Welcome to the Warriors series community thread, where we discuss all the intricacies of pressing a combination of pressing the square and triangle buttons over and over again in different patterns. While intended as a thread for discussion on Koei's Warriors/Musou series, discussion on other genre-related games like Sengoku BASARA, Ninety-Nine Nights, and other unrelated games that share the base "Musou" gameplay style is more than welcome.
Spanning over 40 games in the series, the influence left by the Musou-style gameplay can be traced to many other unrelated series and genres.

What GAF thinks about the Warriors series:
Is there really a best Musou? It's the same game with a different skin on it. They are all mediocre mindless hack and slash. Just pick a theme you like, and you will probably like that one the best.
I can't believe Jim likes Dynasty Warriors. Ugh.
What objectively correct people think about the Warriors series:
As a huge Dynasty Warriors fan, it pains me to so often hear the series referred to as absolute garbage, the worst of the worst, etc. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the series. But I'll be the first to admit that it's not an AAA franchise, or an AA franchise, or even an A franchise. It's firmly rooted in the B-tier category of games. But it just absolutely baffles me when people treat the series the same way they treat licensed movie games and Gameloft shovelware. I mean, if the series were such garbage, why then does it have such a passionate fanbase not just in Japan, where it regularly tops sales charts, but all around the world? I often hear the complaint that the series is just rehash after rehash, but I strongly suspect that the people saying this are basing their stance off of the low scores most Western review outlets (with the exception of Jim Sterling from Destructoid) give the series, and haven't actually played a Warriors game since DW2 or DW3.
But the series HAS changed and evolved over time. Sure, it's still essentially the same sort of battlefield action game it always was, but then Call of Duty is still the same FPS it always was, Assassin's Creed is still the same open world action adventure game it always was, Street Fighter is still the same one on one fighting game it always was. But all of these series have changed and evolved over time. Just like Dynasty Warriors. From the perspective of a fan, the difference between Dynasty Warriors 2 and Dynasty Warriors 7 is the same as the difference between say, Tekken and Tekken 6.
Jim Sterling on Twitter said:People who bash Dynasty Warriors really don't know what the fuck they're talking about.