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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War

I've seen that pop up a few times in books. I do remember a comic that featured the point of view of a medieval like imperial society that suffered an ork invasion. Biggest thing I took from that was that space marines are, to your average human, as terrifying as the orks were.

I know there was a story arc in the Beast Aries series that had someone that worked for a PDF and had a similar POV.


Are there any books/short stories/etc about what life is like for your average imperial citizen? I mean ones not in the military, etc?
You could read the short story "Sacrifice" by Ben Counter. It isn't a day-to-day story about the life of an Imperial Citizen (I don't think there are any full stories about, like, a citizen on an agri-world spending their days farming when a Tyranid attack happens or anything) but it does offer a glimpse into some of the fates of everyday citizens that the Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition bump into and decide would meet certain 'needs.'
Wow, this guy has made some amazing 40K gifs!









Well hell, now I'm wishing someone modded a Metal Slug game with a 40K theme. You wouldn't even have to change the male main character models, just say they are Catachans; they look a like. It'd be cool if GW put out such a game (not a modded Metal Slug game of course but a sprite-based sidescrolling shooter).

fucking Thousand Sons don't get a psyker tree

Death Guard do get one

y'know, the guys who aren't the psychic terrors of 40k


I have unpainted Sorcerers, Scarab Termies, and a Magnus

kill me


atleast magnus gets to cast generic chaos spells haha ha





90% chance that they'll get their own tree once CSM Codex / Legion supplements are out. Generic Daemon Princes and Sorcerers are also stuck into the Hereticus spells.
The Repulsor:


This new tank is one of the new armoured vehicles that accompanies the Primaris Space Marines to war. Like their arms and armour, it was forged on Mars, and is recognisably of the same STC origins as its predecessors. Could this be ancient technology long lost and uncovered once more, or has Cawl been “tinkering” with Omnissiah-blessed technologies? This new war machine stands ready to crush its way to war alongside the tried and tested Predator and Land Raider tanks of the Space Marine Chapters.

Global campaign:

The Fate of Konor is a massive worldwide campaign that will decide the fate of one of the primary planets in the 500 Worlds of Ultramar. You’ll be able to battle at home or in stores across a variety of planets and war zones in the system, and your games will decide the eventual fate of one of the strategically important worlds in the segmentum and the Imperium.

The campaign kicks off in July – so you’ll have plenty of time to get your head round the new Warhammer 40,000 rules and paint up some new units for your army.

Chapter Approved 2017:

We’ve said right from the start that the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 is one that we’d work to make even better over time. This is one of the ways that will happen. Each year, you’ll have a new Chapter Approved, expanding your gaming options and making what we think is already the best Warhammer 40,000 ever, even better.

Expect the first Chapter Approved book in time for Christmas.


When was the last time they did a "your battles determine the outcome" global campaign?
The Eye of Terror campaign back in 2003, if I remember right.

Except they had to ignore the results because the Imperium completely destroyed Chaos.
Thought they had one a little more recently, Medusa V or something? Tau lost all warp travel research and Necrons got trashed iirc.


Thought they had one a little more recently, Medusa V or something? Tau lost all warp travel research and Necrons got trashed iirc.

And I think there was one between Medusa V and Eye of Terror also, the 13th Black Crusade I think?

Going to have to hold out on working on Marines until we get a firm grasp on the direction they're heading. Both Mechanicus cults have been merged now so it's a good time to round out the rest of that army.
The Horus Heresy books are good if your looking for that kind of information. Especially since it makes up the back bone of like 90% of the lore.

Though a visit to the Lexicanum will give you answers to your questions more immediately: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page
Thank you! I'm trying to get into the lore without reading anything online, so after hearing this I definitely think I'll jump into Horus Heresy after Warriors of Ultramar. But holy cow...there are 41 books?!
new tank is goregous and they are pushing painting of iconography from future campaings.

so you can start off with a base squad of primaris marines and in 2-3 years they are vets because you painted, Vet of Blah, blah, and blah wars, slayer of blah.

that tank tho o.o


I finished Fulgrim the other day and started reading Legion. Skipping Descent of Angels for now.

I knew the story of Fulgrim and what he and The Emperor's Children were meant to represent on the battlefield and as an aspect of the Emperor himself. From an outsider perspective, reading about a chapter and a Primarch who's claim to fame is the pursuit of perfection seems boring. But the book does a great job of showing how that goal twisted both Fulgrim and his legion and how it was such an easy venue for an agent to use to infiltrate his forces and his mind.

Lots of things/moments to like about the book:

Fulgrim himself was great. Like most other Primarchs he's very charismatic while still being utterly inspiring and imposing to his men and the crew of his fleet. There's something that amuses me about his own artistic pursuits in his spare time. I definitely approve of the importance of valuing and appreciating art, even in the grim darkness of the far future.

By and large, the captains of the Emperor's Children were cool too. Lucius especially. His ploy at the end to get Solomon Demeter to kill his own men and then cut down Demeter immediately after was awesome.

Ferrus Manus and his interactions with Fulgrim were wonderful and heartbreaking. Ferrus himself is a little flat though that can be expected from the Iron Hands Primarch, he's simple and direct to the point like a Warhammer should be, but he's definitely likeable. The heartbreak really comes when Fulgrim, in his final moments, realizes that Ferrus only did things out of love for his brother. That was the highlight of the whole book for me. I hated seeing Ferrus die, even knowing that it was going to happen, but it's made even more tragic seeing it from Fulgrims perspective.

I'm still not sure what to make of Fulgrim turning to Chaos, especially now knowing that he technically wanted to turn back. The Fulgrim we know in the book is lost to the Warp after an eleventh hour deal with a Daemon made in a moment of deep despair. So unlike Perturabo or Angron who were likely to turn to Chaos anyway Fulgrim becomes a tragic character who can't save himself in the end.
And if he could he'd be without a Legion, as his loyalist factions had already been slaughtered.

The meeting with Ostian and Fulgrim was gripping. Ostian trying his best to explain to Fulgrim why his pursuit of perfection was itself marring his work was an obvious parallel to everything else Fulgrim strives for, but Fulgrim just couldn't get past the surface level sleight on his skills.
Same reason he didn't interpret Ferrus' actions the same way.

I loved every bit of the birth of the Noise Marines and the Legions slow transformation into that one image from the 3rd edition Chaos Marine Codex. Sonic weaponry fascinates me and the very vivid writing was a joy to take in.

I initially thought Eldrad Ulthuan would be a wasted cameo but it played out well. I wish we had gotten the perspective of one of the aspect warriors in the retinue though.

Of the Horus Heresy books I've read its definitely one of my favorites, barely above First Heretic.
I think the tank looks pretty cool. Very thick though. But the stack of lascannons plus the big rotary cannon on top... yes. I think it being a Grav vehicle is cool, think about it.

Maybe we can get Primaris Grav Bikes.

That would be so damn cool.


So many new space marine goodies. I know they release new things as time passes but give me more tau stuff. That or give me night lords
hm, on second watch the only thing I would really care about is the small form rulebook. I bought the CE for 7th edition, so the coin objective markers and such are mostly the same anyway.

still... small form rulebook, art books, art prints... it's still tempting. i'ma sleep on it.


Oh wow, dunno if this was always there, but I just saw that there are these Starter Collection series that include the same as the Start Collecting! but with the new indexes for the same price:


I was just looking at this one (sorry for the JP link) because I just started some Tau army, and I will wait another two weeks for this box instead of picking the old one.
Maybe this was known forever ago, but I just noticed now.

Edit: Sorry, the item might be new but the prices are NOT the same. The one with the index is (obviously) more expensive.
Oh wow, dunno if this was always there, but I just saw that there are these Starter Collection series that include the same as the Start Collecting! but with the new indexes for the same price:


I was just looking at this one (sorry for the JP link) because I just started some Tau army, and I will wait another two weeks for this box instead of picking the old one.
Maybe this was known forever ago, but I just noticed now.

Thats definitely new and mightve just gone up today. Nice catch!

Edit: looks like its not up on the US site? That or Im typing the wrong key words to find it..


Thats definitely new and mightve just gone up today. Nice catch!

Edit: looks like its not up on the US site? That or Im typing the wrong key words to find it..

Think it's a pricing error. On the UK store its £65 for Start Collecting boxes + Index. £50 without the Index.


Thats definitely new and mightve just gone up today. Nice catch!

Edit: looks like its not up on the US site? That or Im typing the wrong key words to find it..
Glad it's new so everybody else can have a look. The price though was different, sorry for that!

Think it's a pricing error. On the UK store its £65 for Start Collecting boxes + Index. £50 without the Index.
Ah shit, true. The simple one is 11,500Yen, the one with index is 15,000Yen. At a glance it kinda looked similar :( Oh well, at least it's still a new item?
Wonder how expensive it'd be to buy from the UK and have it sent over here, it's so much cheaper over there... (15k Yen = £105).


I'm probably going to get the cheaper tablet/phone version of the Index anyway. With 7 armies and minimal fluff in one book it's basically just a glorified list.

I presume they're eventually going to release more detailed old style codex's for each army anyway when 8th is up and running?
I'm probably going to get the cheaper tablet/phone version of the Index anyway. With 7 armies and minimal fluff in one book it's basically just a glorified list.

I presume they're eventually going to release more detailed old style codex's for each army anyway when 8th is up and running?

Yea there is and having seen the indexes in person you are basically correct, digital version until an actual codex comes out seems like the best bet.

Having said that I just pre-ordered the dark Imperium box set. Got to see the new figures in person and the bigger size is really a god send. I'm probably not going to get normal Marines again.


edit: beaten

edit 2: Holy Emperor at that price for the limited edition rule book! That's nearly three times more expensive than the starter box!


$200 Canadian dollhairs for the Dark Imperium box set. Purchased. You get a some WH40K Mission Cards thrown in it seems.

Can't wait for this to come in. I want to buy everything but some of those costs... sheesh! Weirdly enough, UK prices after XE.COM conversion are $30 cheaper then Canada. Tear.
Ordered the boxed game from Alchemist Workshop, £75 is a great price.

Also had a voucher so ordered the two imperial indexes, the chaos index and the death guard spray paint from GW.

Ordered one extra unit of poxwalkers and plague marines on ebay for about £10 each.

Saving my leftover voucher for Mortarion/whatever.
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