How active is the clan during EU time zones btw?
One thing I do like about my current set up is that I was lucky enough to find a gold frame mod that just reduces the cost of all my abilities. I've maxed it out and it lets me do a Radial Javelin burst thing for only 75 energy, which is amazing on defense missions because after a certain number of mobs enough energy drops to allow me to do it again. Spamming an unlimited AE nuke is fun!
Started playing today. Could I get a clan invite please? PSN name HGFB
How does one pick a 3rd syndicate? I chose Hexis and Suda when they came out, but I don't remember how to get the sigils. I want to join Steel Meridian too, because I'm neutral with them.
PSN CzarTim if I could get a clan invite.
EST here
Inv sent. Welcome.Just started getting back into this since I checked it out at launch.
A clan invite would be appreciated! PSN - ZoundsGX
I'm trying to get going on unlocking all the missions I have available but sadly it's really difficult at times to get a group. Even then you can end up with someone barely playing and manage to blow all four revives in one go.![]()
Upgrade is triangle when in the arsenal. Appearance is square. I don't think story mode locks upgrade out.
Haven't played Warframe in a while (when Rhino Prime was new). Could somebody help me get back to speed by explaining whats happened since then? Also it seems like the clan I was in is now inactive so would it be possible to get an invite to the neogaf clan if its still active?
Ok here's a short list.
-new frames (hydroid, mirage, mesa, limbo)
-upgraded melee combat (stances with unique combo attacks + channeling system) charge attacks may return in the future (one of the devs said something along those lines in the devstream)
-probably around 100+ new mods.
-syndicates (6 factions with their own alligiences, and opposition each of which have unique rewards for progressing through a faction's ranks)
-basic framework for a quest system implemented.
-archwing (space combat)
-social hubs( coming to consoles probably either late January or early February according to what was said on the recent devstream)
-several new enemy units being added/tweaked
-complete reworking of the UI
-passive abilities for warframes will be universally applied retroactively to older frames.
-Sigils and armor cosmetic options as well as cosmetic options for your ship.
-Kubrow companions
What's your PSN? Either I or anyone else in this thread who can will send you an invite. Also if you need help with anything feel free to ask either here or in the clan chat tab in-game.
Few questions
How do you get Kubrow companions?
Any warframes/mods got significant buffs/nerfs and what new mods should I look to get?
My warframes and weapons had 0/60 points left but now most of them are 10-20 left. Did some mods get removed or the cost decreased?
My PSN is Undignify
I was in a group yesterday and someone sent us to a dark void defense mission. It was all going brilliantly. Loads of enemies dead. I had stacks of much better mod cards than I currently had.
Then we hit wave five and got utterly mullered. Sad days.
4)Yup. You only start with 2 warframe slots and there's 20+ frames. Reactors/catalysts are given on alerts but rarely, usually after a devstream.
Edit: I'll send you an clan invite tomorrow after college if someone doesn't get you before then.
Im sure this has been asked a ton but is there a decent beginners guide to the game somewhere? I completed the first set of mission and im not exactly sure what guns/powers/mods i should be using or upgrading, ect.
I'm a relatively new player getting close to rank 2. This game is filling my Destiny itch lol.
Can I get an invite to the NeoGAF clan please? My PSN is dreamsINdigital and I'm in PST.
Battle pay for infested invasions.How do I get alad v mutilist nav coordinates? Is it a drop like nav coordinates or a battle pay?
What can I say... I still enjoy the mindless farming/grinding, trading, topping the end mission damage charts and 3 hour long T4 Survivals.frizby and blaise
the true troopers of warframe ps4
Battle pay for infested invasions.
frizby and blaise
the true troopers of warframe ps4
What can I say... I still enjoy the mindless farming/grinding, trading, topping the end mission damage charts and 3 hour long T4 Survivals.