Yeah I would say you are at peak (real) natty or thereabouts
Good stuff, keep at it
That’s cool and good for you! But Joel isn’t living anywhere near to such a way that he could keep his Mass over the course of TLOUI. That was really the point, but kudos. I need to get back to the gym!Workout routines aren't expensive if you know what you're doing i don't have a fraction of the money of those Hollywood actors but my physique puts them shame and I have receipts!
Ah, the worm-man.This guy is 70...
That’s cool and good for you! But Joel isn’t living anywhere near to such a way that he could keep his Mass over the course of TLOUI. That was really the point, but kudos.
Yeah.But she can?
A 52 year old man that takes poor care of himself, who’s a basic citizen/smuggler without any extra provisions or workout equipment, living in a city on the edge of collapse is totally acceptable to be a powerful murder machine yet somehow a girl that has almost literally lived at the gym for years and is one of the best soldiers (is a favoured class based on their militaristic leader) of her incredibly well established (where we literally walk through an entire football stadium devoted mostly to livestock, agriculture, and general infrastructure, somehow is unrealistic lol
And all the men people are posting? Joel had nothing like that, be it weights or nutrition, for years.
And let’s pretend that all of these movies aren’t selling a completely unrealistic fantasy. You guys are posting images of actors that literally went on a workout routine we could never afford to temporarily be unrealistically buff for a film.
This guy is older thanHeisenbergFX4 and
Who is Chuando Tan, the Singaporean photographer who ‘never ages’ at 58?
Since going viral for his age-defying appearance in 2017, photographer Tan can now count author and actor among his talents – but the big question is, how does he look so young?
Ban this man.
She’s been aggressively lifting since her mid teens, in an extremely well provided for group al that has a fully modern gym, agriculture, livestock and so on. She’s one of the higher up soldiers in a militaristic society so she’s shown favour in terms of food and resources. She lives at the gym and has spent her life after her father’s death devoted to build herself up to murder the man that did it.
She’s not scavenging for a can of beans every other day trekking across the UnitedStates on foot for over a year and almost dying over a winter, and she wasn’t drinking heavily, or being a scavenger for years before she became a smuggler in a run down city with terrible provisions for citizens like him. Both can be embellished, but Joel is hands down more unrealistic within the context of the story.
Those guys are on gear.Nope, not even creatine. I'm 180 pounds and been lifting since '99. You'd be surprised what you can do when you're not a sedentary nerd. Jeff Nippard,, and many other natties are bigger and leaner than I am. My abs barely even show at this weight. I need to get to 170 to be shredded, I think.
Those guys are on gear.
They’re all on gear. Honesty is virtually extinct in the fitness world.Nah, I believe them. I've followed them for years and I know what I've done myself with average genetics. But we're all entitled to our opinions. I believe Will Tennyson as well and he's a taller bigger version of me. Alberto Nuñez is another inspiration that I believe is natural. I'll never get to his body fat percentage.
I wouldn't believe Schofield's arm genetics if I didn't know somehow just like him. I have a workout buddy who has 17 and 5/8 inch arms making my 16.5 inch arms look small.
Here is a good calculator for natty or not. Anyone in the 22-25 range(on the meter), like myself, with good muscle insertions and a good level of leanness will look unnatty to the average person. Someone like the actor who plays Reacher is at 27.5. I am at ~23. The Rock would be at ~29. Anything over 26 is "suspicious".
This is not full proof, of course. There are people who take steroids too soon or don't eat enough to get to 25, but their builds are possible given enough time and effort with average to above average genetics.
Thanks, man. It's a compliment but also discrediting when I get accused of drugs. I don't even drink let alone inject drugs. I also never fluctuate(the way I see obvious roid users at my gym). I've maintained this size since '05 barring my one serious injury in 2011. The allure was there when I was young but my mortality and health are more and more of a concern as I get older so there is just no way at this point. Idk how O'Hearn does it(maybe money for facelifts?) but usually roid users look older and I get comments that I look young for my age very often.
They’re all on gear. Honesty is virtually extinct in the fitness world.
They’re all on gear. Honesty is virtually extinct in the fitness world.
Hmm, we can agree to disagree. I used to be more pessimistic about what was possible. It was during my first 3 or so years of lifting in the early '00s. Then I looked back on the progress I made after several bills and cuts. What is your idea of the peak a natural can achieve?
Yeah I have always wondered about many of them, they have big followings and there's monetary incentive to lie about it and maybe take low doses so it doesn't look too crazy. That Geoffery Verrity Schofield guy just popped up out of nowhere as a noble natty or whatever and yet is able to make continuous large gains, especially to his biceps. I've been training a while and can put up similar weight and yet he has significant size in his arms, although it's hard to tell how lean he is (I try and stay relatively lean year round).
I suppose it's genetics, but his base wasn't great to begin with. Again though, maybe he's just playing up the lighting/angles/pump.
Guy's legend.
Can’t even find work as a personal trainer much of the time, as a man, if you’re not on steroids/T, never mind as an influencer or bodybuilder.Yeah I have always wondered about many of them, they have big followings and there's monetary incentive to lie about it and maybe take low doses so it doesn't look too crazy. That Geoffery Verrity Schofield guy just popped up out of nowhere as a noble natty or whatever and yet is able to make continuous large gains, especially to his biceps. I've been training a while and can put up similar weight and yet he has significant size in his arms, although it's hard to tell how lean he is (I try and stay relatively lean year round).
I suppose it's genetics, but his base wasn't great to begin with. Again though, maybe he's just playing up the lighting/angles/pump.
I think these days, being honest about steroid use actually gets you way more viewers so there really isn't the same incentive to lie. Look at Sam Sulek and that guy who just announced getting on the juice after having a large following natty all because he doesn't want to bulk lol. Anyway, you really don't have to lie these days about it. People get even more famous and way faster claiming steroids.
Can’t even find work as a personal trainer much of the time, as a man, if you’re not on steroids/T, never mind as an influencer or bodybuilder.
Every male fitness influencer is lying about taking PEDs, or admitting to taking PEDs as an alternative approach. The incentives are absolute. They all sell supplements and sell the lie that a training regimen and those supplements will get you to look like they do. Meanwhile it’s just gear, every time.
Sets up massively unrealistic expectations for people who start training.
The delts and traps tell the truth in each case.Some people with really good genetics aren’t on gear.
Of course people like O’hearn or Sulek are but Jesse James, Tennyson, Nippard all have a natural look to them.
I think a guy with great genetics who trains will like better than a guy with poor genetics who uses.
It depends, really.
If you lie about it, and the lie is egregious, the consequences can be pretty bad - just look at the Liver King. Granted, the guy is absolutely loaded and has generational wealth, but his following online definitely nose dived after he was found out. There's a reason Mike O'Hearn will never directly come clean about it. Although he's a running meme at this point.
Guys like Sam, they never talked about Steroids (did he ever admit to it recently?), so technically never lied or said that just eating carnivore and organs will lead to looking like a steroid freak.
Nippard definitely has a very high FFMI, so I don't know. But he's also short, and maybe short guys have a higher FFMI potential? 5'4 and 170 lbs shredded is massive
No sir, you just forgot what men used to be
Joe "Thanksgiving Ham" Rogan![]()
Its possible
She's doesn't seem to be getting any special treatment in terms of food and resource, and also had to wait in line like the rest of them. In fact, when Manny request her to get a particular dish, she says "you get what you get" so it shown she gets no favor.
Perhaps the secret to body muscle mass is burritos?
Also, you say that Abby is "one of the higher up soldiers", yet she is treated like foot soldier. This guy Manny, asked her to sign out and she, slightly pissed, did so. So much for being higher up soldier.
Good job, man.Thanks, man. It's a compliment but also discrediting when I get accused of drugs. I don't even drink let alone inject drugs. I also never fluctuate(the way I see obvious roid users at my gym). I've maintained this size since '05 barring my one serious injury in 2011. The allure was there when I was young but my mortality and health are more and more of a concern as I get older so there is just no way at this point. Idk how O'Hearn does it(maybe money for facelifts?) but usually roid users look older and I get comments that I look young for my age very often.
Yes, it's ridiculous.Yeah, no extra food/protein and no steroids and a female would never be her size. In some shots, she looks about my size lol.
Good job, man.
Don't see it as discrediting. People overestimate the effect of roids, or at least of Testosterone. For some competition compounds it's another story. This stuff works on everybody, but it will change your life for the worse.
People think once they hop on the gear, they will look like Ronny. But in Bodybuilding, there's an untalked survivor bias: A lot of people don't have the biochemical genetics to "endure" roid usage. Many quit after week one or two because of the side effects. Heck, some men can't even do TRT.
I think your pictures show a perfect mix of luck and knowing exactly what you're doing.
You started at 17 and have 25 years of workout experience. This is unvaluable for muscle development. Let's he honest: a guy starting at 42 can't look like you naturally. He can't build during his 40s and 50s what you built as a teenager (teenagers often have supraphysiological hormone levels) and in your 20s.
Anabolic lighting and the type of mirror play an immense role.
And, of course, the #1 defining factor: Genetics.
Some people can do everything wrong and will grow like crazy (not saying you did things wrong). Some people can do everything right and will barely grow at all. Ice cold fact: Bodybuilding is a genetic arms race. And it's unfair.
Bone structure plays a huge role. Small men with short limbs have an immense advantage over tall guys with long limbs. So if you a structure like Nippard or Gimli, it's much easier.
As for O'Hearn...
He's a genetically superior human being. He looked like a superhero as a teenager and he looks like one 30 years later. He's also always been one of the strongest BBs. Mike has guru knowledge in terms of training, nutrition, and roids. Amazing guy.
I'm 43. I don't plan on falling apart in 7 years.![]()
If this is what your mental image of a 50 year old looks like, you have no hope. Go to the gym for once dude. Look at Zoe Quinn's dad. Look at chuando tanJoel is repeatedly called old, old timer and Gramps throughout the game. Yet the guy looks like he's in his mid 30s and has the strength of men in their 20s
He cleaves through men like they're nothing and Has a higher body count that drake. He pretty much looks the same as he does in the intro, other than abit of silver in his hair; which men get in their 30s anyway.
Man went through hell. Daughters dead; had to murder innocent people for 20 years just to eat.
Could this man achieve Joel's feats?