Smooth as butter 1900x1080 on high with ultra textures.
This is music to my ears.
i7 [email protected]
7970 GHz 3GB
Driver version you are using?
Smooth as butter 1900x1080 on high with ultra textures.
You'll be able to run it just fine on High or maybe on Ultra with other settings tuned down depending on how much you really care about the visuals.Is my pc enough for this
gtx 760
i5-4570 @3.20ghz
8gb ram
1920x1080 monitor
driver ver 337.88
windows 7 ultimate
I just want good framerates and shit, none of those fancy visual effects.
Joaquin: Thanks for contacting EA Customer Experience, my name is Joaquin Jose. How may I assist you today?
you: Hi there!
Joaquin: Hello.
Joaquin: How can I help you today?
you: I preordered Watch Dogs, and it said it was supposed to be available for download about 45 minutes ago. I was wondering if you knew when it would be made available.
Joaquin: Let me check when the download for the game is available. First, may I ask for your name please so I can address you properly.
you: My name is Don.
you: I'm in the Eastern timezone in the US if that helps
Joaquin: Hi Don. Let me check your entitlements for the game. Could you please provide me the email address that is registered to your Origin account.
you: Sure, it's ********
Joaquin: Thank you. Please give me a moment to check this out.
Joaquin: Alright. As I can see here the download for the game should commence today May 27, 2014. May I ask, do you encounter an error when you tried to download the game, or it just does not start at all?
you: It's grayed out with the word NEW in the corner, and it says "Not yet released" "You have successfully pre-ordered Watch_Dogs"
you: And nothing happens when I click on it.
Joaquin: I see. Please give me a few minutes to further check on this.
you: No problem. I appreciate it.
EDIT: Joaquin: Thank you for waiting Don. So we can further assist you with this issue. What I am going to do is escalate the case to our specialists, so they can check why you cannot access the download for the game, even though it has already been released.
Joaquin: They will contact you via email with a solution, once they have finished their investigation.
you: Alright. Sounds good. I look forward to hearing from them.
Joaquin: I would also like to ask you to please monitor the game, if you would be able to download it at a later time.
Joaquin: Alright. Is there anything else that I can assist you with, before I escalate this case?
you: No, thank you, that was all.
So, I at least got some competent help on the other end. Whether or not anything is actually being done is another matter entirely lol
That Nvidia guide is very well done. I think the guy that wrote it posts here? If so, good job!
Still haven't received my Greenmangaming code to preload.
It was written by a fellow GAF who works at Nvidia. Very easy to follow instructions and very accessible, I concur.
Anyone else still not got their Nvidia promotion Watch Dogs to show up in UPlay yet? It's on my order history as submitted on the 15th.
Still waiting too.
Product Name: Watch_Dogs - Special Edition
Platform: PC (Pre-Ordered)
pre-ordered release date: Fri Nov 21 00:00:00 CST 2014
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: £0.00
Hoping someone has a 770 2gb and a 2500k like myself so I can see how it runs for them.
I've always enjoyed the pieces nVidia puts together highlighting differences.
I do think their "recommended settings" are full of shit, though, as they never seem to guarantee a consistent, smooth level of performance. They say go "all Ultra" on a 780Ti when I know for damn certain that the performance level is unstable with those settings on that card using a more powerful CPU than they featured in the article.
What I'd like to see them do, and perhaps it would require too much time, is attempt to create configurations designed to hit a consistent (or at least 95% stable) 60 fps. This is what I wind up doing anyways (unless it's impossible to reach consistently in which case I lock to 30) but I feel this would be more beneficial.
It feels as if they specify the highest settings for the more premium products even if those products can't achieve consistent performance (unless they lock down to 30 fps...which nVidia would never recommend, I'm sure).
The fact that they're talking about 4k is even crazier to me as it just isn't reachable yet with any card without massive sacrifices elsewhere. Downsampling from 4k really does make this game look dramatically better, though, I have to admit.
Well, the tweak guide did state the suggested settings would allow the game to play without dropping lower than 35FPS at all times. So its almost like they are suggesting to lock at 30fps.
Or that variable framerates are a-ok.
My thought is that most people aren't going to notice too much unless the slowdown affects gameplay. Obviously some people are more sensitive to fluctuating framerate than others.
Watch dogs averages north of 60 fps on my machine with everything on ultra, but it does stutter some when driving, especially if I'm driving fast.
I'd rather average 60 with drops than have it locked at 30 or make too many visual sacrifices to keep it locked at 60, though. I know that not everyone feels that way![]()
Once I boot this goblin up I'll let you all know what my experience is with its performance at these specs:
GTX 680 4GB
i5 2500k @ 4.5
8gb ram
1920x1200 (yes, 16:10, don't judge me)
i5 2500K @ 4.3GHz
GTX 770 4GB
Everything set to Ultra/maxed out @ 1920x1080.
Vsync off.
30 - 60fps depending on where I am, what I'm doing, time of day, etc. Averages 45+ most of the time.
VRAM usage?
I'm not able to get the MSI Afterburner overlay working, however. The game doesn't boot with application detection on low.