One does not simply... compare a console GPU to a PC GPU.
Isn't the PS4 gpu directly comparable to a r7 265 though?
One does not simply... compare a console GPU to a PC GPU.
This game is a stuttering pile of mess - both in 4K and 4K Surround.
With everything maxed out, including HBAO+ High, I get around 25 FPS in 4K Surround.
With the same settings in 4K, I get around 40 FPS w/ a LOT of stuttering.
It is almost unplayable.
This is w/ a 3970X @ 4.8Ghz and 4x GTX-Titan Black SCs @ 1215Mhz.![]()
Isn't the PS4 gpu directly comparable to a r7 265 though?
I find it hard to believe they got the PC version to run smoothly on more than a few machines. It's just amazing to me that they released it in this state. Last time I pre-order a Ubi game.
Only if you took it out of a PS4, and put it in a PC, where it would not be able to benefit from the unified memory, and would be more limited by all that lovely PC stuff relating to the OS, drivers, and infinite combinations of hardware that the consoles don't have to deal with.Isn't the PS4 gpu directly comparable to a r7 265 though?
Ughhh! I just bought this on PC and it's not even opening when I try to play it. I managed to try it after it installed, but since exiting, it's no longer working. It'll just go to a black screen for a second and then tell me "Thanks for playing!".
Any help guys?
Remember Rome: Total War II launch?
Well here we go again.
Cross post from official thread.
Ah and that glorious review from Angry Joe..let's rewatch that.
Had this too. For me it only starts when uplay is in offline mode. Tried that yet?
Ah and that glorious review from Angry Joe..let's rewatch that.
Yeah dude! I just tried that! Absolutely baffled at the moment.
Don't mean to troll, but I say GTA IV ENB is WAY better than this game.
With everything on Ultra etc., this POS still gets around 40 FPS AND stuttering out the wazoo w/ 4x GTX-Titan Black SC.
I can play GTA IV on 4K Surround (6480x3840) w/ ENB (max settings) and get around 30 FPS.
GTA IV ENB @ 4K Surround:
Perhaps but there are other things that graphics.
GTA IV doesn't let you slow down time while driving, flip open a baracade behind you, open a garage door in front of you, and speed out the other end unnoticed. It also has absolutely shit gunplay and on foot mechanics.
GTA IV does have funnier satire though.
My honest opinion, i rather play GTA V on my launch 360 with is super loud DVD drive, fans and at a juddery 30fps than play Watch_Dogs. Its just way more fun, i can spend ages just driving around doing silly things marvelling at all the little details that Rockstar put in.
My honest opinion, i rather play GTA V on my launch 360 with is super loud DVD drive, fans and at a juddery 30fps than play Watch_Dogs. Its just way more fun, i can spend ages just driving around doing silly things marvelling at all the little details that Rockstar put in.
I'm sure that would be to do with stuttering right? I'm doing that in Watch Dogs and I'm impressed with the little details.
Yeah dude! I just tried that! Absolutely baffled at the moment.
First thing to do is to completely restart your system if you haven't already. I know a lot of people know this already but it works wonders in terms of how often it fixes random start up bugs.
I know! I haven't been able to start the game while connected to uplay at all!
Only if you took it out of a PS4, and put it in a PC, where it would not be able to benefit from the unified memory, and would be more limited by all that lovely PC stuff relating to the OS, drivers, and infinite combinations of hardware that the consoles don't have to deal with.
But to answer your original question, it appears to be 'no'. There are people complaining of stutters on high-end PCs at lower settings than the PS4 version, so while in theory a mid-range GPU might be able to run Watch Dogs on high at 1080p, most users appear to be getting performance problems. The PS4 version is stable and a decent effort considering the problems that are occurring on PC.
Don't mean to troll, but I say GTA IV ENB is WAY better than this game.
With everything on Ultra etc., this POS still gets around 40 FPS AND stuttering out the wazoo w/ 4x GTX-Titan Black SC.
I can play GTA IV on 4K Surround (6480x3840) w/ ENB (max settings) and get around 30 FPS.
GTA IV ENB @ 4K Surround:
I think I am just using the Nvidia optimizers defaults for the game but here are my settings if anyone wants to try to replicate it:
Resolution: 1920x1080
Refresh rate: 60
Window mode: Windowed (but it isn't; it is full screen so you got me)
Vsync: Off
GPU max frame buffer: 3
Textures: Ultra
Anti-Aliasing: Temporal SMAA
Graphics Quality: Custom
Level if Detail: Ultra
Shadows: Ultra
Refkections: Ultra
Ambient Occlusion: MHBAO
Motion Blur: On
Depth of Field: On
Water: Ultra
Shader: High
I get smooth frame rate and havent notced any tearing and very infrequent stuttering (like mahbe once every 5-10 minutes for half a second.
System specs (including everything just to be thorough)
I7 4770k @ default clock w/ water coolingr
AsRock z87 Extreme 4
Gigabyte 3GB GTX Geforce 780 OC
16 GB Kingston Hyperblu 1600mhz DDR3
250GB Samsung SSD
Windows 8.1
Running game through Steam BPM on a Plasma 50" Panasonic set as my primary screen with my Monitor as my secondary screen.
Cross post from official thread.
Don't mean to troll, but I say GTA IV ENB is WAY better than this game.
With everything on Ultra etc., this POS still gets around 40 FPS AND stuttering out the wazoo w/ 4x GTX-Titan Black SC.
I can play GTA IV on 4K Surround (6480x3840) w/ ENB (max settings) and get around 30 FPS.
GTA IV ENB @ 4K Surround:
Did I also mention how bad driving is with the XBOX controller? It's all over the place. Plus the fact there's no way to adjust the sensitivity of the controller in the settings makes it worse.
It's really hard for me to believe the PC version had serious QA before it went gold. If it did it appears they really just didn't care.
This post makes no sense to me. I have been playing for some 15 hours already, all with x360pad on PC, and had zero issues. Driving is perfectly fine for me. The only problem I have driving-wise, is that I wish the incar cockpit view gave greater freedom in looking around. That is literally the only issue for me.
I feel like they will deliver a much better experience if a new game in this franchise only comes to current gen and PC. They should be able to optimize things better and master the new hardware better too.
I turned it on Offline mode for the entire day on Thursday and played online but yesterday I was able to play online just fine.
I'm getting ready to boot it up again and if I can't play online I'm going to be fucking pissed because I assume that means I lose all my online bonuses due to that stupid decision to wipe it everytime you go in Offline mode.
Now that is inexcusable garbage: i get penalized and lose progress in the game because Ubisoft's online infrastructure is too shitty to allow me to play.
Anyone ran into a hug where you can't access the cameras for hacking? Mine will just go into the camera and back right out. Can't progress through the game because of it lol.
Well, I also just now found something else. Whenever I have DxTory on and attempt to start the game it also won't start. I have to first start the game and then ctrl-tab back and start dxtory.
Does Gsync help with the stutter?
Only if you are running an AMD card.
anyone try this with a 460gtx w/ 768mb vram?
I wonder if it is worth trying at all with that card. I'm guessing I will have to play on medium settings? Maybe that's not too bad.
Soo if you alt-tab once, Nvidia Vsync stops? lame.
Does Gsync help with the stutter?
ah I figured for size purposes...Why no sound on your webms?
I encourage everyone to play the sound for mine. Adds to the video like quality of webms.