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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War

Any recommendations for a beginner army point-wise or race-wise? I assume race difficulty is pretty linear?

Is there a particular line of models you are drawn to?

Is there particular lore that inspires you?

Good or evil?

Do you want a horde army with large amounts of models, a small elite force, or something in between?

Do you favor vehicles over infantry, infantry over vehicles, or a mix?

How important is winning to you?

Answer these questions and we can hopefully guide you in the direction of an army that is a good fit for you.
Any recommendations for a beginner army point-wise or race-wise? I assume race difficulty is pretty linear?

Depends on what you figure you'd like

Space Marines are all around. Various options, tend to have small-medium size armies. They're a jack of all trades of sorts, they can do a little bit of everything, which is further empowered by which chapter you choose. Blood Angels for example have a focus on their various Dreadnoughts, and employ use of Death Company who are strong hit and run units, and they all enjoy having strong melee options.

Chaos Space Marines are about the same. Various options, small-medium size armies. Jack of all trades. Their chapters are a bit more specific depending on which chapter you choose, and they tend to be extremely different between the 4 main 'Mark' chapters. Tzeentch for example focuses on mainly psychic powers and having strong ranged units, being able to lay down destruction during their psychic phase, compared to World Eaters which are devoid of Psychic powers but are insanely strong in melee.

Tau tend to be ranged heavy. Small-Medium size armies. Focuses on heavy fire and use of their battlesuits compared to other armies. They tend to have extreme long range weaponry, but tend to be weak on the melee side. Unlike C/Space Marines, they don't have chapters which have variety.

Necrons are like Tau in that they're Ranged heavy. Small-Medium armies. They do have options for melee but these tend to be more elite/fast units than their base make up. Their main shtick is their resurrection. When you start taking out Necrons in a unit, each turn they get a chance to come back. Only complete destruction through the use of heavy weaponry or completely wiping a unit guarantees they can't come out.

Tyranids are Melee heavy. Medium-Large armies. They tend to focus on swarming over the enemy. They have huge numbers and if they get close, they can shred just because of their sheer numbers. They have larger warriors starting with Tyranid Warriors who bolster their allies morale and who have greater strength, up to Carnifex's which are biological tanks to the Hive Lords. They can also go ranged heavy, which albeit a bit weaker than if they had melee, they have a number of options to outfit an army with both types of units.

Eldar are...interest. Small-large army. Tend to be vehicle heavy(Atleast in 7th iirc). Tend to focus on having high tech weaponry, but can also employ a number of grunts and grunt-like units, or choose to have various vehicles and battlesuits. They also have potent psychic powers, probably only rivaled by Rubrick Marines. I don't know much about them otherwise.

There's the Imperial Guard(Or whatever their fluff name is now, Astarted Militarum). Medium-Large armies. These are the humans of the lore, they tend to have large armies and a huge number of grunts, but can also field powerful vehicular weaponry which is their specialty. They also tend to have various weapon options.

There's other human/imperium armies that I'm not familiar with. There's, I believe, an army focused on robot people and vehicles...uhh..yeah.

Then there's Orks. Small-Large armies. Tend to focus on firepower and vehicles. Do have options for melee. They tend to be a bit of cowards, but their firepower usually makes up for it. Don't know much about em.

Basically I would recommend whatever suits your taste. Read up a bit on the army fluff. There's various options within each army, having multiple configurations for what you want. I would say wait until the next edition unless an armies fluff interests you, before you pick out an army.
Is there a particular line of models you are drawn to?

Is there particular lore that inspires you?

Do you want a horde army with large amounts of models, a small elite force, or something in between?

Do you favor vehicles over infantry, infantry over vehicles, or a mix?

How important is winning to you?

Answer these questions and we can hopefully guide you in the direction of an army that is a good fit for you.
Appreciate it!

I honestly don't know a lot about the lore of Warhammer 40k outside of Dawn of War games, so I recently read book 1 of the Ultramarines "Nightbringer" at recommendation of folks here, and have book 2 on the way. I'm trying to immerse myself in Warhammer books that are rich in the lore of the world so I can understand it more. I have Eisenhorn trilogy on my bookshelf also. So to end my ramble...I honestly do like the space marines a lot, as well as chaos marines, but really dislike any human models where their faces are shown...they just look a little goofy to me. Dreadnoughts get my nipples solid though. Eldar are the only race I don't particularly care for.

I'm honestly not sure on my army....I think I would prefer a non-horde like army. No preference on vehicle or not.

Though maybe most important...winning isn't important to me. As long as I have an army that looks cool that I can have fun with playing when playing with friends, then I am good to go.

Depends on what you figure you'd like...
Awesome write up! Thank you, thank you. I'll give a read here in a moment. Also, good seeing you again since I left League of Legends. I'll have to bug you lots here now.
Appreciate it!

I honestly don't know a lot about the lore of Warhammer 40k outside of Dawn of War games, so I recently read book 1 of the Ultramarines "Nightbringer" at recommendation of folks here, and have book 2 on the way. I'm trying to immerse myself in Warhammer books that are rich in the lore of the world so I can understand it more. I have Eisenhorn trilogy on my bookshelf also. So to end my ramble...I honestly do like the space marines a lot, as well as chaos marines, but really dislike any human models where their faces are shown...they just look a little goofy to me. Dreadnoughts get my nipples solid though. Eldar are the only race I don't particularly care for.

I'm honestly not sure on my army....I think I would prefer a non-horde like army. No preference on vehicle or not.

Though maybe most important...winning isn't important to me. As long as I have an army that looks cool that I can have fun with playing when playing with friends, then I am good to go.

Loyal Space Marines vs Chaos?

Loyalist Chapters will have unique quirks, formations, and colors. Think Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Dark Angels,Blood Angels.

Chaos Marines have 5 major factions. Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh , Tzeentch, & chaos undivided. Each faction has its own colors and style. Decay/death, war/blood, sex/pain, magic/fate.

Go from there and we'll continue to narrow it down.
I honestly do like the space marines a lot, as well as chaos marines, but really dislike any human models where their faces are shown...they just look a little goofy to me. Dreadnoughts get my nipples solid though. Eldar are the only race I don't particularly care for.

I'm honestly not sure on my army....I think I would prefer a non-horde like army. No preference on vehicle or not.

Though maybe most important...winning isn't important to me. As long as I have an army that looks cool that I can have fun with playing when playing with friends, then I am good to go.

So you're a beginner, you really like Space Marines, prefer helmeted dudes, love Dreads and want a non-horde army that looks cool - sounds like the upcoming Primaris Space Marines will be perfect for you! I'd recommend having a look through the various different Space Marine Chapters to see if any in particular catch your eye, or you could create your own brand new all-Primaris Chapter specialising in beating up Eldar :)
Any recommendations for a beginner army point-wise or race-wise? I assume race difficulty is pretty linear?

Well since there is a new edition soon, you will probably be able to play any army somewhat decently when playing none competitive with friends. I think it usally takes a while for GW to release new rules that messes everything up.

The best tip is always look around and see what different armies there is, if you want to spend time painting and playing why not do it with something you enjoy. There is loads of 40k forums that can help you with tactics and make the best of what you got.

Most armies also got a "start collecting" box that ussally is a good start and price worth.

(but tbh play Tyranids, they are the coolest ;) )


My own fault for letting me get my hopes up, but the Adepta Sororita leaks seem to just about confirm no new minis, since they pages for them are accompanied by images of the same old models.
So, Ghazghkull in 8th...

Strength and Toughness 6, 8 wounds, Strength 12 and AP -3 in melee with no loss of accuracy to hit with his klaw, his twin big shoota gets 6 shots, he gets 2+ and a 4++ and adds an extra attack to all ork infantry within 6 inches.

What an absolute monster.


So, Ghazghkull in 8th...

Strength and Toughness 6, 8 wounds, Strength 12 and AP -3 in melee with no loss of accuracy to hit with his klaw, his twin big shoota gets 6 shots, he gets 2+ and a 4++ and adds an extra attack to all ork infantry within 6 inches.

What an absolute monster.

Just a bit below G-man himself in raw stats. Pretty good.

E: just saw Kharn

S5, T4, W5, A6(!!!), 3Sv - Gorechild has +1S, -4AP, does D3 damage, hits on a 2+ and discards any hit modifiers, special rules get him a 4+ invulnerable save and he gets to fight twice in the fight phase(!!!) and grants reroll hits for friendly World Eaters within 1"


So, Ghazghkull in 8th...

Strength and Toughness 6, 8 wounds, Strength 12 and AP -3 in melee with no loss of accuracy to hit with his klaw, his twin big shoota gets 6 shots, he gets 2+ and a 4++ and adds an extra attack to all ork infantry within 6 inches.

What an absolute monster.

I dunno, I don't think eight wounds is going to be that much for characters with snipers.


I dunno, I don't think eight wounds is going to be that much for characters with snipers.

Lessee (everything is leaked now). Vindicare has 2+BS -3AP, wounds on a 2+ and does D3 damage (D6 on a wound roll of 6).

A single Vindicare would need to spend some time popping off his eight wounds and they'll probably be the best sniper. And with 90 points per sniper, how much of your 2k are you going to spend on snipers?
I think mindwipe is talking more about squads with the sniper rule being able to pick out characters, but even then getting through T6, a 2+ (and a 4++? Did I see somewhere that you get to take both armour and invulnerable saves now?) is going to take some prolonged, massed and focused firepower.


I think mindwipe is talking more about squads with the sniper rule being able to pick out characters, but even then getting through T6, a 2+ (and a 4++? Did I see somewhere that you get to take both armour and invulnerable saves now?) is going to take some prolonged, massed and focused firepower.

You can only take one of the saves, but invulnerable saves ignore AP modifiers. So no bonuses from cover or negatives from weapons.


You really like Dreadnaughts... What are your thoughts on Dreadknights? I ask because Grey Knights seems like an army right up your alley. Definitely not a hoard army with its low model counts, they roll with helmets, and they don't really have a need for vehicles besides their flyer (you said you don't have a preference for vehicles or none).


Yeah. I mean, he's not going to go down in one turn, but characters with less than ten wounds are big points sinks now, with limited survivability if your opponent prioritises them.

Edit: Assuming the opposing army has snipers. I'm actually wondering if my Genestealer Cult will need a Guard platoon just to get some.


So are all current models gonna be included in 8th Edition eventually? I want to just start buying and painting stuff that interests me but I don't wanna get stuff that is going to be legacy after the new edition comes out.
So are all current models gonna be included in 8th Edition eventually? I want to just start buying and painting stuff that interests me but I don't wanna get stuff that is going to be legacy after the new edition comes out.

Yeah, Games Workshop has made it a point to say that all the current line up will be supported with datasheets.


I am seeing a lot of disappointment in the Chaos rules now that the full rules are out in the wild. Any thoughts from Chaos players here?

I am seeing a lot to like in Tyranids and Eldar (what was nerfed needed to be nerfed).
So are all current models gonna be included in 8th Edition eventually? I want to just start buying and painting stuff that interests me but I don't wanna get stuff that is going to be legacy after the new edition comes out.

According to GW the Index books contain rules for every model they currently sell.
I am seeing a lot of disappointment in the Chaos rules now that the full rules are out in the wild. Any thoughts from Chaos players here?8

I am seeing a lot to like in Tyranids and Eldar (what was nerfed needed to be nerfed).

I havent seen the full rules yet

So I cant comment. Lemme see if I can find thrm..

Edit: is this about the obliterators? The obliterators will be fineeee.
Nice, thanks. And good call on GW's part.

Just wanted to add that the only army I personally would think twice about buying right now are the older non-primaris Marines. Yes, they are supported now, but the writing's on the wall the primaris (primarai?) are the future of the Space Marine line.
Just wanted to add that the only army I personally would think twice about buying right now are the older non-primaris Marines. Yes, they are supported now, but the writing's on the wall the primaris (primarai?) are the future of the Space Marine line.

That would be ridiculous, because Primaris marines have 2 wounds. Having the Space Marine basic troop have a default 2 wounds would be buuuuulllshit.


That would be ridiculous, because Primaris marines have 2 wounds. Having the Space Marine basic troop have a default 2 wounds would be buuuuulllshit.
It was a dumb decision by GW to make them a separate, new super Space Marine, but it's obviously a new direction for Space Marine scale, otherwise they wouldn't look exactly like a space marine but bigger.

Also, just saw the Punisher Gatling Cannon on the Leman Russ, same statline: Heavy 20 S5 AP0 D1. If the Vulture still gets twin-linked Punisher Cannons, that's 40 s5 shots.
After much debate, I think I might grab the 8th edition starter box to get into Warhammer 40K. I'm hoping I can find some folks around me who want to take all my death guard guys in exchange for their Primaris Space Marines. I do love Dreadnoughts, so I'll eventually have to get one or two of those to tag along. You know...for funsies.


My best friend is coming to visit in a couple weeks. I haven't really been into the tabletop side of 40k as long as I have known him, but I plan on grabbing an 8th edition starter with him while he is here, splitting the minis and having a marathon assembling and painting session before playing some intro games with him. I am hoping he'll fall in love with the Death Guard, because I want a hand at these shiny new Primaris.

The other option is we just buy some boxes of whatever armies strike our fancy and play with those instead. Either way, I think I finally want to try 40k again.


It was a dumb decision by GW to make them a separate, new super Space Marine, but it's obviously a new direction for Space Marine scale, otherwise they wouldn't look exactly like a space marine but bigger.

Also, just saw the Punisher Gatling Cannon on the Leman Russ, same statline: Heavy 20 S5 AP0 D1. If the Vulture still gets twin-linked Punisher Cannons, that's 40 s5 shots.

Land Raider Crusader pumping out 30+ shots is going to be fun as well.

Edit: Also I just saw the leaked Space Wolves rules... Is cramming as many stack-able buffs into your army the new meta or what? Between their 15 or so named characters plus the Wulfen it's crazy how many buffs you'll have to keep track of.
After much debate, I think I might grab the 8th edition starter box to get into Warhammer 40K. I'm hoping I can find some folks around me who want to take all my death guard guys in exchange for their Primaris Space Marines. I do love Dreadnoughts, so I'll eventually have to get one or two of those to tag along. You know...for funsies.

You should enquire at whatever games workshop store if you are getting if from there, there's talks about some of them having swapping events for exactly this reason. It's nothing official though so definitely enquire
Just looking closely at the Necron datasheets and it appears that everything that was either a jump troop or a skimmer has the 'Fly' keyword now instead (about 17 units!). The traditional flyers from 7th edition like the Night Scythe and Doom Scythe have an 'Airborne' rule, meaning they can't normally be charged or attacked in the fight phase unless the attacker has the 'Fly' keyword. Seems to be a game-wide change to jump troops and skimmers.

I like the new Reanimation Protocols rule - much more interesting than the 7th edition version and it'll encourage the opponent to really try to take out entire units rather than leaving stragglers, as your Necron units could potentially even return to full strength before the game is over!

C'tan Shards will be able to survive a lot more easily than before, now that they're characters with 8 wounds meaning they can't be targeted by shooting unless they're the closest target. And they get to choose their power! Woohoo!

Monolith looks like a beast, though a decent chunk of points to field it. A lot of stuff seems to have gone up in points now actually. Living Metal is a wound recovered automatically each turn - nice!

Quantum Shielding is very different, roll lower than the amount of damage done and the damage is ignored. Sounds pretty good!

Lots of stuff I'm excited to try out on the table here...
I'm on book 2 of the Ultramarine books right now. They sure talk about the Emperor and Primarchs a lot, but without a ton of info about them. Would the Horus Heresy books have a lot more on these guys, I assume? Specifically the Primarchs? If so, I'm debating putting a pause on the Ultramarine books after this 2nd one, and grabbing the Horus books. Also, please try to not spoil or give away much since I'm a fresh babe. Just generally trying to find out if Horus books lay the best foundation for this world.


I'm actually reading through the Horus Heresy books right now. I went into them already knowing a ton about what happened, who the biggest players were, what the important battles are, and what the end result was. The books go into a lot of detail compared to the tidbits you get from the rulebook and codices, it really flashes out the events in a way you can't get from a rulebook due to the limited space. For instance, it's well known which Primarchs face each other in battle, but the books go into good detail as to how the battles go down and their relationship leading up to it. There's lots of dialogue and exposition which I feel is worth a read.

But if you've got general questions about the primarchs you can ask here. That might be my favorite subject in all of 40/30k. It would be appropriate too, since I don't think any of the characters in the Ultramarines omnibus knew Roboute Guilliman anyway, so you'd know just as much about him as they did.
The Tyranid rules are pretty legit

Alot of Death Throes, alot of burrowing and deep striking, alot of close combat madness
Can't check now, but is the Pyrovore hype from the faction focus even minimally warranted, or is it just another sad dig at a unit that was already considered a contender for worst in the game?
A four armed Deff Dread (two big shootas and two klaws) gets two attacks. A Killa Kan, with one klaw and one ranged weapon, gets three. I thought they'd learnt about dreadnoughts and attacks when they FAQ'd a load of dreadnoughts to have more last year.

On a more positive note, Lootas are still ace, Flash Gitz are BS 4+ and on a roll of a 6 can fire twice, Gorkanauts and Morkanauts seem pretty nasty and Stompas have 40 wounds now. Insane.
Can't check now, but is the Pyrovore hype from the faction focus even minimally warranted, or is it just another sad dig at a unit that was already considered a contender for worst in the game?

Ima copy paste an opinion of them from someone over at /tg/ since I cant speak for comparing them to 7th edition
Heavy flamer shooting weapon and st5 ap-3 melee weapon. Every time it loses a wound in melee it has a 1/6 chance to inflict a mortal wound on the enemy. 50% chance to cause mortal wound on enemy unit upon its death.

Ought to be nasty as a suicide squad. I'm actually happy with them now. They're really close shock troops now.


I'm on book 2 of the Ultramarine books right now. They sure talk about the Emperor and Primarchs a lot, but without a ton of info about them. Would the Horus Heresy books have a lot more on these guys, I assume? Specifically the Primarchs? If so, I'm debating putting a pause on the Ultramarine books after this 2nd one, and grabbing the Horus books. Also, please try to not spoil or give away much since I'm a fresh babe. Just generally trying to find out if Horus books lay the best foundation for this world.

The Horus Heresy books are good if your looking for that kind of information. Especially since it makes up the back bone of like 90% of the lore.

Though a visit to the Lexicanum will give you answers to your questions more immediately: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page
Not really. There are books have scenes of Imperial citizens but no books from what I know of.

I've seen that pop up a few times in books. I do remember a comic that featured the point of view of a medieval like imperial society that suffered an ork invasion. Biggest thing I took from that was that space marines are, to your average human, as terrifying as the orks were.
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