no one mentioning how AMAZING that Soul Sacrifice trailer was?
Honestly it looks just amazing. What worries me is that there's zero marketing for the game so far, and I assume since Sony is transitioning to their new marketing firm it'll probably be sent out to die. It could be a killer app for the Vita :\ Also, someone mentioned before that the environments are just one big arena but those environments look pretty awesome/huge..
Edit: Also I'm knee deep in NG Sigma+, what was that display correction you guys were making?
Yeah I think I'll do that.You could try the demos for Sonic and Rayman.
So, why is no one mentioning how AMAZING that Soul Sacrifice trailer was?
Honestly it looks just amazing. What worries me is that there's zero marketing for the game so far, and I assume since Sony is transitioning to their new marketing firm it'll probably be sent out to die. It could be a killer app for the Vita :\ Also, someone mentioned before that the environments are just one big arena but those environments look pretty awesome/huge..
Edit: Also I'm knee deep in NG Sigma+, what was that display correction you guys were making?
Don't mean this in an offensive way at all but I couldn't help but find a slither of irony in the way you call MH archaic, yet violence with blood and gore is okay with you, even attractive, in a game. A little archaic?
Kinda reminded me of something else, I'll ask you about it soon.
The new multiplayer in the new Ratchet & Clank game is pretty MOBA-ish.
Sony Bend has been handheld exclusive for nearly a decade. And the Cambridge team has been working on Killzone since before the Vita launched, and they previously did LittleBigPlanet PSP.
Gamma: 1.1
Brightness: 0.0
Contrast: 1.1
Then on December 24 it went on sale ($12.49 for regular users, $8.74 for Plus) for a week... but after that week was up they returned it to the old price of $35.99 instead of $17.99.
Great to hear!
Looks cool. Nice to see some more non-dark and dreary environments. I may have to get this when it comes out.
I concur on SS looking quite amazing...
maybe its because I've never gotten into MH before...but tbh, Toukiden, God Eater 2, and SS all looked REALLY fun to me...Similar style to MH, but not inferior in the least. Dunno why the hate against what potentially looks like awesome titles...
I think I did but it varies. For example we saw the front of the town of the Cerberus boss and the insides with Cerberus himself. Same thing with the harpy.
I think it's the thought that nothing can compare to MH because MH essentially pioneered the genre. People just don't want to let it go, people don't want iteration especially when it jumped to another platform (for now) and they're generally using it as an example of the Vita's troubles.