Herla said:The Melta Gun has to be the best shotgun in any game ever.
bigdaddygamebot said:Okay you heretic.
The Melta Gun is a consecrated piece of archeotech.
I think you will have no voice when you are two hours injim-jam bongs said:Just woke up and unlocked it, how awesome is this game? I'm only about 20 minutes in but so far I've roared at the TV several times while I cut through a sea of orkses, which is a good sign.
I am tempted to yell when playing MP. But I am concerned that my neighbours would call the police because it would sound as if I am committing bloody murder. Which I would be, in game.derFeef said:I think you will have no voice when you are two hours in![]()
You weren't kidding, just started chapter 3 and the hits keep on coming.derFeef said:I think you will have no voice when you are two hours in![]()
With the launch of Space Marine well underway our team is working to look into bug reports & resolve some top issues being reported within the community. Below is a list of items that are hot our list and we are working to verify/resolve.
- Matchmaking on PC - We are very aware of this issue and have our team working to resolve any problems. Steam has also been working to help resolve these issues.
- Multiplayer Progression Reset We are working to verify this issue as a handful of users have reported their progress resets in multiplayer.
- PS3 NAT issues This is a UI bug and is not something that is affecting your online performance. We have a fix coming to resolve this improperly reported error.
- Pre-order Skins Not Showing Up / Working Steam Skins are now showing up within the Customizer. In regards to BestBuy & GameStop codes, you need to redeem those with the code they provide you. Both Console and PC users who purchase the retail copy of the game (In a Local store or online) should be provided a redeem code for their skins.
When reporting bugs or issues please try to give us as much info as possible.
PC Users: When submitting an issue here on the forums please follow the guidelines here: http://www.spacemarine.com/forums/topic/2821
Console Users: Make sure you are providing us with as many details as you can. If you can provide screenshots, details about your internet connection etc... It's all helpful in us being able to pin point down a issue you might be having.
FieryBalrog said:This has me questioning how good Steamworks matchmaking actually is. The matchmaking in DoW 2 Retribution really blows (and that uses Steamworks too).
Lostconfused said:Oh so you were supposed to get MP skins with the pre-order? Well I am not sure if it's worth the effort of calling up with gamestop's customer service department.
Snuggler said:Yeah, matchmaking blows. That's all there really is to say about that.
Darklord said:The multiplayer is pissing me off. If they refused to include dedicated servers couldn't they have AT LEAST made a server browser? 3 games and 3 times it has dumped me in high ping servers. I can't even connect with a melee weapon so I have to stick to ranged. I'll see how I go in a more park hour but damn! No server list on a PC game is bullshit.
I'll check again but I don't think it's there. Well I hope I am wrong.-Red_Mage- said:If you purchased in the store, check your receipt. They were supposed to be printed on it.
Not really surprising since it is 16 players only, built around matchmaking and the matches are short. Dedicated servers would be nice but it would also kinda feel a little dispensable if you know what I mean.Vigilant Walrus said::O
HAHAHHAHAHA There is no dedicated servers on the pc version?
I have never heard of this in a recent game besides P2P. I thought this was a given for every game? wauw. WOW.
NullPointer said:Already have a wishlist for the next game
* Weapon specific combos and animations.
* Leveling up weapons. As you use them they become stronger and/or unlock new moves. Ranged weapons too.
* Customization in single player, or shared across all modes.
* Co-op support in campaign.
* Wargear from DoW2.
* Requisition points from DoW2. Gain them through kills and combos, spend them to drop equipment pods, ammo, turrets, or even to buff allied units.
* New game+.
* Give us a story that fills newcomers in on just what 40K is all about. References to the Horus Heresy, the Emperor, Space Marine chapters, and other denizens of the world. Take us between worlds in warp space and switch up locales. 40K is such a rich universe that its a gargantuan lost opportunity not to bring new fans into the fold by establishing the setting. Show the player's character going through some of the chapter trials and augmentations. Put selectable murals on the walls that provide backstory, or add more flavor text between the character and allied units. Something. Anything. It'd pay dividends.
You mean removing the dispensable amounts of lag p2p has, sure.derFeef said:Not really surprising since it is 16 players only, built around matchmaking and the matches are short. Dedicated servers would be nice but it would also kinda feel a little dispensable if you know what I mean.
Hell yes. And I'd like to see those seals on the player model. It'd be amazing to start off as a standard marine and by the end of the game have all sorts of armor doodads and ribbons and banners sticking out.oktarb said:* Seals were a good idea. Go further. Get seals for doing things like the achievements.
NullPointer said:Gotta admit I'm a little worried about the horde mode. Getting solid netcode while synchronizing co-op players and all that AI doesn't seem easy to do. If Bungie had to struggle to get firefight playable, it makes me fear for the efforts of other developers.
Hell yes. And I'd like to see those seals on the player model. It'd be amazing to start off as a standard marine and by the end of the game have all sorts of armor doodads and ribbons and banners sticking out.
NullPointer said:Hell yes. And I'd like to see those seals on the player model. It'd be amazing to start off as a standard marine and by the end of the game have all sorts of armor doodads and ribbons and banners sticking out.
NullPointer said:I was worried at first about multiplayer - being thrown into matches with all kinds of leveled up guys, a design I've really come to hate in multiplayer games.
But being able to completely copy the loadout of the player that killed you? Right from the get go? Perfect.
Still feels very much like rock-paper-scissors online, but it's been fun for some 40K kicks. Jetpackers aren't nearly as invincible as they think they are, which is a very good thing.
NullPointer said:Already have a wishlist for the next game
Have not said that. It has issues, they need to get fixed, but I am not sure if dedicated servers are the only way to do it. Regional filtering, good netcode and so on come a long way.Deadbeat said:You mean removing the dispensable amounts of lag p2p has, sure.
Maybe a bit, especially since the environments I'm in now have more character to them.MesserWolf said:Do you still stand by your first impression of the game ( you somewhat agreed with the mark from Eurogamers if I'm not mistaken) ?
Because the mood of your post seems improved .
1,036 right now. So many to kill, so little time.Snuggler said:Where are your Ork kill counts at? You can see it in your Steam achievements. Looks like I've sent 1,583 back to hell.
What's up with you both, it's starting to get a little weridPylon_Trooper said:Today's the day for Space Marine's most fervent admirer. Salazar gets his full Ork and Chaos Busting Simulator on.
Still no word from Twitter. Regardless, remaining on the case.
ironcreed said:Un-goddamn-believable. So, I get my order from Amazon today, only to find an open game case with missing game and manual. I went on their live help chat and they said they would send me out a replacement and it would be here tomorrow. Thing is, I don't know if it was my UPS guy or the packing/shipping center. I don't want to get another empty game case tomorrow. I think I may just cancel and go down the road and pick it up.
derFeef said:What's up with you both, it's starting to get a little werid![]()
Well if there is an embargo over those infromations you can't really do something, but I understand your frustration. I am a little more worried about THQ/relic not sending out review copies at all.Pylon_Trooper said:The only thing weird is Relic and THQ's non-existent communication! Is it all just celebratory beer and whores at the offices over there, so much so that a simple question cannot be answered?!
They have until the end of the day.
Waitasecond...Narag said:Reach end of game; finally realize how weapon selection works. I thought the extra weapons (melta/lascannon/plasma/etc) were restricted to specified slots. Doh.
derFeef said:Well if there is an embargo over those infromations you can't really do something, but I understand your frustration. I am a little more worried about THQ/relic not sending out review copies at all.
How long did it take to finish? Just rented it for 3 days and am hoping to complete it and see if multiplayer pushes me into buying it.Narag said:Reach end of game; finally realize how weapon selection works. I thought the extra weapons (melta/lascannon/plasma/etc) were restricted to specified slots. Doh.
Not that I could ever use them what with my Thunder Hammer and all.