On it, I needed one coord for another key
EDIT; top of page huh...
EDIT; top of page huh...

Converts energy into extra damage.What does L2 do when your melee weapon is out?
Somebody was bored enough to calculate the drop chances for items in Void/Derelict missions.
Just downloaded this game.
Any tips for a complete n00b?
I swear the chassis part is the hardest part to drop.
awww man those Nyx prime pieces looks so hard..
-Survival gametypes are the best place for gather resources of each planet
-Joining a clan is a must if you want to go to the void, get special weapons and frames
-Always catch up the alerts
-Save your plat for warframes spaces (you have space for two warframes in the start) and weapons spaces
-Dont rush the level and open all the loot caches
-Argon Crystal decays after two days
There is, there is! Also, max out your weapons to level 30 before selling them to make space. Your starter weapons are pretty bad though so you'll want to get some better gear when you can. You can straight up purchase the Braton for credits from the store rather than with platinum, and all blueprints on the store can be bought with credits rather than platinum.Cheers brother, don't suppose there is a GAF clan out there?
-Survival gametypes are the best place for gather resources of each planet
Dark Sector Defenses IMO
Disagree Guy, what's your PSN?
Luvs_2_Squidge is my PSN.
Only played a couple of missions so far but wow does this game look in-depth.
Clan invite sent. Once you accept it, you'll see a clan tab on the chat menu. We don't get huge numbers online like we used to, but I'm working on that, and the folks you see on will be helpful. If you see me on, send a note, and I'll party chat you through some tips and maybe help you unlock some stuff.
You'll also need to build the clan dojo key, which will give you access to tons of clan researched weapons, frames and sentinels. It should appear in your foundry.
And yes, the game is incredibly deep. It can be a bit intimidating at first, but a few basic concepts and shortcuts will carry you a long way.
Syndicate weapons/mods on weapons.So since the update every once in a while I see another frame with what looks like a semi translucent wormhole/whirlpool effect by their feet. What exactly gives this effect?
Available at 5th rank for 100k reputation. Slight stat changes and have the same syndicate 'buff meter' that you can apply using weapon augment mods.Ah thx blaise. Do they have actual syndicate exclusive weapons? I only recall seeing weapon/war frame ability mods though I haven't look too in depth at what's offered.
So I crafted a spare alad v key, should I give you to you frizby for anyone who still need mesa?
I have a key and need messa(and limbo lol) if ppl are getting a group together.
Damn this cold revenge event sucks. Lag and bugs galore.
Also looking for loki prime helm(or ppl to run t4 surv with. I have keys) and the stealth kubrow imprints.
I have a key and need messa(and limbo lol) if ppl are getting a group together.
Damn this cold revenge event sucks. Lag and bugs galore.
Also looking for loki prime helm(or ppl to run t4 surv with. I have keys) and the stealth kubrow imprints.
I never used the sindicates so far bu by the look of this change DE dont want you to get T4 keys easily but with tedious grinding. right?
Welp, I kinda felt this is going to happen. Guess I'm just gonna stock up on T4 Survivals for those R5 cores. The Telos Akbolto can wait and I think I'll just buy the Synoid Gammacor. Who know what's going to drop in T4 MD.
What are those weapons and how much do you want to sell them for?I like Interception...quite a bit actually...and I never had any intent of buying T4 keys from the syndicates. Hopefully they are replaced with something more useful.
Should have two syndicate weapons tonight, but I'm leaning toward selling them.
What are those weapons and how much do you want to sell them for?I'd rather give a clanmate platinum than a random from trading. I'm going to be on in about 4 hours.
Oh, I bought both already. I picked Hexis and Suda for the keys and the energy restore thing though.Gammacore and Mareloc
I see lots of WTB for 150, so I figure they're worth at least 200.
As much as I'd love some of your absurd platinum hoard, I'd have a hard time taking that much. Plus I'll bet you picked the same syndicates.
Edit: won't have them until after the reset and a couple of quick rep farms.
Steel Meridian / Arbiters / Cephalon Suda don't generate negative rep for each other so that's an easy group to support if you want some stuff from them. The same happens for Perrin Sequence / Red Veil / New Loka.Any suggestions on which syndicate to join? I've just hit rank 3, and am still in my excalibur frame as I haven't managed to scrounge all the bits to build another warframe yet.
Can you eventually get to max rank with all syndicates, or are you always locked into one or two?
Is t4 stuff bugged atm? Got shredded in less than 4 sec. One clip from generic lvl twentyish enemies should not kill me. Let alone that fast. I don't get why mobs hit so much harder soloing stuff.
How active is the clan during EU time zones btw?
One thing I do like about my current set up is that I was lucky enough to find a gold frame mod that just reduces the cost of all my abilities. I've maxed it out and it lets me do a Radial Javelin burst thing for only 75 energy, which is amazing on defense missions because after a certain number of mobs enough energy drops to allow me to do it again. Spamming an unlimited AE nuke is fun!
I have them on my Dpad and the last activated power is on R3. That way I can cast abilities with spammer warframes without taking my finger off of the left stick.Is there anyway to change the default power used on R1+x? Or quickly switch between them. I know you can hold down L1+R1 and hit the required pad button but it seems a bit clumsy. Is there a better way of doing powers?
Is there anyway to change the default power used on R1+x? Or quickly switch between them. I know you can hold down L1+R1 and hit the required pad button but it seems a bit clumsy. Is there a better way of doing powers?