The reason third party games don't sell on Nintendo consoles isn't because Nintendo fans aren't interested in those games, it's because they buy them for other consoles because they don't want watered-down versions of them.
This doesn't explain why the third-party games that had more QOL features on Wii U didn't sell.
similar to pathetic port efforts like Mass Effect 3
What? Mass Effect 3 on Wii U is my favorite game in the series.
There are very few people out there who play on only Nintendo consoles these days. Most Wii U owners also own a PS4 or an Xbox One. It was the same with Wii. They don't do this because they just love paying for more than one console; they do it because they want the games Nintendo isn't getting, or isn't getting decent versions of.
Nintendo isn't getting Sony exclusives regardless of what they do.
The Wii proved this wrong.
No, Wii proved this right by having many more times more third-party support (and third-party sales) than its predecessor did.
Most big publishers still put games that didn't fit the Wii audience on other platforms, but Wii definitely proved that if Nintendo brings an audience, third parties will come. They may suck at making games for the platform, but they'll come.