Sleeping Dogs Ultra + HD Texture Pack Vs. Watch Dogs Ultra Settings
No Sweet FX added to Watch Dogs.
Sleeping Dogs Ultra + HD Texture Pack Vs. Watch Dogs Ultra Settings
No Sweet FX added to Watch Dogs.
Tbh pretty much everything looks different. The ground, the grass, you can even still see the difference on the building to the left, which is a bit further. The bottom part of the machine to the right shows much more detail. Sure in the distance you won't notice anything, but I'd say the difference is pretty noticeable.
Talking about this comparison:
And this is just plain wrong.
Not enough difference to matter at all. There are still ugly ass textures on Ultra. If you want to see specifically how small of a difference there is, here you go.
Only difference is if you want it more detailed and dirty. In High settings the grass looks flat.
Sleeping Dogs always had terrible character textures, still does if this screen if anything to go by.
if you read nvidias comparison they even mention that the higher the texture settings even add more geometry. compare the medium and high setting can you can clearly see it
I guess the big thing is, it's not close to worth the performance hit at present, for what small difference it does make.
I think it looks good because of all the glowish effects on it like a CG character in a movie. Watch Dogs ops for realism.
Sleeping Dogs Ultra + HD Texture Pack Vs. Watch Dogs Ultra Settings
No Sweet FX added to Watch Dogs.
Why? You're frametime is probably dropping out of its arse (and causing the stuters) with only 2GB of VRAM. We know the game is a RAM monster for both card and system.
Sleeping Dogs Ultra + HD Texture Pack Vs. Watch Dogs Ultra Settings
No Sweet FX added to Watch Dogs.
All the characters just look......oiled up? I found it jarring when it played it, not that i consider the characters of Watch Dogs to be the best, not a truly fair comparison though either way.
I ran the game for about an hour this morning after it d/l last night and here are my settings. Luckily I have not run into any screen tearing issues, massive framerate drops, or really bad slowdown. I was worried that my setup would not be able to run this game at all.
i5 2500k@ 3.3ghz
770 @ stock
8GB RAM 1600mhz
Installed on Evo 120GB SSD
50" Plasma
- Resolution 1920 x 1080
- Refresh rate 60hz
- Fullscreen
- Vsync "1"
- GPU max buffered frames "3"
- Textures "High"
- Anti-aliasing "MSAA4x"
- Level of detail "Ultra"
- Shadows "High"
- Reflections "High"
- AO "HBAO+Low"
- Motion blur "On"
- Depth of field "On"
- Water "Ultra"
- Shader "High"
Any recommendations on what you guys think I can bump up a bit with my setup? Going to tinker around with this a bit more later tonight. I was thinking of maybe OC my 2500K to see if that does much.
Watch_Dogs looks far better. Sleeping Dogs looks like they dipped all the characters in Vaseline.
What are your current settings?i5 3350 not over clocked
AMD radeon 7950
Windows 8.1
Frame rate takes a dive when I'm driving about the city below 20 sometimes which is bad. Any idea what settings would be good for me?
I ran the game for about an hour this morning after it d/l last night and here are my settings. Luckily I have not run into any screen tearing issues, massive framerate drops, or really bad slowdown. I was worried that my setup would not be able to run this game at all.
i5 2500k@ 3.3ghz
770 @ stock
8GB RAM 1600mhz
Installed on Evo 120GB SSD
50" Plasma
- Resolution 1920 x 1080
- Refresh rate 60hz
- Fullscreen
- Vsync "1"
- GPU max buffered frames "3"
- Textures "High"
- Anti-aliasing "MSAA4x"
- Level of detail "Ultra"
- Shadows "High"
- Reflections "High"
- AO "HBAO+Low"
- Motion blur "On"
- Depth of field "On"
- Water "Ultra"
- Shader "High"
Any recommendations on what you guys think I can bump up a bit with my setup? Going to tinker around with this a bit more later tonight. I was thinking of maybe OC my 2500K to see if that does much. I am pretty happy with the results, but wouldn't mind to try and squeeze out some more performance from my rig.
Overclock your GPU to 1200/1800
Motion Blur Off
AA: TemporalSmaa or TXAA 2x
Change your XML file in documents/mygames/watchdogs
PostFXQuality=Off (Unless you want it to look grainy like a film)
Reslution: 1920 x 1080
What are your current settings?
Not at the PC atm but from what I remember
Resolution 1920 x 1080
- Vsync off
- GPU max buffered frames 1
- Textures Ultra
- Anti-aliasing Off
- Level of detail Ultra
- Shadows High
- Reflections High
- AO off
- Motion blur On
- Depth of field On
- Water Ultra
- Shader High
I'd take the textures and LOD to High, put AO on MHBAO, and AA on Temporal SMAA. I'd much rather have AO and AA than higher res textures.
There's no sure-fire fix it seems. Some people seem to have alleviated in different ways, but many people are still experiencing it after trying these methods. People with high-end setups as well.So the fix for stuttering when driving is setting textures to high? Or does -disablepagefile actually work?
Hard is pretty outdated now, refusing to use the newest, most accurate testing tools. I wouldn't go anywhere outside of Guru3D, PCPer, and TechReport, IMO.
They still use FPS charts rather than frame time analysis because the latter is more time intensive. However, if you look at my post above, only going with FPS data can really obfuscate problems.How so? Watch_Dogs has no benchmark tools and their tests are always done from real-world ingame gameplay, not some useless timedemo like most sites use.
if you read nvidias comparison they even mention that the higher the texture settings even add more geometry. compare the medium and high setting can you can clearly see it
That is not between ultra and high though. I don't think there are geometry differences between those, but I'd say the textures are pretty significantly different.
Excuse my ignorance but what is the difference between frame time and Frames Per Second? Whats so important of frame time, and how does it translate into gameplay. How can end-users measure it, and ultimately does it matter more than FPS?They still use FPS charts rather than frame time analysis because the latter is more time intensive. However, if you look at my post above, only going with FPS data can really obfuscate problems.
woops DP
Excuse my ignorance but what is the difference between frame time and Frames Per Second? Whats so important of frame time, and how does it translate into gameplay. How can end-users measure it, and ultimately does it matter more than FPS?
#DEADNothing wrong with Double Precision. my ignorance but what is the difference between frame time and Frames Per Second? Whats so important of frame time, and how does it translate into gameplay. How can end-users measure it, and ultimately does it matter more than FPS?
Maybe you could explain how to apply these settings?Eventually this could help to tweak the performance, will keep you updated.
It is weird. For me when vsync is set to 1,it does not drop to 30 the second I get under 60,however it still drops framerate a lot compared to vsync being off, and definitely more than it should if triplebuffer worked as it should. I tweeted Jon Morin to ask his team to implement proper triplebuffer. It really sucks right now. And vsync off with tearing is ugly too.
I think you're still confused. You should read that post again with this in your head: FPS and frame time is the same data, but presented differently. FPS simply averages out frame times over a given second, which makes it a less accurate metric.I had a feeling you were talking about latency, but how can frame latency actually be improved/affected by an end-user?