What are some of the best Weapons for each faction. The only one I'm set on is Latron Wraith vs Grinner.
Right now I'm using
Grinner: Latron Wraith/Heat Dagger
Corpus Gorgon/Furax
Infested Drakgoon/Glaive
I want to be sure I have a good weapon before I start putting potatoes in stuff.
I apologise in advance for a wall of text. I realized after typing this up that I could have answered your question in a couple sentences, but where is the fun in that?
Some weapons I can recommend:
Grineer: Latron Prime, Paris Prime, Hikou Prime
Corpus: Synoid Gammacor, Jat Kittag
Infested: Dread, Embolist, Vasto Prime, Dual Ichor, Kronen, Orthos Prime
Most weapons will serve you well enough outside of long running endless missions, like 35+ minutes long T4 survivals. Therefore, I tend to favour style and fun factor over effectiveness. For example, Ember Prime, my main frame for Grineer, wields Silva & Aegis -- it's a great looking combo, but neither the frame nor the weapon is top tier and certainly not the best choice to use against Grineer.
That said, I figured I'd just list the setups I'm currently using with some comments:
Grineer: Ember Prime with Latron Prime, Secura Dual Cestra and Silva & Aegis
You're already familiar with the Latron. I chose the Prime over the Wraith for reasons I can no longer remember. They're both solid. Secura Dual Cestra seems promising, but I haven't used it enough yet to feel comfortable recommending it unless putting on a lightshow is what you desire -- it's great fun for that!

And, as I mentioned above, Silva & Aegis is all about style, though its fire damage does go well with Ember's Accelerant power.
Grineer #2: Frost Prime with Paris Prime, Hikou Prime and Dragon Nikana
Backup build for excavation and defense missions, including ones against Corpus and Corrupted. Paris Prime is great, though it can be hard to use a bow effectively in situations where you're getting swarmed by enemies. Gotta try and make the most of the innate punchthrough, which isn't always easy. Hikou Prime is fantastic... high rate of fire, very fast reload, high status chance. Can't really recommend Dragon Nikana. It's a very strong weapon, but I'm not a big fan of its moveset -- there's something about its range or hitboxes that annoy me. I'd replace it if I weren't going for a samurai look.
Corpus: Mag Prime with Vectis, Synoid Gammacor and Lecta
Not sure what to make of the Vectis yet. Still levelling it up after installing a catalyst and can't wait for Primed Fast Hands. Seemed like a good idea to go with a sniper to complement the short to medium range effectiveness of the Synoid Gammacor. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the latter is one of the best sidearms in the game and its magnetic damage rules against Corpus. It's also great fun to use! The Lecta I use just cause whips are badass. It's got nice range and is thus at least great for destroying crates.

I think it also has decent coptering ability, though I'm still trying to master that technique.
Corpus #2/Corrupted: Rhino Prime with Boltor Prime, Twin Gremlins and Jat Kittag
Kind of a mess of a build that I mostly use for void speedruns and archwing missions. Twin Gremlins was the first weapon I potatoed. Good all around, but wouldn't recommend it. The Jat Kittag is fantastic, though! Great damage and great utility with its jump attack that sends enemies flying.
Infested: Saryn with Paracyst, Embolist and Dual Ichor
Going for an organic themed build, hence the Paracyst, which I'm not sure what to think about yet. Kohm would probably be a better primary, or maybe Drakgoon. Don't have enough experience with either. Embolist and Dual Ichor are very good, though. Highly recommend those!
Infested #2: Nekros with Dread, Pyrana and Kronen
Pyrana seems good on paper, but haven't used it much yet. Dread is THE primary to use against Infested. Combined with a strong melee weapon, you're set, and Kronen fits that bill with high damage and an insane slide attack, though its range leaves a bit to be desired.
Infested #3/Corrupted: Oberon with Dread, Vasto Prime and Orthos Prime
My old build for Infested and the void. Very strong all around. Mostly use it for Infested defense missions now. Also great for nightmare missions due to Oberon's healing power. The weapons are all highly recommended, with Orthos Prime being my favourite melee weapon to use against Infested for its range and straightforward/spammable moveset.
Corrupted: Loki Prime with Boltor Prime, Lex Prime and Glaive Prime
My new void build. Have done a 50 minutes T4 survival solo with this, though that's more down to Loki's abilities than the weapons. The Glaive I only use to replenish my health with Life Strike (the ranged attack makes it easier to hit enemies that tend to run away after I go invisible if I'm playing with others).