I still havent see a single nyx prime piece or Nova Prime piece
I still havent see a single nyx prime piece or Nova Prime piece
So much for my casual play of solo and sometimes two to three player co-op with friends. Its just not going to happen. I'll add it to the growing list.Yeah, Mesa will be tough, but as long as you're working with the clan and keysharing, every key you make will get you four runs. I'll bet two or three keys gets most of us squared away.
I just threw all my kubrows in the freezer. Too much work to keep 'em going, and I mostly just use Helios to get scans anyway.Add that to the unavoidable 75,000 credit regular upkeep costs for Kubrows and the more casual players are being left behind. It's a very different beast from PS4 launch Warframe.
The rest of the team just sees the screen flicker black twice times, like with the Stalker and Harvester.Ok, so I've pissed off the Red Veil syndicate and they've sent some stuff after me twice.
When the dude comes on screen and signals the attack does everyone in the mission see it or just me?
Gah! So many rules to trading that I don't learn about until I'm actually trying to trade with someone. Wanted to trade a helmet blueprint for a mod but you actually have to trade the thing once it's conpletes. I should read up on this stuff lol. Someone was kind enough to give me the mod I wanted in advance while I build them the helmet. Surprised they did that for a stranger. I could have been a total jerk and made off with the mod, considering he never sent me a friend request/accepted mine.
Vauban EspritUh...what helmet?
I launched mine out of the airlock as soon as I found out about that upkeep cost.I just threw all my kubrows in the freezer. Too much work to keep 'em going, and I mostly just use Helios to get scans anyway.
It says you're already in a clan. You'll have to leave that one first If your invite didn't show up let me know and I'll send it again.Can someone send me a clan invite? Name is Leunam23 on PS4.
Vauban Esprit
It says you're already in a clan. You'll have to leave that one first If your invite didn't show up let me know and I'll send it again.
Sent you one too Taz.
Hmm. The guy was mentioning something about Arcane. Didn't know what he was talking about but I hope he doesn't freak out when I offer up the helmet lol.Just making sure it wasn't arcane. Don't want to see you get taken.
You can't trade for a regular alt helmet so expect the guy to freak out when you tell him you can't do the trade. :|Hmm. The guy was mentioning something about Arcane. Didn't know what he was talking about but I hope he doesn't freak out when I offer up the helmet lol.
On a separate note, does anyone know how ciphers work? Do they just auto complete the hack regardless of its difficulty? I was thinking of building a few since they are super cheap and I'd rather not accidentally mess up in the hacking test and wait 24 hours.
Aww really? That's a shame. I'll have to give him back the mod and hope he isn't too pissed.You can't trade for a regular alt helmet so expect the guy to freak out when you tell him you can't do the trade. :|
Also, you can't use ciphers in the hacking test. But they are quite useful regardless.
Mcareen and I both have Mesa keys. Need two others. Would like to run tonight. Anybody else with a key?
You will run those keys tonight? I am still in need of one coord for making a key
Ask a clanmate haha. Seriously, if you need one just ask. That's what the clan is for, helping each other. But if you insist farming for it, it's pretty easy to get in high level defense missions.Got my first Prime! It's a Latron Prime and it looks sweet! Now I want to turn it into a beast. Anyone got advice for getting a Split Chamber?
I'll definitely try to get as many coords and keys as possible over the next week so we can run the mission as many times as possible. This is just too much of a headache for me to attempt alone.
Yeah I'm one nav short of a key. I'll hold on to em till we can all get a date worked out.
Inv sent.Can i Get an invite
Disclaimer - just coming back and barely remember how to play
I'm going to sit on mine for now. Going out of town for about a week, and hopefully I'll have 3 others to run with. mmcareen is on board and probably diecast if he can get another coordinate.
Anyone online that can send me a clan invite?
Thanks for the heads up. Jumped back in after seeing this post and had some great rounds of Defense.Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate alert on Cerberus (Pluto) - INFESTATION Outbreak - Infestation vs Grineer
Is there a beginners guide to this? Have downloaded out of curiosity on my PS4 and selected the Excalibur rig but already wondering if that was the right decision, and boy is this game confusing. Gives the same impression as Marvel Heroes when starting up - a free to play game that has been massively improved by adding lots of content and interesting stuff, but overwhelming as a new player!
Inv sent.
I don't think there's an option to reroll after you start. On the bright side, though, you can get Mag pretty early on since her parts are on Mars, which is only two planets away.I just started playing this and I chose Excalibur at the beginning. Is there any way to start over and choose one of the others? If not, I regret not picking Mag.
Also, is there a log out option or anything, or do you just close the application?
Edit: oh on ps4 by the way.
Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate alert on Cerberus (Pluto) - INFESTATION Outbreak - Infestation vs Grineer
I just started playing this and I chose Excalibur at the beginning. Is there any way to start over and choose one of the others? If not, I regret not picking Mag.
Also, is there a log out option or anything, or do you just close the application?
Edit: oh on ps4 by the way.
I don't think there's an option to reroll after you start. On the bright side, though, you can get Mag pretty early on since her parts are on Mars, which is only two planets away.
As for logging out, there isn't an option. Yky just turn off the game/console. It still feels weird to do even after a month lol
Aww dammit. Glad you can get Mag early though. Thanks guys.Ahd with that one I can craft a key, finally
I felt the same, Mag is so awesome I didnt know and chose Loki, sadly you cant reroll.
Once you get in your ship after a mission you can log out by closing the aplication.
If it's any consolation, the perk to your choice is that you have a frame that you can't build until much later in the game. And yeah I'm sure you'll get Mag in no time.Aww dammit. Glad you can get Mag early though. Thanks guys.
And you wouldn't know it when you're first starting, but Excalibur is actually the best long term option as a starter. He's a good all around frame, and he doesn't have a prime version available that keeps you from giving him an orokin reactor. No way I'd recommend giving a vanilla Mag a reactor with Mag Prime being so easy to get, and Volt is bound to be one of the next few primes.