Gameblog PS3 review :
0.5 less than PS4 version
0.5 less than PS4 version
Which word is that?
We have officially transcended sarcasm. I think this post is actually legit..
So what happens when it reviews well? DmC reviewed extremely well and it was still written off by Gaf. Who can we trust? This is only confirming the cartoonish nature of the cynicism going on here. If it does well, paid off reviews. If it does badly, people will have validated their denial of the game and continue with new ammunition. What is the end game here?
This thread is pretty hilarious. I can't even tell is this post is real or not.
I don't understand why people can't accept that some people feel lied to about the game? This is a very similar bait and switch at least graphically that Aliens Colonial Marines pulled.
I don't understand why people can't accept that some people feel lied to about the game? This is a very similar bait and switch at least graphically that Aliens Colonial Marines pulled.
no, not even close.
I don't understand why people can't accept that some people feel lied to about the game? This is a very similar bait and switch at least graphically that Aliens Colonial Marines pulled.
Have you even played Watch Dogs? I've done missions that were similar to what was in the reveal and everything was just about as good as a demo shown two full years before release on top of the line hardware... Despite me playing on Xbox ONE. Explosions, gameplay, mechanics, the whole nine yards.
Yeah this plays like GTA with a cell phone
Rolling my eyes out of my skull...
On a graphics level it's certainly as bad as the lies about Aliens.
I don't understand why people can't accept that some people feel lied to about the game? This is a very similar bait and switch at least graphically that Aliens Colonial Marines pulled.
I wouldn't go that far, for the simple fact that Ubisoft has had the decency to show graphically inferior footage long before its release.
It is a bummer though. That GTAIV comparison video especially turned me off. If that is maxed out on PC as suggested, then wow.
It's not that they can't accept it it's just that there's a lot of factors at work. I can say at the studio, most likely, they're not excited about these differences. No one in the industry wants to put out "inferior" or "downgraded" products out into the market, but that's how it is in the tech business. Shit shifts, issues can't be fixed, time is of the essence always.
Nothing is ever going to be perfect or the way the consumer (developer) wants. That's why they get the ultimate choice, buying the product or not and telling the publisher and developers they won't stand for the advertising practice of showing a game too soon with too big of a goal in mind, but without the proper time to get it done.
This gaffe (if you want to call it that) has probably been discussed in circles at Ubisoft (which is why we'll see The Division in 2016 and not this year or next). They probably finally decided that these (new gen) giant AAA games need a lot of time in the oven and if they don't get it they'll get a very pissed off user base and developers hankering for more time to deliver a product they can be proud of.
Basically, no one is going to be happy, enjoy what you get for now and hope for the best next time. Stay skeptical, don't get so lost in hype that you cant see the forest for the trees and remember games take time, money and man power to make. There are a lot of fingers in the pie and sometimes somebody is going to slip and we'll end up here again.
Thy showed you different footage in 2013 more in line with what could be done. They did the same throughout 2014. It is the end of May 2014. Explain how Watch Dogs was falsely advertised. You got what Ubisoft showed you for the past year.Um I refuse to "accept what you get". The 2012 trailer was blatant false advertising. Don't show the product in a stage early in development and give us less at release.
The video is comparing the worst that Watchdogs has to offer against the best of GTA. While all the little details are definitely better in GTA4, I don't think that video is really representative of WD graphically, and I'm playing on PS4. I highly doubt it is maxed out PC footage.
That's good to hear, because I just built a new rig and was hoping to play this. I'm assuming you can at least turn dynamic shadows on, right? That was the most jarring thing for me to see omitted from a "next gen" title.
Yeah this plays like GTA with a cell phone
Rolling my eyes out of my skull...
How did this game ship without the ability to shoot from the car? That's been a open world standard since GTA3 man.
Um I refuse to "accept what you get". The 2012 trailer was blatant false advertising. Don't show the product in a stage early in development and give us less at release.
Is it identical graphically?
Thy showed you different footage in 2013 more in line with what could be done. They did the same throughout 2014. It is the end of May 2014. Explain how Watch Dogs was falsely advertised. You got what Ubisoft showed you for the past year.
It's not really something that needs to be in every sandbox game. Hacking traffic lights, steam pipes, blockers, etc and ramming the shit out of the people you're tailing is more than enough.
I preordered based on the 2012 footage. There is no way gameplay graphics should look worse as development goes on.
No, I don't agree. Now where is the proof?
Um I refuse to "accept what you get". The 2012 trailer was blatant false advertising. Don't show the product in a stage early in development and give us less at release.
who was taking preorders in 2012?
It reads like "There are some interesting concepts happening in this game but nearly everything else sucks.
4/5 gold must have game of the year"
Can enemies shoot at you while driving?
When does the embargo expire?
The negatives definitly outweigh the positive yet its getting pretty good scores.
Game stop.
Yep. Only their passengers though. Same thing in multiplayer, passengers can aim and shoot from the vehicle.
You base this on what, exactly? Even if you've already played it you can't make a declarative statement regarding someone else'ss subjective quality measure. That's not how it works. If you've got a professional review you've written up please post it or where it is and ask it get added to the OP, otherwise comments like this serve no purpose.The negatives definitly outweigh the positive yet its getting pretty good scores.
Have you even played Watch Dogs? I've done missions that were similar to what was in the reveal and everything was just about as good as a demo shown two full years before release on top of the line hardware... Despite me playing on Xbox ONE. Explosions, gameplay, mechanics, the whole nine yards.
Don't suppose we know what time the embargo is up? Is it 00:01 for example.... wait does each country have their own embargoes or is it the same time globally?
My head is spinning already. Nonetheless I won't buy it until I actually have an indication that it's actually possibly maybe decent. Funny enough though this may be the first time I buy a game from an actual shop in ... years.
The negatives definitly outweigh the positive yet its getting pretty good scores.
You still owe me a PM. Waiting.Have you even played Watch Dogs? I've done missions that were similar to what was in the reveal and everything was just about as good as a demo shown two full years before release on top of the line hardware... Despite me playing on Xbox ONE. Explosions, gameplay, mechanics, the whole nine yards.
This is good to hear, looking forward to tomorrow just a little bit more now.
Embargoes are usually global (can't remember one that wasn't) but often the time zones quoted can be quite confusing. Don't suppose anyone knows the GMT time?
do they not let people cancel preorders? It might not be too late.
I don't for a second feel that Ubi bait and switched with Watch Dogs. I'm expecting to be impressed with the graphics when I pop it into my PS4 tomorrow, and from what I can tell from the previews I've seen this will be the case. I like that there seems to be many npcs and cars on screen at any given time, I'm excited about how 'dense' the city will be when I get to finally play.