Right excuse the messy and hacked together nature of this but I don't exactly have 2 grand kicking about for a FCAT setup and me and FRAPS aren't exactly getting along so it's crude (and probably not the most accurate) Afterburner shots!
So just for giggles I though I'd have a look at what minimum settings would produce on my setup (
[email protected], 16gb RAM@1600Mhz, 2x780 SLI @1097Mhz, Watch_Dogs installed on non OS SSD). Here's the settings.
In addition to this I also have the game restricted to 62fps via RivaTuner Stats Server.
So the results, which involved me spawning at the motel hideout, running around on foot the first block then getting in a car and driving around the block and finally driving to and area called The Loop and circulating that area (wish this had a fixed bench). I repeat this circuit in every test bellow.
Minimum Settings - SLI - 62fps lock said:
All those spikes your seeing are where it's stuttering, sometimes latency is as high as 56ms.
Granted SLI isn't the best example for frametiming due to syncing over 2 or more cards so here's the same run but on a single 780
Minimum Settings - Single Card - 62fps lock said:
Better but it's still stuttering by quite a bit and this is as low as the game will go.
Maybe limiting the framerate is having an effect? Ok so lets set the game to run free.
Minimum Settings - Single Card - Framerate Unlocked said:
It's having an effect alright, unlocked it feels more stuttery to me and the graph shows. Though fair enough all games can have stuttering issues, especially open world ones (Sleeping Dogs still does at max AA and 1920x1080) but I can't lower a single setting any more and there are only like 5 GPUs on the market right now more capable than mine, so yeah.
Still could be worse. I could go with what Nivida deems as the recommended settings.
[quote='Recomended' Settings - Single Card - Framerate Unlocked]
Yeeeaaaaahhh, I'm going to wait for a patch I think.
If you want to know why frametime is a better gauge of what's going on than framerate
mkenyon wrote a great break down and
a few posts in this thread.
Also here's an article from PC Perspective about FCAT and why that is more acurate at recording the data