Anyone care to recommended me an adventurous romantic type novel?
Anyone care to recommended me an adventurous romantic type novel?
This is a magnificent romantic/historical/adventure novel set in India at the time of mutiny. "The Far Pavilions" is a story of 19th Century India, when the thin patina of English rule held down dangerously turbulent undercurrents. It is a story about an English man - Ashton Pelham-Martyn - brought up as a Hindu and his passionate, but dangerous love for an Indian princess. It is the story of divided loyalties, of friendship that endures till death, of high adventure and of the clash between East and West. To the burning plains and snow-capped mountains of this great, humming continent, M.M. Kaye brings her quite exceptional gift of storytelling and meticulous historical accuracy, plus her insight into the human heart.
I would but I just started this:
Maybe next summer. =p
So I bought Davis's translations of Swann's Way and Madame Bovary, and I picked up Stendhal's The Red and the Black.
in the meantime.
can somebody recommend a good modern noir or just a crime novella (sci-fi preferably) but not a 400-page brick?
can somebody recommend a good modern noir or just a crime novella (sci-fi preferably) but not a 400-page brick?
Hopefully I will finish up the third book in a couple days and then I have to decide if I want to read the fourth book. Has anyone read Mistborn: The Alloy of Law and if so how does it compare to the other Mistborn books?
I need more. now.
I got the movie bluray set and watched Jurassic Park for the first time since the 90s and was shocked at how mediocre I find it now compared to when I was a kid. Now to be fair it is nearly 20 years old so I excuse the CGI (its particularly bad in the Gallilimimus stampede scene) but some of the acting and dialogue was really stiff and awkward. And lets not even get into the raptors opening doors.Jurassic Park & The Lost World. Been ages since I read these. Forgot how much better than the movies they really are.
I got the movie bluray set and watched Jurassic Park for the first time since the 90s and was shocked at how mediocre I find it now compared to when I was a kid. Now to be fair it is nearly 20 years old so I excuse the CGI (its particularly bad in the Gallilimimus stampede scene) but some of the acting and dialogue was really stiff and awkward. And lets not even get into the raptors opening doors.
How is the book? Do they go into a lot of the story that the movie doesn't cover or is it mostly a 1:1 adaptation?
It's a lot more detailed than the movie. A lot scarier (and gorier) too.
It's significantly different than the film. Particularly the ending.
So if I've decided I want to start something by Daniel Abraham, should I start with Long Price or his more recent series?
So if I've decided I want to start something by Daniel Abraham, should I start with Long Price or his more recent series?
I need more. now.
Can anyone recommend me some good "political" fantasy, besides Martin and Abercrombies stuff?
I fucking love that book even tho it kind of gets redundant after 200 or so pages. The mood it presents is stunning, and I'm shocked there hasn't been a film made about it yet.Just finished One Hundred Years of Solitude by Garcia Garcia Marquez.
Man, what a great book.
Altered carbon. One of the best crime sci-fi, or just scifi at that, novels of all time.
amazon link