
"It is 1985. Tired of repeated provocations from the United States, the USSR strengthens its military capabilities and rises to the challenge of the confrontation. After several months of growing tension, an incident in the North Sea sparks an escalation. All over the world, Pact and NATO forces are mobilized and set the world on fire. As neither camp dominates the main front in Germany, fate hangs in the balance in Scandinavia..."
750 units. 12 Nations. Two Alliances. One Europe in flames.
(0) System Requirements
(1) Game Overview
(2) Gameplay Details
(3) Deck System
(5) Dynamic Campaign
(6) Useful Links
(7) Anticipated Questions
(8) Final Comments
(0)System Requirements
Price: $39.99 (United States.) 25% off if you own European Escalation.
Genre: Real time Operational-level Cold War Strategy/Tactics, Turn based campaign
Platform: PC
Developer: Eugen Systems
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
RAM: 1024 MB (XP)/2048 MB (VISTA/7/8)
HDD: 15 GB
DirectX: 9
(1)Game Overview: What is Wargame?
Wargame: AirLand Battle is a real time strategy game from the folk that brought you Ruse and Act of War and the sequel to Wargame: European Escalation From their site: "Wargame AirLand Battle is the sequel to Wargame European Escalation, the real-time strategy game created by Eugen Systems that completely redefined strategy games in 2012. With its dynamic and tense gameplay that demanded strategic vision and depth, its spectacular and realistic visual experience and its many new features such as the solo campaign, Wargame AirLand Battle is set to take the series to new heights."
(2)Gameplay Details:
NATO and the Warsaw Pact are engaged open warfare. Twelve nations with a total of 750 units all together, are playable.
"Like its predecessor, Wargame AirLand Battle offers an incredibly RTS experience, without sacrificing accessibility."
"Every strategy game player - beginner or expert - will be familiar with the basic gameplay mechanics: unit selection, movement or attack orders, etc. The intuitive controls enable all players to instantly make the most of the many possibilities.
However, to any player wishing to look closely into complex strategies, Wargame AirLand Battle offers many advanced gameplay mechanics for an unparalleled tactical depth."
"Besides taking cover, reconnoitering enemy lines, managing troop morale and other mechanics utilized in Wargame European Escalation, AirLand Battle now enables you to manage supply distribution more accurately, set up smoke barriers, move groups in formation, etc. Thanks to so many gameplay mechanics, master strategists will implement even more elaborate tactics!"
"Wargame applies localized control of damage inflicted to combat units according to the affected area: front, back, flanks, and even on top.
For example, a heavy tank that is equipped with much heavier armor at the front will be more difficult to destroy from the front. Instead, take it by surprise from behind or on the sides. This will allow you to destroy it more easily by targeting its weaker armor.
You can also deal ‘critical' blows by temporarily or permanently damaging certain on-board systems such as the optics, the engine or the fuel tank. You can even hit a vehicle crew, thus making a still-intact unit inoperative."
It's important to note that this game is multiplayer focused. 10 v 10 multiplayer!!
(3)Deck System:
Treat units as cards. Make a deck with units you are comfortable with.
It is always possible to create a mixed Deck including all countries and all unit types, and to earn special bonuses in return for certain sacrifices. For example, ‘national Decks' with 100% units from the same nation will be favored by a balancing system between better-equipped nations and more modest ones. Units called ‘prototypes' or still at an experimental stage at the time of the game, for example, will only be available in a ‘national' Deck."
"An even greater level of customization is now available with the Deck type; it involves selecting only the equipment historically available to a certain group type, such as an airborne unit, a marine infantry unit, etc. For example, in the ‘Tank' category, an American airborne unit will be restricted to airborne tanks such as the Sheridan and the M8 AGS prototype, but in return, it will give you substantial advantages."
Finally, the third level of customization involves the period chosen for your Deck. If a Deck is considered as belonging to 1985 by default, with access to all the necessary equipment for its camp, it is quite possible to create a customized 1980 or 1975 Deck that will have only access to units available at the time. Again, in that case, bonuses bear significant advantages for those bold enough to make that choice!
These 3 customization levels are cumulative, which means you can add up the bonuses granted from each of them. For example, if you create a Marine infantry Deck from 1980 with 100% Russian troops, you will receive very high bonuses, compared to a Deck made up of little bits from all nations on your side. Each customization level is linked to different limitations and bonuses. It is up to you to select your own options and develop daring tactics!"
(4)IRISZOOM 3: Screenshots
Alright, let me just say that this game is beautiful to look at. It looks like an AAA First person shooter graphically speaking. This, combined with the scale achieved, is a sight to behold. IRISZOOM 3 is (obviously) the 3rd generation of the engine. Here is some quotes from the website.
"The 3rd generation of the IRISZOOM engine displays truly impressive contour maps that were directly rendered from satellite images. The huge maps - up to 150km² and simultaneously showing millions of objects - have gained in variety and realism. In an instantaneous transition, the engine's impressive zoom will enable you to dive directly from a satellite view to the heart of battles involving hundreds of units...
Over 750 different units are modeled, their details given particular attention: tanks, combat helicopters, infantry squads, artillery, support vehicles, anti-aircraft batteries, fighters, and other vehicles. Each model is extremely detailed and true to the original vehicles. You can zoom in on each of them to pick out the smallest bolts, or even the pilots inside the cockpit! Air units such as helicopters and planes even have their own flight patterns and move realistically across the battlefield.
The IRISZOOM Engine was also greatly enhanced with new shaders and effects, improved shoreline detail, and overhauled stretches of water as well as upgraded vegetation.
From explosions to lights, firing effects to high-resolution textures, sound effects to image post-processing effects, everything in the engine was overhauled to create ultra-realistic battlefields."
(5)Dynamic Campaign:
"The solo mode of Wargame AirLand Battle offers a vast dynamic campaign where each and every choice you make will have an impact on the unfolding events. Choose your side (NATO or the Warsaw Pact) and fight for Scandinavia! Each of the two sides offers a completely different experience and has its own specific objectives, enabling you to replay the solo campaign from a totally new perspective. Will you lead the NATO forces in an attempt to contain the offensive from the Warsaw Pact, or will you take command of the Soviet forces in order to conquer Scandinavia?
Your victories and your defeats, your success or your failures to meet your objectives, and the whims of fate will impact the political trust from your own side, which needed to obtain reinforcements and other strategic support on the road to victory: new combat groups, missile strikes, intelligence missions, special forces that go deep undercover, tactical nuclear weapons, etc. When two enemy combat groups confront each other on a strategic level, the battle begins!
You are then propelled into tactical view, the aim being to win the battle in real time. Your army consists of Combat Groups that persist throughout the campaign. These are made up of units that gain experience and increase in performance after each battle. However, remember that any loss is permanent! Therefore, do your absolute best to protect your troops, as you might need experienced units later on for a decisive battle. Plan your tactics in the long term: losing ground and sacrificing a few units to neutralize the enemy's anti-aircraft defense could be the prelude to a victorious counter-attack in your next battle.
Different zones of the theater bear different levels of importance. For example, capturing a capital city will have a resounding political impact, but it will not directly affect military operations. On the contrary, taking hold of sea harbors and airports will enable you to intensify deployment and will give you new strategic opportunities. Various combat groups (marines, paratroops, airborne troops or armor…
(6)Useful Links:
European Escalation OT
Official Website
Facebook page
Steam Page
(7)Anticipated Questions:
Q: Sell me on this game.
A: Supreme Commander in the late eighties with Total War Campaign Map.
Q: Sounds great! Is there a Steam Group?
A: Click here, friend!
Q: Wargame: AirLand Battle is a dumb name.
A: Blame the United States Government for not naming its conceptual European warwaging doctrine "RIDE DRAGON INTO IRON WALL, SACRIFICE SOVIET ARMY IN THE NAME OF THE DEVIL."
Q: Do you have anymore screens on hand?
A: For your viewing pleasure.
Go, my friends. Go and send thousands of young boys to their digital deaths.