i got rid of stuttering by turning textures and reflections to high. it turns out for me that the stuttering was really caused by reflections on ultra and impacted my performance big time. Now my game runs pretty smooth.
So, the consensus is that the nvidia driver hasnt helped SLI?
It was pretty much useless yes.
Watch Dogs crashes at launch if I have RadeonPro running in the background. Doesn't matter if I toggle the 32/64 bit option or not, it crashes every time.
Watch Dogs crashes at launch if I have RadeonPro running in the background. Doesn't matter if I toggle the 32/64 bit option or not, it crashes every time.
For some it's fine, for others there's light stuttering, and for others more serious stuttering. Attempt to eliminate other causes first: install to SSD, try the pagefile workaround, see if different settings change things at all (you may be exceeding the VRAM target), etc etc etc
It is installed to a SSD, I did try that "workaround", I am clearly not exceeding the amount of VRAM I have (very much so when running with high textures on a GTX680 4GB), I have even tried changing process priorities, nothing works!
Do you have any other "overlay" software on? I mean like MSI afterburner? These programms clash and create problems when they are together in some situations.
Have only RP on and try it again. I am using sweetFX in the game via RP and thus can't monitor my temps via MSI Afterburner.
This is going to be a stab in the dark, but have you tried with/without Temporal SMAA or motion blur?
No other OSD programs are running alongside RP. I've closed everything that does some sort of "hooking" that I figured might be interfering with RP working properly but it still crashes Watch Dogs.
RP works perfectly fine with every other game I've tried.
Totally agree. High textures look absolutely terrible at times. Frankly they should rename texture settings to lowest/low/normal. Medium/high/ultra is misleading.Difference between Normal/High/Ultra textures is HUGE. Every step increase texture resolution x4. Most important, from what I've seen gameplay videos on youtube, xbox one and ps4 versions use mostly ultra textures for a lot of them.
Where did you see this? I've got my laptop runnign it on high textures and my friend's PS4. High looks identical for the most part, however they are inconsistent. On PC a sign might look lower rez, but then you walk a block and a part of the street on the PS4 looks lower rez.
Ultra on PC is undeniably better than PS4, but you need a big fat GPU buffer.
PC 1080 SMAA HBAO+(All Ultra aside Textures as Ram is 2GB 7870)
Sorry only came back to the thread today, this is on my PS4 and my PC as I double Dipped, the scene I compared was set-up at the begining mission, grabs below.
PC 1080 SMAA HABO+(All Ultra aside Textures as Ram is 2GB 7870)
You can see the HBAO improvements, not massive and I never like the way it outlines against walls on characters/guns it makes it look like some cell shading, but look at the textures on the cabinet, tool box. sheet etc too see that the PS4 must have a Ultra or a combo thereof on the textures.
JPG has ruined those images.
Sorry only came back to the thread today, this is on my PS4 and my PC as I double Dipped, the scene I compared was set-up at the begining mission, grabs below.
PC 1080 SMAA HBAO+(All Ultra aside Textures as Ram is 2GB 7870)
You can see the HBAO improvements, not massive and I never like the way it outlines against walls on characters/guns it makes it look like some cell shading, but look at the textures on the cabinet, tool box. sheet etc too see that the PS4 must have a Ultra or a combo thereof on the textures.
Lack of or really weak AF stands out on PS4 on flags on the wall though, its almost like not loaded
I have [email protected], 3 Titan SLI setup and even for me it's stuttering like a mofo. Frustrating as hell.![]()
Also, the in-game vsync is hot fucking garbage. Avoid at all costs. I just use the nVidia settings to force v-sync.
If you have an nVidia card, go to the nVidia control panel > 3d settings > manage 3d settings > program tab > watch dogs > vsync on
It's leaps and bounds better than the in-game solution.
Can you explain what is 'crap' about the in-game v-sync? You seem to be talking about different things, as adamantypants is trying to run the game at 60, whereas schennmu is trying to lock it to 30.I agree that the ingame v-sync is crap. I am using Nvidia control panel for V-Sync and Afterburner for 30fps lock. This combination gives a pretty smooth experience without input lag.
The issue is SLI, not VRAM. Use one titan for now, you should be able to get 40fps+.
So I tried putting textures down to "medium" and it got rid of most of my stuttering, bar the fact that even on high textures I am only using 3 GB of my VRAM! (and there does not seem to be much bus activity reported by MSI afterburner).
There is no way a GTX 680 4GB should have problems running with those texture settings,
So clearly the engine is shitting it's pants somehow.
The issue is, even people with just 1 Titan are getting stuttering problems. People are quick to blame SLI and VRAM limitations for the stuttering but neither seem to be the culprit.
Its something to do with the way the game engine loads in new areas/textures since the issue is only prevalent when driving.
For some it's fine, for others there's light stuttering, and for others more serious stuttering. Attempt to eliminate other causes first: install to SSD, try the pagefile workaround, see if different settings change things at all (you may be exceeding the VRAM target), etc etc etc
Lack of or really weak AF stands out on PS4 on flags on the wall though, its almost like not loaded
Well when I disable SLI I don't get stuttering,
Why did Ubisoft release the PC version of Watch_Dogs when it's obvious that there are severe problems with how it runs?
Well when I disable SLI I don't get stuttering,
Maybe the game is clearing old data using specific memory pointers to a specific gpu and sli needs to reallocate second/third/fourth gpu memory to match the first gpu with a delay. Only guessing.
Sorry only came back to the thread today, this is on my PS4 and my PC as I double Dipped, the scene I compared was set-up at the begining mission, grabs below.
PC 1080 SMAA HBAO+(All Ultra aside Textures as Ram is 2GB 7870)
You can see the HBAO improvements, not massive and I never like the way it outlines against walls on characters/guns it makes it look like some cell shading, but look at the textures on the cabinet, tool box. sheet etc too see that the PS4 must have a Ultra or a combo thereof on the textures.
Lack of or really weak AF stands out on PS4 on flags on the wall though, its almost like not loaded
On a 2GB GTX 670, switching shadows down to high from ultra eliminated almost all the stuttering for me, with textures on high and temporal SMAA.
Eh, they look identical. It seems you have motion blur turned on ont he PC and it's softening the textures a bit, that's all.
That was exactly one of the scenes we tested. It looked the same... well, they looked the same at first, then we forced AF on Nvidia contorl panel (for the love of god do the same!) and then the PC version looked a lot better.
That did the trick for me too. People with 2GB cards should settle for HIGH in shadows & textures settings. Not like you're losing that much.
Everything else set to their highest settings with TXAA x2 installed on an SSD (don't know if it does much) Enjoying the game like that, just wish I could find multiplayer games on pc...
Got all the ports open? (9000-9005)
Do a new test. After Aiden blocks the door using a bat there is a phone cabinet with a sticker. Compare that sticker ps4 versus pc high/ultra. I bet for ultra quality in ps4.
It is weird. For me when vsync is set to 1,it does not drop to 30 the second I get under 60,however it still drops framerate a lot compared to vsync being off, and definitely more than it should if triplebuffer worked as it should. I tweeted Jon Morin to ask his team to implement proper triplebuffer. It really sucks right now. And vsync off with tearing is ugly too.Tripple buffering is fucked in this game.
I cant get it to work.
So im either stuck with 30fps capped or my frame rate going from 30 straight up to 60 and then back down to 30.
Cant use D3Doverrider since it wont work with 64bit exe.
Tripple buffering is fucked in this game.
I cant get it to work.
So im either stuck with 30fps capped or my frame rate going from 30 straight up to 60 and then back down to 30.
Cant use D3Doverrider since it wont work with 64bit exe.
Surely if you're using 2-frame v-sync, having the nvidia drivers set to adaptive v-sync half refresh is redundant?Somehow, I've managed to get a very smooth locked 30 FPS experience using these settings / hardware. (Decided to post this for anyone using cards as powerful as a 660 Ti or around it, so decent budget cards can have a quality experience)
Somehow, I've managed to get a very smooth locked 30 FPS experience using these settings / hardware. (Decided to post this for anyone using cards as powerful as a 660 Ti or around it, so decent budget cards can have a quality experience)
i7-3770k - Stock
660 Ti
16 GB 1600 GHz
Resolution: 1920x1080
Window Mode: Fullscreen
Vsync: 2 Frames
GPU Max Buffered Frames: 1
Textures: High
Anti-Aliasing: TXAA x2
Level Of Detail: Ultra
Shadows: High
Reflections: Ultra
Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+ High
Motion Blur: Off
Depth Of Field: On
Water: Ultra
Shader: High
Specific NVIDIA Control Panel Setting:
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Texture Filtering: High Quality
Vsync: Adaptive (Half Refresh Rate)
- Using the "Large Page Files" fix.
- XML console -> pc change even though I'm not sure that did anything.
- Also, TXAA seems to be the only stable AA for me to use, which is fine because it's my favorite type of AA anyways. The others seem to cause FPS suttering, whereas TXAA does not, so I suppose I hit the sweet spot for a solid 30 FPS experience, along with looking extremely good.
Surely if you're using 2-frame v-sync, having the nvidia drivers set to adaptive v-sync half refresh is redundant?
No worries, will compare some more when I get home from workThank you for the comparisson. A was correct then, console versions are cleverly using a mix of textures. Ultra for mostly of them. Low for a few distant textures instead of lower mipmap of high version and Ultra for textures with text and ads.
I hope somebody can compile an unpaker tool for watch dogs. Dunia 3 version doesn't work because you need both .dat and .fat file for every pak.
Are you sure you have AF activated on PC? Because the floor further back doesn't look it.
Getting ridiculous stutters on GTX 690 and 3970x with SSD and 32gb ram.
Framerate is totally fine then every so often the game will pause for 1-2 seconds like its loading something in but my framerate will tank to like 2-13 fps, this is following the settings guide by Nvidia.
Ridiculous and unplayable.