i7 3820 @ 4.6
Titan + 100Mhz
16GB @ 2133
Every single setting on max; buffer turned off. At 1080p, I'm hovering at low 50s most the time, with lots of sub 40 dips when driving fast. Running around on foot, though, and causing a ruckus keeps me just shy of 60fps most of the time.
This is now the third game on my list to not stay above 60fps most of the time with everything maxxed. The other two are Battlefield 4 and Witcher 2 with ubersampling.
The sub 50 feels okay, though I hate whatever bullshit mouse acceleration they've used. Ugh. Why do developers do that... I just want my mouse to work the way it does on my desktop. If they could fix the damn driving issue, I'd be pretty happy with the performance. I'm sure after another driver update, I'll stay at 60fps for the out-of-vehicle stuff.