The problem is the two kinds of groups who play this game. The founders/no lifers who play 8 hrs a day and live in trade chat and or complain about how easy everything is while in a group of 4 multi forma frames with maxed mids/weapons. Then everyone else who just want to do whatever goal they're working on before the mod/gun they're working towards gets nerfed for bring popular. Adding time gates and rng behind rng grind walls making weapons cost other weapons, syndicates require millions of credits or mod thousands of cores is just all part of trying to stretch out the playtime and get ppl to buy platinum.
They cant find a balance between The founders who will bitch about not getting content fast enough or it bring too easy and the ppl who go at their own pace and just want a chance to get and use some of these items. I don't think they know what they're doing and the way they coddle the "core" who frankly will never be happy and despite their bitching will grind on anyway is killing their game and driving the moderates out. The most common trophy for getting a rank 2 frame is only 39%. That's a pathetic retention rate. The grind isn't too bad at first but hits a wall soon enough.
I can't play at anyway due to the navigationscreen crashing the game but why should I? I could do another 50 runs of X mission and pray to rngesus for that one mod^part I need, feeling like work the whole time, finally find it then it gets nerfed or I could try other things. Give us the tools to experiment. Playing with load outs, trying new things, customizing our gear is the fun part. Not grinding the same level for weeks looking for said equipment.
I want to like this game again. I like some of the stuff they're bringing but they need to think more about how they design and implement these things. I don't want to be handed things but I want the game to be fair and respect my time. There's plenty of good ideas from ppl on their forums if they would only listen, take their time, and not try to pad out their exists content with grind walls. Telling players to do it our way only and be grateful for it doesn't work...unless you're bungie