
Minimum Requirements
Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8+ (64 Bit only)
2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400
3.0 GHz AMD Phenom II X4 940
DirectX 11 Only
NVidia GeForce GTX460
AMD Radeon HD 5770
Intel Iris Pro HD 5200
Hard Drive:
25 GB
Recommended Requirements
Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8+ (64 Bit only)
3.5Ghz Core i7 3770
4.0 GHz AMD FX-8350
DirectX 11 Only
NVidia GTX560 TI
AMD Radeon HD 7850
Hard Drive:
25 GB
Nvidia tweak guide[clickable]

Nvidia's 337.88 driver was released today. It brought some performance updates.
AMD 14.6 Driver is supposed to come out sometime today
Update: Guru3D has the driver
Stuff we learned in the last thread:
-The game is VRAM hungry
-The game has a 30 FPS lock option in the form of "2 Frame Vsync" (ala Far Cry 3/Blood Dragon)
-AA options include FXAA, SMAA, Temporal SMAA, MSAA, and TXAA
Some shots: [Nvidia, Dennis, and the first thread]
Get rid of stuttering on higher settings
CPU Benchmarks:

More benchmarks:

Memory usage:

Gaffer impressions
i5 3570K @ 4.2ghz
16 gb of ram
SLI asus GTX 670 2gb
Found the sweet spot for me :
Textures - high
Shader - high
LOD - ultra
Reflections - ultra
Water - ultra
Shadows - high
Putting the very same settings but with shadows set to ultra, I get stuttering while driving, with the settings above game runs flawlessly.
770 GTX 2gb
2700K 4.5ghz
8GB ram
60 fps locked on High
AA off
All settings high with HBAO + low, Vsync. FPS is about 50-60. VRAM usage at around 1900+ in precision X.
i5 2500K @ 4.3GHz
GTX 770 4GB
Everything set to Ultra/maxed out @ 1920x1080.
Vsync off.
30 - 60fps depending on where I am, what I'm doing, time of day, etc. Averages 45+ most of the time.
Based on that little stretch of gameplay I did, driving around the city, fucking around, it maxed out at 3.574GB. All cores at 100% usage (well, one at 97%), and 5.127GB RAM.
i7 3770k No OC
GTX 760 2GB
WHQL 337.88
Texture - High (Ultra = stuttering)
Shadow - High
Motion Blur = OFF
AO - HBAO+ Low
everything else Ultra/Highest
VRAM usage 1990+ MB
RAM usage 4++ GB
FPS range 45-60 (Adaptive V-Sync forced via NVCPL)
with GTX 760 Overclocked +100 Core, +200 Memory, i got 50-60 fps (still limited by V-Sync)
a few glitch:
- Shadow - Ultra randomly make FPS drop to 20s
- random shadow flickering
- no shadow casts if we standing in front of moving cars at night
8GB Ram
GTX 680 (2GB)
1440 X 900 monitor
Everything is on Ultra except for textures on high.
Runs beautifully. I didn't have Fraps running, but I didn't notice any stuttering or massive drops. The only problem I had was trying to drive a car with keyboard and mouse. I'll have to get the XBox controller dongle out tonight.
This is my settings for Ultra settings at 1080p on a single card. You don't need super sampling to make it look good. Super sampling just bogs down the framerate, and it's pointless unless you have SLI.
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB OC (1200/1800)
You need to download Sweet FX 1.5.1 Configuration
Download the Sweet FX Watchdogs preset. There are a few but I chose this.
Load the watchdogs.exe on the Sweet FX configurator. Then load the preset. Some people might have trouble viewing the preset, but close it, and reopen it.
Once you see the preset configuration, simply click add sweet fx on the right column then save config.
Use the Reddit PC tweak guide here
DeferredFXQuality= PC
PostFXquality = off
Resolution= 1920 x 1080
(Adjust to your liking)
After you are done with the settings, this is what you should have.
AA: OFF (Sweet FX has it's own SMAA)
Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+ High
Shaders: High
Shadows: High
Everything else Ultra
You'll get at least around 45 AVG fps.
- i7-4770K 3.5GHz
- GTX 780ti OC 3GB
- 16GB DDR3 2400Mhz (Currently clocked at 1600)
- Windows 7 x64
- Driver 337.88
FPS ranges from 50-63 while driving around. Moves around from 61-75 when on foot and dips to the 50's on some rare occasions when there's a bunch of explosions going on.
Overall it's running pretty smooth aside from the stuttering which I'm hoping is cleared out a tad with the release later today. The random stuttering is the only thing that's bothering me right now.
- 1080p
- Everything set on Ultra
- Temporal SMAA/TXAA 4x (I switch between the two depending on the setting)
- HBAO+ (High)
It hurts so bad having a 780ti with only 3gb ram. Why, nvidia? Why?
1440p am cry.
I have
I5 3570k @ 4.5ghz
Asus dcuII 780ti 3gb
8gb RAM
All settings ultra with fxaa
With vsync off I hover around 50, give or take 10fps.
I resorted to playing with vsync 1 and its been locked at 30, while in some very rare cases dropping below that.
gtx 670, increased core clock to +154 on afterburner
i5 2500k at 4.2
I had to put most settings to medium except shaders which are on high, no aa and textures on high and get 60 fps like 95% of the time ( drops below 40 only when driving and turning a lot, which gets annoying)
Even at them settings the game looks pretty, nothing incredible or jaw dropping( except when it is night, raining, ground is wet and lighting occurs and you are looking down an ally, then it looks pretty jaw dropping)
i7 4770k @ 4.2GHz
GTX Titan SC
Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB DDR3 2133MHz
SSD Samsung 840 PRO
Maxed out and smooth. The 6GB of VRAM in my Titan is definitely a godsend here.
I am definitely hitting 60+ frames at all times, when things get insane, i.e. I got into a battle and there were 15 cop cars all exploding because of my grenades I dip to 50.
That's why I'm confused by benchmarks that show my specs should be getting lower - I can tell you this much, whatever frames they were getting are incorrect. Because I am getting way higher than that.
My rig:
i7 3770K @ 4.2 Ghz
Geforce 780Ti with slight factory OC
Display: 2560x1440
Graphics settings on Ultra preset, but I also raised Ambient Occlusion to HBAO+ Low.
Display settings are 1440p rez, High textures, Temporal SMAA, Vsync 1 frame, prerender 3 frames max.
I get a fairly solid 60 FPS indoors, outside the frame rate is between 50 and 60 while walking, between 40 and 60 while ina vehicle at high speed.
Outside, even with the drops to 50 the game feels responsive and fluid. On a car you get occasional, brief stuttering, almost like micro-stutter in some game engines with SLI on, but nothing too severe, and obviously happening on consoles as well, as evident on playthrough vids.
This almost disappears completely for me by bringing down the view distance a notch to high - but it's not worth it, so I left it Ultra.
Game is hella fun!