Since I bought a Kindle a few months back I've been reading quite a lot again (had almost completly switched to audiobooks before that).
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel- Susanna Clarke:
I liked it but not as much as I wanted to. Mostly it was the narrating voice which kind of got on my nerves. The whole wanting to sound like a book from old times felt forced to me. Which is sad because the actual story was really great.
Way of Kings- Brandon Sanderson:
Probably one of the best Fantasy novels I've read in a long time if not ever. I can not say how much I loved that book. I nearly read through it in about three or four days and had to stop myself from reading because I didn't want it to end. Any recommandations for a book which I might enjoy as much as this?
Warbreaker- Brandon Sanderson:
Since I was on a Sanderson trip and it is available for free. Can not hold water to Way of Kings but is still a really good book. I like Sanderson's writing a lot. He is good at creating characters that interest me.
Kitchen Confidential- Anthony Bourdain:
A fun read. If you like No Reservations give it a go. Was weired though, I actually read the whole book in Tony's voice...
Ullyses- James Joyce:
I tried, I really wanted to like this, but I think that (for me at last) it is impossible to read this book without some secondary literature right next to it. It is just so god damn constructed, that you just keep wondering " Why did he use that phrase? Is there a menaning to this or that...?" And while I can admire that on a level of literary studies it is not so enjoyable if you just want to read... but maybe I will get some secondary literature and finish it someday.
The Mists of Avalon- Marion Zimmer Bradley:
When I was little my mom read this to me. Not the whole thing mind you but some parts. Later when I was around twelvish I starded reading it myself and never finished it. Not sure if it just got boring or if it was just too big a book for me at the time. Well when (if) I finish it this time I will know.
Currently Reading:
Crime and punishment- Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Good read so far. I wish I spoke Russian so I could read the original. I don't know about the Englisch translation but the German one (the old one, there is a new one but it was not for free... yeah I'm cheap, I know) sounds a bit cheesy sometimes. I just wonder if for someone who speaks Russian, compared to contemporary Russian the language in the book sounds oldish, too. But storywise a great book so far which actually keeps on suprising me. Have read about 20% (damn you Kindle for not having numbered pages), and I don't know, so far this could be a Cohen movie or somthing. Really excited how this will go on.