slider said:Dude, I got you once. Once, dammit! And that was with a mine on a WH I think.Yes!
Blah hank_scorpio; you got me lots of times yesterday in that hero game with your flamethrower. Stop killing me
slider said:Dude, I got you once. Once, dammit! And that was with a mine on a WH I think.Yes!
Ditto. I do know what I'm doingSea Manky said:Yeah, that's very action movie cool and all, but all the losing Hero games I've been in have been because my teammates thought it was a good idea to charge at the enemy hero on the ground as if he were any other foot soldier.I go after the enemy hero too, but it's either in a warhawk where I know I can stay behind him, or from a distance.
AranhaHunter said:Yeah that sounds like a good strategy, albeit a bit you're saying to shoot the machine gun and just shoot the lighting gun, without charging, at other Warhawks? Does that strategy work on ground units and tanks and jeeps as well?
deepbrown said:Ditto. I do know what I'm doing(most of the time) ....and I usually go after heros who don't know what they are doing lol.
andydumi said:The biggest mistake is people who assume that by hiding and surviving as hero they benefit the team. I wish Incog put a good manual in the game teaching the modes and the controls for new vehicles (like people who don't know how to boost in the APC).
andydumi said:The biggest mistake is people who assume that by hiding and surviving as hero they benefit the team. I wish Incog put a good manual in the game teaching the modes and the controls for new vehicles (like people who don't know how to boost in the APC).
deepbrown said:I have a couple of questions.
When and why did they change the button for beeping your horn.
When and why did they remove capturing bases/zones as points for your team in TDM? It's only kills now - didn't used to be that way.
Why is that I can only play some of my stored HDD music in WH, but not the rest? (I can play it on the dashboard and in Stardust etc.)
I think they swapped the shoulders.Sea Manky said:It's different now? I just hit the shoulder button and it beeps. Or did they switch which one does it?
Because it's team deathmatch, not team basetaking.I like this change, because it makes the battlefield control support for the killing, instead of the main way to score points. I also hated how I'd take bases, and then the enemy would take them back because my team wouldn't hold them, and we'd somehow end up losing out in the deal. :/
I don't recall exactly when they did this one, but it was a patch or two before 1.5.
No clue, all of mine works. Do you have different codecs for some tracks? If so, try converting them to the same as the ones that work. I use AAC or MP3 for everything.
it would be 6 am for me (gmt+1) :/devildog820 said:Anyone play around 12pm EST? I usually get in a quick game or two then...
You know what else isn't fair some of the trophies are from the expansion packs so I can't get all the trophies unless I buy more expansions. Same with SSHD. Kind off topic but yeah that's unfair...maxax said:I finally decided to get the game, partly for throphies but also because GAF is praising it everywhere.
I played a little local split screen and a bit of online and it's really fun, definitely worth my money.
Just one question about the trophy "Bandwidth Donor":
If I have a slow connection that can't host ranked matches, there is absolutely NO WAY for me to get it? That seems really unfair.. I can't get a faster connection where I live.
Or did somebody find a way to get it?
Riding in the top of the tank with a rocket launcher taking out planes/warhawks is a lot of funTntnnbltn said:New favourite tactic: riding passenger in tanks. It's so good being in there with a fully stocked arsenal... Rocket launching Warhawks, laying down mines while still driving, hopping out to give the tank a quick wrench fix...
Last time I played the Badlands map I ended up loitering outside the tank hanger waiting for people to drive by.
Just making sure, but you know that you can fix the tank with the wrench while popping out of the top, right?Tntnnbltn said:New favourite tactic: riding passenger in tanks. It's so good being in there with a fully stocked arsenal... Rocket launching Warhawks, laying down mines while still driving, hopping out to give the tank a quick wrench fix...
Last time I played the Badlands map I ended up loitering outside the tank hanger waiting for people to drive by.
InterMoniker said:You know what else isn't fair some of the trophies are from the expansion packs so I can't get all the trophies unless I buy more expansions. Same with SSHD. Kind off topic but yeah that's unfair...
It's great in CTF when you repair a flag carrying tank just as fast as it's getting damaged. It's got to be frustrating for the other side.Madman said:Just making sure, but you know that you can fix the tank with the wrench while popping out of the top, right?
TelemachusD said:It's great in CTF when you repair a flag carrying tank just as fast as it's getting damaged. It's got to be frustrating for the other side.
carlos said:And that's precisely why I still don't like the new TOW missle spawn delay (it's now 2 or 3 minutes I believe)
Especially in archipielago where there's only one spawnpoint :/
Lately I've been getting killed while still carrying the TOW because I'm afraid to use it and not have it available in an emergency situation....
freethought said:I thought something was going on with the TOW. I ended up camping for it in a game of CTF earlier. Any other 'adjustments' in the past 9 months I need to be made aware of? I'm on top of the CTF rules, I think. How long before sudden death kicks in though?
I hopped in a small game with Manky earlier too. I think I was lasting maybe 4 or 5 seconds. :lol
edit: Great maps Manky! I'm going to pore over the Vapourfield map, I get so lost on the driving around.
You spend 579h12m53s on this game, yet you're NOT willing to invest a few bucks?carlos said:![]()
if they offered some kind of discount for those who own OD or just the 2nd and 3rd boosters bundled together, I'd probably bite....
That's the cheapskate within talking...getting left out because of my unwillingness to fork over a few bucks
ChryZ said:You spend 579h12m53s on this game, yet you're NOT willing to invest a few bucks?
Sea Manky said:Don't worry, there's still plenty of vanilla Warhawk action going on, so try that out first. If you find it to be as addictive as the rest of us, get the booster pack bundle, all three are totally worth it.![]()
the_prime_mover said:Sea Manky, I think you are probably around the $0.08 cph now! And to think that you have only invested about 66% of the time the top players have! Has anyone received the Platinum yet?
Also, we will not be able to get the Rivalry trophey playing against our own clan, so perhaps if we can get enough people to commit to a few rounds one weekend we could set up a second Gaf clan and have some inter-gaf competition.
Sea Manky, would you be able to amend the clan list with what expansions clan members own? That way we can set up some servers that run the booster packs (I really like small scale death match at Omega Factory, and love the jet pack). I have all three expansions.
Sea Manky said:Don't know how far back it was, so you might already know this, but they tweaked the damage and ammo on the 50 cal/4x4 gun to be more powerful. They also can lock onto aircraft now. More recently, they made it easier for people riding in a jeep to take splash damage from explosions because jeeps were chewing up tanks a bit too easily. They also did a similar damage/ammo upgrade to the flak turrets. And of course I'm sure you've noticed that neat new 50 point Winning Team ribbon, which you get for being on the winning team for the entire match.![]()
Sea Manky said:I haven't done a Vaporfield map because Incognito never posted a big clean map like they did for all the others. ;_;
Sea Manky said:Yeah, that's a bad trophy, as is the one for joining a clan if it isn't awarded to people who are already in one. I think the intention was to promote community interaction, but since Warhawk has been out for a year, there's already a thriving set of well established clans, and this is just screwing with that. The Warlord trophy in particular is just going to encourage a lot of temporary clan invite screwing around, and frankly I wouldn't blame anyone who did. They're the only ones that logically can't be earned by everyone if earned as intended.
andydumi said:Hey Manky,
Warlord can be had by passing the leadership around supposedly. Could we do that, rather than have people leave and come back?
keyrat said:There's no way for me to get any type of deal on the two newest booster packs when I already bought Omega Dawn, is there?
If anyone is thinking of buying just one booster pack, don't bother. I have Omega Dawn and I can't ever play it because there's really only two types of servers: vanilla, and all booster packs.
Sea Manky said:Since Warhawk is the only game I own for the system, I factor in its cost, the two extra controllers I got on sale, the game, the boosters, and the repair charge when I stupidly fried the USB ports with static. ^_^
the_prime_mover said:Are you only looking at the Official servers? I usually don't have a hard time finding servers set up for either Omega Dawn or Broken Mirror. If you try to join an all server will it not allow you, or do you just get kicked once a booster comes up that you don't have?
In a few months they really need to make one of the boosters free so that everyone can play. I think making Omega Dawn free and dropping the combined booster to about $10.99 would be a good deal.
I looooooove doing thatthe_prime_mover said:I hate trying to capture bases and getting knifed by someone I never could have seen
slider said:Has anyone ever experience "invisible air mines"? I've been suffering from this with increasing frequency recently. I'm not imagining it - I just suddenly explode in mid air (and the air mine symbol shows up). It's very frustrating, especially as I'm focusing on improving my flying.![]()