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Was Joel too powerful and good looking for a 52 year old?

Joel too powerful and good looking for an old man?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 15.3%
  • No

    Votes: 200 84.7%

  • Total voters


A 52 year old man that takes poor care of himself, who’s a basic citizen/smuggler without any extra provisions or workout equipment, lives in a city on the edge of collapse (they make a point to say the rationing for non soldiers is terrible) and somehow it’s totally acceptable to be a powerful murder machine.

Yet a girl that has almost literally lived at the gym since her mid teens, who is one of the best soldiers (is a favoured class based on their militaristic leader) of her incredibly well established is somehow unrealistic lol. Seriously we literally walk through an entire football stadium devoted mostly to livestock, agriculture, and general infrastructure.

And all the men people are posting? Joel had nothing like that, be it weights or nutrition, for years. Add to that he was a scavenger during the time skip, and almost died over winter.

And let’s pretend that all of these movies aren’t selling a completely unrealistic fantasy. You guys are posting images of actors that literally went on a workout routine we could never afford to temporarily be unrealistically buff for a film.
No matter how much Abby works out, she is not getting that physique with her female level of testosterone
Men’s testosterone levels decline steadily with age. Tends to be a sharp decline in physical condition for men after mid-40s due to T levels and other age-related decline setting in.

You can partially mitigate with exercise or get on TRT of course, but age comes for us all.

True although this is likely in part for average men that begin developing health conditions that contribute to heightened decline

The drop off does not appear to be sharp if you’re otherwise fit, but gradual, and even so not substantial enough to cause significant muscle wasting

Lots of older men I know that aren’t on gear but are in excellent condition. May not be peak, but not a huge decline

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I asked Meta AI a picture of a typical 52 years old American and showed me this:

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How old is OP?
Being early 50s doesn't make you a fat old guy. Some people get 'old' earlier than others, but Joel is totally believable as 52.

If they said he was 70 that'd be different.

For what it's worth Connery, Moore and Daniel Craig were all still being James Bond beyond 52.
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Tom Brady is laughing at your question.

He could have played the highest level of professional football until he was 50 if he had wanted. Gordie Howe was playing in the NHL in his fifties.

Go to any gym and you'll see some of the strongest dudes there are post-50.

It's not that old if you take care of yourself.
Everyone is on the decline after 40 let alone 50 don't kid yourself a 50plus man is no match for a 20 or 30y old. Go watch the Tyson Vs Paul fight for confirmation of that.

Aces High

True although this is likely in part for average men that begin developing health conditions that contribute to heightened decline

The drop off does not appear to be sharp if you’re otherwise fit, but gradual, and even so not substantial enough to cause significant muscle wasting

Lots of older men I know that aren’t on gear but are in excellent condition. May not be peak, but not a huge decline
Today we know that it's often the other way round:

Low T can cause age-related health conditions.

The problem with T is that 100% of men think more is better. But that's not the case.

Every body has a sweet spot. If you're above or below that for too long, you'll get seriously sick.

This hormone stuff is extremely complicated, and especially in the USA and the UK there's an entire industry of businesses with no medical background who make millions by making men sick for the sake of vanity.

Think of it like this:


Your body is a car.
Your Total T level is a gas station.
Your Free T level is your gas tank.
Your SHBG and, to a lesser extent, Albumin blood levels define the size of your gas tank

As long as there's gas in the tank, you're fine.

Your car won't drive any faster if you put more gas in.

Some people have a big tank (high Free T) and can drive with higher speeds for a longer time. Some people have a small tank (low Free T) and need to refuel more often (converting Total T to Free T)

Stress, physical or psychological, will burn fuel.

Bodybuilding is an extreme level of physical stress.

If your tank is very small, one single intense training session might burn all your fuel. If you go berserk in the gym everyday and also have kids and a stressful job, even a big tank will not suffice.

If your tank is depleted, you get symptoms of low T. These symptoms can be insomnia, impotence, mood swings, depression, increase in body fat, etc. They will last until your body refills the tanks (convert Total T into Free T). If your body can't refill the tank anymore, it's called hypogonadism.

So for many men, simply reducing stress can make all the difference. Work less. Train shorter and less often. Meditate. Eat healthy. Enjoy things. T levels will return to a functional level. You will lose fat and build muscle.

It's all about finding a lifestyle that fits your gas tank size.

Why do men with supraphysiological (higher than natural) T levels look more muscular?

Because Free T is always a relative percentage of Total T. So you can train harder, longer, and more often before you run out of Free T. As long as you have enough Free T, you benefit from higher nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. Also, other stress factors like job, family or girl are less likely to take a toll. So you have less cortisol-related muscle breakdown.

Problem 1:

Taking too much testosterone is like driving your car in red rpm range. It's only a matter of time until it breaks down.

Problem 2:

Unless you pin every day with micro dosages, TRT injections always spike your T into supraphysiological ranges due to the nature of the ester.

Gel doesn't work well for most people. Pills are livertoxic.

So you never want to do TRT for vanity reasons. Only take it if you have clinical hypogonadism.
Definitely powerful since the gameplay makes him as tough as he needed to be. He also looks good for a 52 not as good as John Wick but better than most 52 year old. Could pass for someone in the mid 40s.
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Joel too powerful and good looking for an old man?

52 isn't 'old' (and that guy in th eOp looks more like 70, lol). It's a videogame and people don't need to put every last thing under the microscope, but the question was asked. It doesn't feel like he's massively too powerful vs his form and life experience.

I've worked with people who spend time in the gym before or after grafting all day; some who can't walk past a mirror without checking themselves out (vanity is a hell of a drug) but others because that's all they know or they think it makes them better at what they do. While the bulked-up may excel in some areas like infrequent, demanding one-offs, they often struggle with a more practical range of regular, sustained, little-and-often activities that require a leaner build for speed and agility. If you're on a day rate then knock yourself out and bulk up, but if you're on price work you're only fucking yourself lugging around all that mass while inviting injury. Like the guy who used to moonlight as a nightclub bouncer after a day on site - built like a Rugby Union Prop I imagine he could have lifted me above his head 1 hand, but I was running rings around him in my early teens and he could only shake his head at how this kid was doing more than twice the graft for half the effort. If he was closer to the physique of a Rugby League Winger he'd have stood a fighting chance of living with me, lol.

For day-to-day survival in a post-apocalyptic world I'm thinking that winger's lean, fast agility backed by a fair level of strength would be ideal. An outdoorsy/construction worker type is going to fare much better than a bulked gymbro, especially when the cows run out. Same goes for every day life in the here and now... I wouldn't be podiuming ultramarathons built like a brick shithouse, but as lean grafter soyboy in his 50s it's still comes easy.


Abby is way less believable with how she was able to keep the muscles and the overal mass in a post-apocalyptic world where (good) food isn't easy to come by and no one's making special supplements anymore.

The fact is that a woman could not look like Abby in a post apocalyptic world. A 52 year old man could looks like Joel though.

Those are the facts bud, pick up a biology text book.

Zzz Ok GIF by Jim Gaffigan


People acting like Abby's body is unobtainable, yet she's been athletic since her childhood, has access to a gym, is for obvious reasons a highly motivated soldier and lives in a city known for salmon fishing. There have been fit people before one could buy Animal Paks and growth hormones. I don't want to dig up the old "artistic choice" argument, but I think her body is meant to reflect her personality and in the context of the game it makes a lot of sense. They should have softened her a bit during her final (playable) part of the game though.



Vid in polish but u can figure out his age from title alone, 75yo bodybuilder.
Btw, he started out at 14yo, and yup, when he was younger he looked 5x better, alltime natty, true natty, as u can suspect ;)


Absolutely Cozy
Some old guys and I'm talking actually old like 80's can have sinewy strength that enables them to still do great things with their bodies. It most often comes from good genetics and a physically active life. Bodybuilder strength has its own benefits, but when it comes to real life usage the muscles they have trained aren't necessarily practical. I'd rather have an acrobat's or mountain climber's muscles.


People acting like Abby's body is unobtainable, yet she's been athletic since her childhood, has access to a gym, is for obvious reasons a highly motivated soldier and lives in a city known for salmon fishing. There have been fit people before one could buy Animal Paks and growth hormones. I don't want to dig up the old "artistic choice" argument, but I think her body is meant to reflect her personality and in the context of the game it makes a lot of sense. They should have softened her a bit during her final (playable) part of the game though.
Her body is fully obtainable, just dont make her voiceactress be one with normal womanly voice, give her one who has sideeffects from taking peds, since voice change is first sideeffect women on gear get, even 120 lbs bikini fitness competitors after only one year on low doses of juice.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
People acting like Abby's body is unobtainable, yet she's been athletic since her childhood, has access to a gym, is for obvious reasons a highly motivated soldier and lives in a city known for salmon fishing. There have been fit people before one could buy Animal Paks and growth hormones. I don't want to dig up the old "artistic choice" argument, but I think her body is meant to reflect her personality and in the context of the game it makes a lot of sense. They should have softened her a bit during her final (playable) part of the game though.
Women have 1/10 to 1/20 as much testosterone as men. The average, sedentary, unathletic man is stronger than nearly all women. The above average man is stronger than all women.

Men and women are different. The Abby’s of the world *only* exist via pumping themselves with large quantities of exogenous male hormones. Which, unfortunately, makes their voices deepen and gives them masculinized genital side effects.


Women have 1/10 to 1/20 as much testosterone as men. The average, sedentary, unathletic man is stronger than nearly all women. The above average man is stronger than all women.

Men and women are different. The Abby’s of the world *only* exist via pumping themselves with large quantities of exogenous male hormones. Which, unfortunately, makes their voices deepen and gives them masculinized genital side effects.
Its not even just pure physical strenght, higher lung capacity, stronger bones/tendons, higher resistance to both physical and mental pain, whole upbringing is different too.

Simply put nature "nerfed" women so they can be able to bear children, while us- guys, we were made with one purpose in mind- to provide and protect.

When some1 mentions equality i always direct them to that old low quality of polish country brawl between drunky hubby and his behemoth of a wife.

Even tho she is stronger than 99,9% of women and guy is drunk af, skinny and definitely below avg u can tell whatever she does deals literally no dmg to the guy while he, not even being able to stand straight coz of alcohol overuse lightly greases her chin and its like holy thunder hits her- she imediately loses any fighting will, ofc he is her hubby and doesnt wanna hurt her really so he doesnt follow up, but results are clear despite being drunk and clear 2x weightclass disadvantage :messenger_ok:


Gold Member
It's certainly possible to be still in your prime at 52, not easy, but possible, have you seen Salma Hayek, Tom Cruise?

Salma Hayek is 58



Women have 1/10 to 1/20 as much testosterone as men. The average, sedentary, unathletic man is stronger than nearly all women. The above average man is stronger than all women.

Men and women are different. The Abby’s of the world *only* exist via pumping themselves with large quantities of exogenous male hormones. Which, unfortunately, makes their voices deepen and gives them masculinized genital side effects.
The education system in the US and UK is evidently on its knees as this simple fact needs to be explained.

Salmon fishing… I bet Abby would be allowed to eat 3 whole Salmon a day because why not. Fuck the long term ecosystem and food supply, fuck everyone else who’s equally hungry.


Gold Member
The fact is that a woman could not look like Abby in a post apocalyptic world. A 52 year old man could looks like Joel though.

Those are the facts bud, pick up a biology text book.

I mostly ignore Abby's criticism because TLOUS is a work of fiction, in any apocaliptic movie/game realistic everyone would be skinny and unfit because everyday food protein would be hard to come by.
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Are we seriously discussing testosterone in game characters here? It is clear that the events of the game are contrived and everything is a bit embellished, but I don’t see anything wrong with that. There are games with an emphasis on survival and realism, everything is a bit more serious there, although again, far from reality. We play games to escape from reality. :messenger_grinning:


I mostly ignore Abby's criticism because TLOUS id a work of fiction, in any apocaliptic movie/game realiatic everyone would be skinny and unfit because everyday food protein would be hard to come by.
We only need 1,6 grams per kg of lean musclemass daily intake, for most of us its around 150grams or even below, ofc if some1 does extreme physical labor(so no office work+ gym 3x/week) or is on a deep cut- its worth to up protein intake a lot, even up to 300grams or so ;)
Think of some1 like Negan from TWD, that guy being who he is could easily manage 300grams of protein/day and workout routine, avg person ofc wouldnt :)


Women have 1/10 to 1/20 as much testosterone as men. The average, sedentary, unathletic man is stronger than nearly all women. The above average man is stronger than all women.

Men and women are different. The Abby’s of the world *only* exist via pumping themselves with large quantities of exogenous male hormones. Which, unfortunately, makes their voices deepen and gives them masculinized genital side effects.

I've heard of the science behind that (I wouldn't say I know it), but then, there's also Lean Beef Patty:



Linux User
Ellie has perfect teeth (toothpaste and orthodontist in post apocalyptic society?) and shiny hair (thanks Andrelon).

You see this in every Hollywood movie because nobody really wants to look at malnourished goblins which is what people really looked like in the dark ages.

Edit look at Plague Tale's Alicia for example.
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Everyone is on the decline after 40 let alone 50 don't kid yourself a 50plus man is no match for a 20 or 30y old. Go watch the Tyson Vs Paul fight for confirmation of that.
Go put Tyson (who is almost 60) against your average random 20 year-old kid. Let me know how that works out for them.


I mostly ignore Abby's criticism because TLOUS id a work of fiction, in any apocaliptic movie/game realiatic everyone would be skinny and unfit because everyday food protein would be hard to come by.

I beg to differ (in the case of TLOU) because of low population there would be plenty of leftover food (MREs, abandon preserve food) as well as growing number of free roaming animals.


Not really. Food is scarce in The Last of Us, especially within FEDRA quarantine zones, so maintaining a lean physique would be achievable for 99.99% of the surviving population (except maybe Bill, but he has an entire town’s worth of supplies at his disposal). Additionally, a post-apocalyptic world involves a lot of physical labor. For instance, escorting Ellie out of the quarantine zone was ‘just another cargo job,’ yet it required immense amounts of walking, running, climbing, and fighting infected.

It’s also entirely achievable today. A close relative of mine has almost the same build as Joel, and he’s nearly 60—though his hairline isn’t anywhere near as good, lol but that is genetics anyway.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
When I played The last of us 2... It seems that instead of giving realism to desperate situations, the survivors exaggerate them to be ''super human'', but see in the cutscenes that they have choreographies that are not real and other types of actions.


I've heard of the science behind that (I wouldn't say I know it), but then, there's also Lean Beef Patty:

Ur example of a hulk woman is 5'3 and 132 lbs, even ur avg gaming nerd( 5'8, 160lbs)would destroy her in 1on1 fight w/o trying to hard, while abby was manhandling actual build guys.


Too good looking? What are you on about. There’s no such thing. What is this, Era?
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Physically he seems fine?
I mean he is not your average 50 years old but I do know people in their 50's who look similar.

In terms of actual strength and "power" it might be exaggerated, but so is basically every game (and action movie) regardless of the age of the character.


Ur example of a hulk woman is 5'3 and 132 lbs, even ur avg gaming nerd( 5'8, 160lbs)would destroy her in 1on1 fight w/o trying to hard, while abby was manhandling actual build guys.
She can’t change her height. Some women can be tall and buff. Also, isn’t everyone a fan of posting some 1 in 50 thousand IG model to justify a titty ninja? ThEsE WoMeN ExIst and all that. So Abby can have won the genetic lottery just like anyone else. Even in a post apocalyptic setting, women built like Abby can exist even if rare.
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She can’t change her height. Some women can be tall and buff. Also, isn’t everyone a fan of posting some 1 in 50 thousand IG model to justify a titty ninja? ThEsE WoMeN ExIst and all that. So Abby can have won the genetic lottery just like anyone else. Even is a post apocalyptic setting, women built like Abby can exist even if rare.
She cant change her height, and overall bone struckture, so even tho she looks stronger from ur avg woman that are weaker from 14yo boys, she is still pretty damn weak compared to a guy, all her vids/pics are done from big close ups so its not totally apparent how small she really is ;)

And about abby- we said it many times, women on juice can be even bigger, just give her proper voice actress with changed deep manly voice which is always result of using performance enhancing drugs by women, especially steroid based ones, that increase strenght and musclemass :)


Ur example of a hulk woman is 5'3 and 132 lbs, even ur avg gaming nerd( 5'8, 160lbs)would destroy her in 1on1 fight w/o trying to hard

Unless that fight doesn’t include doing bench presses and pull ups I’m sure you’re right. The only conclusion I can make as to why people keep bringing this up is that some guys subconsciously seem to be intimidated by a buff women’s physique. Whether or not she could take down a man was never part of the argument, yet the discussion seems to keep resolving around it.

while abby was manhandling actual build guys.

So was Ellie.
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