MP Notes from last night:
*LEVEL: 13
*WEAPONS USED/UNLOCKED: Melta Gun/LasCannon/Plasma Gun/Stalker Bolter/Bolter/Power Sword/Chain Sword/Power Axe
+ Maps have variety of attack and choak points. This can be seen on maps like the broken bridge, with 3 capture points, B being in the middle. B can be held by a Devastator and a Tactical Marine indefinitely if position just right, they work together to protect each other and if the other team just cannot think outside the box.

My team got raped there last night. If only we went underneath, or taken the stairs to the right and dropped behind them.... if only ^_^
+ Challenges are fun to explore and strive for, especially with their abilities to unlock other perks.
+ Customization is fawesome.
+ Weapon variety is the spice of life. My Assault/Raptor marines die if try to slash my opponent to death. But if I throw in Blind Grenades, slash 1-3 times until I see their armor disperse, then take out my Bolt Pistol and one shot my opponent in the head with it, life just got a hell of easier on me. There is a reason why each weapons stats shows what they do against Armor and Health. Very important and adds to the complexity of the Multiplayer.
+ Weapons really pack a visual and audible punch.
+ Spawning on team members. Relic nailed this. You can only spawn on Capture points, Home starting location, or on Tactical Marines with the perk that allows people to spawn on them. To spawn at your Home Location is almost instant from death, but to spawn on a Capture or Tactical Marine location, it can take up to 10 seconds I believe. The discrepancy in spawning time forces your hand to choose wisely and can change the flow of that moment of the game if you choose right. I really like this (Compared to BF:BadComp2's squad based spawning just as quick as on a base)
- When the Host is running a wireless Aircard in the Artic Basin to connect their XBOX to LIVE. Last night our Host was 19K:4D and had a full bar of Internets. The other 15 people in the game all sat at the last littles red bar of no Internets. Really? Come on, Relic. The game should be smart enough to rehost it immediately. Everyone was rubberbanding and ghosting around while he went around murdering. (this was a rare occurance, most games were lag free last night, but Hosting has its issues)
- Lack of Maps. Needs more maps.
- Personal negative here: Executions. They should have left the ability to do a unique execution, ala Gears of War chaingun or Bad Company 2 Knife stab in the back. It is something small but soooooooo rewarding. This would be huge to me.
I think that is it for now. I am getting a freakin' HUGE
Transformers:War For Cybertron MP vibe here, as well as class complexity ala Shadowrun.
Personally, I think Multiplayer aspects of games need to expand, this being fueled by my love for the Battlefield series. A match in BF is something amazing to partake in compared to regular multiplayer games. I hope Relic gets a chance to do Space Marine a 2nd time and expand on the scope of multiplayer, especially the maps in regards to size, scale and additions.
Loving Space Marine.