You didn't read the thread, did you?
Sorry to be a naysayer, but I expect this game unanimously to be considered a turd in a couple of months.
That's true of almost any game on GAF.
That's true of almost any game on GAF.
Patience GAF, our reviews will be up tomorrow.
I should really stop coming to these Watch Dogs threads, lol. The insane amount of negativity is almost making me regret my $45 deluxe edition preorder.
What matters to me the most is how fun the game is and how many hours I can get out of it. But seeing this game get shat on by everyone is scary.
I've got my own issues with the game! I hate the car physics and models. I don't wasn't anymore reasons the regret my purchase damn it!
*Runs out of thread blocking ears* LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!
It looks like a lot of people in this thread are in denial that their negative preconceptions may not be true and are grasping at straws to confirm their bias.
It's... It's digital... *bursts into tears*If that's paid in full, I wouldn't feel bad at all. If it turns out to be bad, you could easily trade that in and break even.
Gonna wait for more reviews but so far the summary for this thread is
- Game receives good/high scores
- People bypass the review and positives and
go straight to the negatives and question the score
- Game is labelled terrible.
People just have it in for this game don't they?
It's... It's digital... *bursts into tears*
I should really stop coming to these Watch Dogs threads, lol. The insane amount of negativity is almost making me regret my $45 deluxe edition preorder.
What matters to me the most is how fun the game is and how many hours I can get out of it. But seeing this game get shat on by everyone is scary.
I've got my own issues with the game! I hate the car physics and models. I don't want anymore reasons to regret my purchase damn it!
*Runs out of thread blocking ears* LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!
BS....A lot of good? Reviews let you know that a game likely is or isn't bad ahead of time, so that you can make a more informed decision as to whether to buy it.
Gonna wait for more reviews but so far the summary for this thread is
- Game receives good/high scores
- People bypass the review and positives and
go straight to the negatives and question the score
- Game is labelled terrible.
People just have it in for this game don't they?
The negative seem to outweigh the positives.
Gameblog have a very bad reputation here in France.
*hugs*It's... It's digital... *bursts into tears*
you and me both-fantastic game and undeserving of all the hateTake a look at the OT. There are a lot of people who already play this game and they absolutely love it.
I'm one of them and I really enjoyed the game so far (10h)
So game is flawed yet no reviewer seems willing to back up the score to match the points they raise.
I guess one has to play it themselves and come to their own conclusions.
I personally love the game, if it keeps it up it'll be up there as one of my games of the year.
Lol in what way? Its the exact opposite actually.The negative seem to outweigh the positives.
The game is pretty good so far. I like that the world feels more 'alive' than most open-worlds and character dialogue is unique. What it might lack in variety it makes up (a little bit) in world originality. The world map is not that big, but it is rather dense.
Aiden is an awful character though; I'd put him right next to Connor. Actually much worse. He lacks charisma, personality, and he's just plain boring. It's incredibly hard to identify with him; who goes to such lengths just to find who killed your goddamn NIECE? Get over it dude.
To be fair, though, I'm only about to end Chapter 1, so this is by no means a comprehensive review. But it certainly is not on the level of GTV V, I can tell you that much. It is fun so far though.
I haven't played it, but seriously? It's not like a niece isn't close family.
who goes to such lengths just to find who killed your goddamn NIECE?
Niece? What is this shit? I thought he was avenging his daughter. Downgrade confirmed.It's incredibly hard to identify with him; who goes to such lengths just to find who killed your goddamn NIECE? Get over it dude.
Translation: "We loved the free tablets you gave us Ubisoft! Please give more free stuff in the future!"
I haven't played it, but seriously? It's not like a niece isn't close family.
Yeah I had a chuckle at that sentence. My two nieces are my world and god help any one who hurts them, never mind kills them.