A lot of people give the game flak because of Connor as a character. People claim he is too boring, but he is probably the most misunderstood protagonist in the series.
Ubisoft went out of their way to treat the Native Americans with respect, by making sure every native american in the game was voiced by a native american actor. They made sure to use their accurate dialect. They could have done what they did with Ezio, and asked a well known voice actor to act like he was native american, but they didn't.
When you see interviews and hear how the voice actor Noah Watts was asked to portray him. He explained what he did with the protagonist’s voice, for instance, never using slang throughout the story as English was the character’s second language. This means that a formal dialect was always present – making Connor seem one-dimensional.
They wanted to portray him as uncertain if he was doing the right thing. If you look at the Ezio trilogy, almost everyone Ezio assassinated was cartoonishly evil. However in AC3 all the templars seem very reasonable.
Also, if you think that Connor is an angry teenager who sulks and shouts, play through the Homestead missions. He is a very gentle character in those sequences.
Ultimately the greatest injustice to Connor as a character is ubisoft cutting the epilouge scene from the game
It shows how much Connor had grown throughout the game. The fact you know from the beginning Connor is going to lose is his tradegy, because he believed that he would be able to make things right.
It sucks that ubisoft is going to abandon Connor because he wasn't well received. I hope in some way or form, he gets the closure he deserves as a character. He is the only character in the main games who doesn't have a definitive end.
Also... Your avatar is shinjiro. Both connor and he have multiple similarities in terms of traits.