Okay, after compiling everything, here's the state of the current roster:
Miss PSN Name GAF Name Host Email? Timezn Packs GB Name Available
0 carlos carlos 2 Yes EST O gafcarlos Anytime
0 Foil Foil 12 No EST - - Irregular
0 hank_scorpio slider 8 Yes GMT OBF - 9pm-10pm GMT some WD, some WE
0 Palantiri the_prime_mover 16 Yes EST OBF Palantiri Evenings & WE 5p-11p
0 Sea_Manky Sea Manky 8 Yes EST OBF Sea_Manky Almost anytime
0 solbad sol_bad 8 Yes GMT+10 OBF - WD >5p
1 AndysPants andydumi 8 ? CST OBF - Evenings
1 angelcage angelcage87 4 Yes GMT+1 ? angelcage WE
1 Arkestra Ceb 24 Yes GMT+1 ? Arkestra F-Su 2p-6p EST, S-Su >4a EST, WD <6p EST rnd
1 burnfout burnfout 8 Yes GMT+1 ? burnfout >8p GMT
1 ChryZ-US ChryZ 4 No GMT+2 ? ChryZ WD 7p-11p GMT, WE 12p-5a GMT
1 cjdunn cjdunn 0 Yes EST ? - WD evenings except We
1 deepbrown deepbrown 4 No GMT ? deepbrown Irregular, after 10p
1 devildog820 devildog820 20 No EST ? - Irregular
1 DireStr8s nickslicl 8 Yes EST ? DireStr8s WD >5p EST, WE
1 ElStupido83 Phantast2k 16 Yes GMT+1 ? ElStupido all week til Oct, WE after
1 Escalation Escalation 20 Yes PST ? Escalation WE
1 F-Pina F-Pina 4 Yes GMT ? Pina WE
1 freethought69 freethought 8 Yes GMT ? freethought 1p-5p WD, some nights, most WE
1 Goonboy Roxas 8 Yes GMT ? Goonboy7777 Most evenings
1 icechai icechai 20 Yes EST ? icechai F-S >1a EST, possible WE daytime
1 JackScofield Jack Scofield 24 Yes PST ? JackScofield Most evenings, WE preferred
1 Jaeyden Jaeyden 8 Yes MST ? Jaeyden Mostly WE, flexible WD
1 Jazar Oni Jazar 20 Yes EST ? Jazar random, mostly WE
1 Mintylurb mintylurb 2 Yes EST ? mintylurb WE 2p-5p EST
1 Nohne kazenone 8 Yes GMT ? Nohne >5p GMT
1 pancakesandsx pancakesandsex 20 Yes EST ? pancakesandsex Su 3p-5p EST
1 PlayerBeyond CSSer 12 Yes EST ? PlayerBeyond WE open, WD 6p-11p EST
1 Queeg500 Queeg 8 Yes GMT+10 ? - Random
1 REDEMPTOR RoH 24 Yes EST ? rohscx WE >3p EST
1 revolverjgw revolverjgw 8 Yes AST ? - WD >9p EST, WE afternoons
1 SgtSpud SpudBud 24 Yes EST ? - 5p-9p, irregular
1 Steroyd Steroyd 8 Yes GMT+1 ? Steroyd Every day except F-Su 6p-10p
1 TEEPO teepo 24 Yes EST ? teepo Irregular
1 TelemachusD TelemachusD 24 Yes EST ? - Anytime with a couple days notice, except after 2a
1 The_Marquis The Take Out Bandit 12 Yes EST ? The_Marquis WE open, WD >8p EST infrequently
1 Tiduz Tiduz 24 Yes CET ? - Irregular
1 Trevelyan Trevelyan 8 Yes EST ? Trevelyan 3pm Sat ok, almost anytime
1 womfalcs3 womfalcs3 8 Yes EDT ? - WD irregular, WE 11a-1p, irregular afternoons, can't host
2 BeeDog BeeDog ? Yes GMT+1 ? - Su, sometimes early Sa
2 BlackGoku03 BlackGoku03 ? Yes EST ? - F-Su >11p, sometimes WD
2 Bloody_Marcel TTP 12 Yes GMT+1 ? Bloody_Marcel ?
2 Cacophony onadesertedisland ? Yes CST ? onadesertedisland >8pm CST
2 Methane47 methane47 ? Yes EST ? methane47 Evenings except Su/We
2 Tntnnbltn Tntnnbltn 12 Yes GMT+8 ? - ?
3 decon89 decon 8 Yes GMT+1 ? ? ?
3 GimmeCat Eccocid ? Yes GMT+2 ? ? WD 9p-11p, WE evenings
3 GoncaloCastro GoncaloCCastro ? ? GMT ? GoncaloCastro WE
3 JohnFkennedy johnFkennedy 8 Yes CST ? ? ?
4 kassatsu kassatsu ? Yes PST ? ? ?
5 J-Wood j-wood ? ? CST ? ? ?
5 m0nkeyhero h3ro ? ? EST ? ? ?
6 aprodigalson ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 CaliChronz InterMoniker ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 Flo_Evans Flo_Evans ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 Huggers The Hug Dog ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 InfectedZero InfectedZero ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 JupiterUnleashed so_awes ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 OmegaSpur OmegaSpur ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 PaiPai Pai Pai Master ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 Gowanz007 Gowans007 ? ? ? ? ? ? -- Note, waiting on PSX3 to return
6 TKAwsome TKAwsome ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 seikenchan Seiken ? ? ? ? ? ?
6 aj2good4you2 aj2good4you2 ? ? ? ? ? ?
Thanks for all the responses, we've got a lot more info now. There's still a lot missing though, and a lot of you read my PM but never replied. >:| The last guy who hasn't played since the first half of the year has been cut, so new cuts will come from outstanding idle invitations first, and people in the roster who haven't provided data second. There's also a few of you who did reply, but didn't give complete info.
EVEN IF YOU REPLIED BEFORE, PLEASE CHECK BY YOUR NAME. I've added a new column for booster packs, with O, B, and F representing Omega Dawn, Broken Mirror, and Falling Star respectively, so I'll need to know what everyone has there. Thanks to Steroyd for initially pointing that out.
Again, the first number is how many pieces of data haven't been supplied. A lot of the 1's are just missing the booster pack info, but there's still quite a few below them that are missing some/all the info. Please PM me with the info for anything that has a "?" on the row with your name.
A recap of what we're looking for:
How many people you can host: To find this out, just log on to Warhawk, go to Create Game, and the game will test your connection. Under Server Options, go down to the Max Players option. The biggest number you can host will be there.
An email address we can use to contact you about clan business: If you don't wish to submit an email address, that's fine, just tell me so and I'll mark you down as a "No". All email addresses will be kept private within the clan, and only used for emails about matches or clan stuff.
Your time zone: Let us know where you are in the world so we can coordinate playing times better.
What booster packs you have: Just list the ones you've got, and we'll be able to make better server rotations to accommodate everyone.
Your username on gamebattles.com: If you don't have one, that's okay, just let me know that you don't. Registering on GB is optional, but in the event we start up GB activity again, you'll need to register if you want to participate in GB clan matches.
Your general availability: Just a basic summary of the typical times you're playing Warhawk. If you're completely irregular or always available, just say so.
Anyone new who wants to join the clan will need to provide this info first.
Now, about the Warlord trophy. People have been asking me to pass it around, and I fundamentally don't have a problem with this, and I don't want to stay clan leader for long. But like I've said before, I'm going to wait a while to see what happens over on the Warhawk boards just to make sure Incog doesn't start wiping stats for trophy padding as well as stat padding. There's been a lot of clans who have done this already, and I want to see if anything happens to them. Color me paranoid, but I've put a thousand hours into this game and I don't want to lose my stats because people are too eager for a trophy. :/
If anyone is impatient, and wants to temporarily leave the clan to get this, I have no problem inviting you back when you're done.
NOW SEND ME DATA! Let's get some clan matches together this weekend!