Vincent Alexander
Do i do edge highlights first, then shade? Or other way around?
Do i do edge highlights first, then shade? Or other way around?
Do i do edge highlights first, then shade? Or other way around?
You can never go wrong with Eldar. Nice looking as usual! You guys are kicking out some great stuff.
Is this your first time reading the Horus Heresy series?This "False Gods" book is hard to read. Just started today. 80 pages in. If I stop now, I can pretend all the characters I love live happily ever after and nothing bad happens to them ever again, right? I don't know if my heart can handle this.
This "False Gods" book is hard to read. Just started today. 80 pages in. If I stop now, I can pretend all the characters I love live happily ever after and nothing bad happens to them ever again, right? I don't know if my heart can handle this.
Yep. I just started reading the Warhammer books in general about a month or so ago. Read Ultramarines book 1 and 2, then put a pause on them because I was tired of not knowing any backstory with emperor, primarchs, etc. So now I'm up to book 2, plowing through these Horus Heresy books. First time. Any moment now I suspect the sun will rise, everyone will hug, and we can go back to happy lives killing spiders.Is this your first time reading the Horus Heresy series?
Well, that's certainly an ill omen.
Yep. I just started reading the Warhammer books in general about a month or so ago. Read Ultramarines book 1 and 2, then put a pause on them because I was tired of not knowing any backstory with emperor, primarchs, etc. So now I'm up to book 2, plowing through these Horus Heresy books. First time. Any moment now I suspect the sun will rise, everyone will hug, and we can go back to happy lives killing spiders.
Well, that's certainly an ill omen.
One step closer...
Whoa hold up. Did you paint in that pattern on the edge of the sword? That's a really cool touch I'll have to do that myself someday.
Yep. I just started reading the Warhammer books in general about a month or so ago. Read Ultramarines book 1 and 2, then put a pause on them because I was tired of not knowing any backstory with emperor, primarchs, etc. So now I'm up to book 2, plowing through these Horus Heresy books. First time. Any moment now I suspect the sun will rise, everyone will hug, and we can go back to happy lives killing spiders.
Well, that's certainly an ill omen.
I honestly knew nothing about any of that. I am brand new to all of this.Well the next book is titled "Galaxy in Flames".
And you're reading a series about how the Emperor ended up as a rotting carcass on the Golden Throne, kept alive only by His willpower and the sacrifice of thousands of psykers.
Guilliman is practically my self insert. Never liked him before, now he's probably my favorite Primarch.Warhammer and HH books are pretty good fun. Don't expect happy endings though. The new Dark Imperium book by Guy Haley is not bad. Pretty good introduction to the "new" setting. Hilarious how Gullimane is rolling his eyes at the crazy zealous stuff though.
Well the next book is titled "Galaxy in Flames".
And you're reading a series about how the Emperor ended up as a rotting carcass on the Golden Throne, kept alive only by His willpower and the sacrifice of thousands of psykers.
I honestly knew nothing about any of that. I am brand new to all of this.
I honestly knew nothing about any of that. I am brand new to all of this.
Huzzah Custom Drone goop done!
Tried to mimic the 'triple skull' that Nurgle troops like bearing in the front end. Put a bell in the back to cover up the flat end of the wires with more goop stuff. Gotta buy black primer next to prime it, and I think I'm going to do the Black/Green scheme from the Death Guard mini-codex on it. Skele bits were gotten from my friend who had some Fantasy Skele bits loose.
Good job Breezy. I'd like to see it painted when you're done!Huzzah Custom Drone goop done!
Tried to mimic the 'triple skull' that Nurgle troops like bearing in the front end. Put a bell in the back to cover up the flat end of the wires with more goop stuff(And nurgle loooves bells). Gotta buy black primer next to prime it, and I think I'm going to do the Black/Green scheme from the Death Guard mini-codex on it. Skele bits were gotten from my friend who had some Fantasy Skele bits loose.
Prime them in leadbelcher!!I finally got my dark imperium box on Saturday and I built all the models the other day. I went to prime them last night but I ran out of chaos black spray![]()
I'm actually digging the reivers, I think they'll be decent count as 13th company WUlfen touch specialists
Prime them in leadbelcher!!
Also reivers sound stupid. In case you don't already have enough overpowered units. We bring you even more!
There is a story about inceptors in the dark imperium book that made me just not like these new primaris marines as far as lore goes
Stay calm, Guardsman!
Reinforcements from the Adeptus Astartes have been deployed to your war zone – and you may have been lucky enough to meet them already! Whether you've stormed a hostile bastion – only to have found it strangely empty but for a pile of gory remains, or seen an entrenched enemy turn and flee seemingly out of nowhere, you've probably met the Reivers.
While the Adeptus Astartes know no fear, their enemies certainly do! The purpose of the Reivers is to exploit the cowardice of our enemies through the use of shock tactics and advanced training. You are unlikely to encounter any of these warriors directly, but should you find yourself face to face with a skull-faced giant in power armour in the middle of the night, welcome him with open arms – he is most likely a Reiver.*
While they may be grim in appearance, you have nothing to fear from these exemplary warriors of the Emperor – provided you follow the below advice at all times.**
Use Ear Protection!
Reivers disrupt the hearing of the enemy with vox-amplified war cries and audio-sonic weaponry. Unfortunately, the heresy corrupted eardrum of a traitor is not too dissimilar from the blessed but regrettably fragile eardrum of a loyal member of the Astra Militarum, such as yourself. Make sure to insert ear protection to guard yourself against aural damage – if none is provided, a pair of spare socks should suffice.***
Clear a Drop Zone!
If you are expecting Reiver support, make sure to establish a clear drop zone. If a drop zone cannot be cleared in time, attempt to drop to the floor to make a soft and level surface for the Reivers to land on.
Keep a Strong Mind and a Strong Stomach
Should you happen upon a squad of hostile infantry strung from the local foliage by their viscera, there is no need to be alarmed – this display is meant to intimidate the enemy, not you, and thus you have nothing to worry about. If any new recruits are disquieted by this, a warm cup of Tanna Tea followed by a reminder of the penalties for cowardice should be enough to steel even the most delicate of bowels.****
There you have it, Guardsman! The Reiver is your friend and your ally – just stay well out of his way.
Thought For the Day: There is nothing to fear but failure.
* If any of the following details are also present – red wings on the helmet, flayed hides, or a corona of daemonic lightning – immediately consult Volume 2 of the Infantryman's Threat Identification Field Guide, 49th edition, section ref. 17.a66.4111 – Hereticus Majoris (revised)
** Where possible, a minimum safe distance of 13 feet is also recommended.
*** If you end up with permanent irreparable loss of hearing, worry not! There are exciting roles in the Astra Militarum just for you. For more information, please consult uplifting pamphlet 114//c: ”You What? – The Artillery Crewman's Guide to Sign Language".
**** Please note that vomiting on the battlefield is punishable by flogging on grounds of wasting valuable rations.
Don't Fear the Reaver
This "False Gods" book is hard to read. Just started today. 80 pages in. If I stop now, I can pretend all the characters I love live happily ever after and nothing bad happens to them ever again, right? I don't know if my heart can handle this.
This is amazing, where is it from?
I got my Dark Imperium yesterday!
Then shelved it and painted some Eldar.
Inspirations some times..
Anyone here paint with an airbrush? If so, what airbrush are you using?
Here we go, finally I've finished the Dark Angels Primaris marines from the Dark Imperium set!Just a few for the Death Guard left...
They look great!
Fantastic work!
Where'd you get those craters?
Addendums to the rules and indexes:
I've been painting at least a few hours each day for the last 7 days. I figured now would be a good time to ask some questions that have been on my mind in hopes I can get some advice.
Can anyone recommend a fine tip brush? I've been using a Virtuoso 15-Piece set I bought off of Amazon, and even it's finest brushes still seem way too thick.
Are there times I shouldn't be watering down my paint? For example, I have a unit I'm painting now with a few tiny skulls all around it. If I water down my paint, it seems to fill the crevices easier and pool up, blocking out the details...and in skulls, it covers my eyes. If I don't water it down, it simply globs over the eyes.
When I look at other people's paintings, they look so smooth and clean, but when I look at mine, they look patchy in spots (when I get up close). I've been watering down my paint a lot, so I don't think it is that. I'm curious---how long after paint is on should I stop touching it? I'm suspicious maybe that is causing problems? I want my paint to be even, so after I apply it I keep going back-and-forth over it. But maybe I'm putting grooves and such in the paint as it dries?
Here is a picture of what I've done so far. Left one is my first, then the 4 blue ones I did as a batch, and I'm currently working on number 6. (Sorry, my phone camera sucks)