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What are your personal GOTY contenders so far?

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undertale, without a doubt, followed by
rocket league
witcher 3

shout outs to bloodborne, mario maker and axiom verge for also being fucking awesome

1) is Undertale a game you can play once to understand? i don't want to read much about it before i play, but i think i remember hearing it's one of those 'play multiple times to get' games like 999

depends how you play, but generally its 6 hours to 'beat' then another 2 or 3 to do the ending everyone raves about. but it's fucking fantastic even if you don't do the rest
even though you should
. hardly a time commitment tbh


Witcher 3 is the clear cut GOTY for me. It sets a bar for open world RPGs that is quite frankly, unfair for the competition.

Rocket League deserves mention, its a really good game.
MGS V and Bloodbourne. Quite possibly the two greatest games I've ever played in my life. And I get more of BLoodbourne in a few weeks so yay.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Mario Maker - Best game to screw around with on the gamepad while watching TV. Just an amazing little game.

Bloodborne - Loved it. Just wish there was more variety.

Witcher 3 - Amazing spectacle. Great writing. Jaw droppingly gorgeous on PC, maybe best looking video game of all time.

Helldivers - Spent way more time with this than I thought I would. The Starship Troopers game I always wanted.


Un Rama
Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Untildawn are my GOTY contenders.

MGSV and Batman: Arkham Knight are my Disappointments of the year.


I've had more fun with that game this year than anything else. Dying Light had no post-game and got really repetitive. Arkham Knight was so fucking predictable it ruined the story for me. Fallout 4 was an even bigger disappointment than I expected, I think New Vegas ruined Bethesda games for me.

I expect (read: know) that Battlefront will be my personal GOTY.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I cannot imagine a universe where Bloodborne doesn't win for me. Upon completion, it instantly entered my Holy Grail of Top Ten Games of All Time.

Which boggles my mind, cause I always just knew it would be MGSV - and I'm not even sure if that will be number 3 or 4 for me this year :-/


Undertale for being super creative, having fun characters, and a badass soundtrack.


Bloodborne for having fun gameplay, memorable bosses, and getting me into the other "Souls" games.

It's most likely going to be Undertale.
So far Bloodborne easily, though I haven't finished it.

And probably Warframe since the Parkour 2.0 update. Warframe has updated, upgraded and evolved in major ways continuously, and it just keeps on getting better. Right now it performs like a dream and is saturated with content, so I think its earned some accolades.

Haven't played or don't expect to play some of the big heavy hitters before the end of the year like Fallout or Batman or The Witcher, so this year's GOTY list for me will be pretty light.


ok this thread got me askin:

1) is Undertale a game you can play once to understand? i don't want to read much about it before i play, but i think i remember hearing it's one of those 'play multiple times to get' games like 999

2) i played the first 2 Witcher games a bit, and read 1 of the books but never finished either game and don't remember much - is there a good youtube movie that condenses the story?

Undertale can be played once but I imagine most will do 2 runs. It's a short game anyway. I did 2 and a half (the half has a boss I just can't beat) and I only expected to do one when I picked it up.


I cannot imagine a universe where Bloodborne doesn't win for me. Upon completion, it instantly entered my Holy Grail of Top Ten Games of All Time.

Which boggles my mind, cause I always just knew it would be MGSV - and I'm not even sure if that will be number 3 or 4 for me this year :-/

MGSV isn't even in my top 10. I'm definitely not STANDING anymore.


my hard graphic balls
Batman Arkham Knight probably wins, but I'm having a lot of fun with Fallout 4, Black Ops 3, and Halo 5.
I still really love Bloodborne and will replay it along with the new DLC, and Witcher 3 is a fantastic open world RPG, but Undertale is my number 1.


So far:

#1 Life is Strange
#2 Rocket League
#3 Until Dawn
#4 Her Story
#5 Everybody's Gone to The Rapture
#6 Tearaway Unfolded
Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Undertale, and MGSV so far, with MGSV in the back because it overall disappointed me even though it's still great.

Fallout 4, Xenoblade CX, and Just Cause 3 will probably be in my top 10 as well.


1. Super Mario Maker
2. Rise of the Tomb Raider (and I did NOT care for the first one)
3. N++
4. Warhammer End Times: Vermintide
5. Rocket League
6. Downwell
7. Splatoon
8. Cities: Skylines
9. Grow Home
10. Halo 5 (mostly just for Arena mode)

Besiege and Refunct almost got a spot on there, but they are mostly just potential at this point.

I was able to enjoy watching other people play Life is Strange, but not Until Dawn.

I LOVED vanilla Destiny. The expansions particularly The Taken King have added some good new single player content, but I hate the new Crucible maps and the way Crucible has evolved as far as map rotations and weapon balance and that was my favorite part of vanilla Destiny.

Dying Light was OK. The Star Wars Battlefront and Black Ops 3 betas were both quite fun, but neither reached the level of Halo 5 Arena (though I'd take them over Warzone any day).

I did not enjoy Metal Gear Solid 5 or The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 looks like Fallout 3 which I didn't like, not New Vegas which I did. I've never enjoyed Batman or Assassin's Creed games. Everybody's Gone to The Rapture was terrible, and I really enjoyed Dear Esther. Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland 2 were both disappointing. Ori and the Blind Forest and Axiom Verge were both heartbreakingly disappointing to me. I have zero interest in Undertale.
Absolutely, 100% without a doubt Undertale. Nothing's going to beat that now. All the same, Downwell is a likely second-place contender, just for how fucking GOOD that feels to play. Brutality notwithstanding.
More of a "five best games", though I'd say the first three here are contenders:

Life is Strange - an amazing experience that blew me away

Splatoon - a new Nintendo experience that I hope will be a mainstay for years to come

Undertale - from out of goddamn nowhere comes this game that has so much character to it

Super Mario Maker - bringing the power to the people, and putting Uncle Ben to shame in the process

HuniePop - the best match-3 puzzle game I've played in a long while


Haven't really had the chance to play a lot of 2015 releases because no PS4 (yet) but Life is Strange was all kinds of great and definitely my personal Goty


I'm surprised no one has mentioned it, but I'll definitely jump on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, game is so freaking fun and I enjoyed it so much with friends.

Fake Edit:someone did mention it nvm


- Bloodborne. Especially with the DLC comign this month which will fill in the void of lack of build variety, it's safe for me it's been my favourite action game this year by far. Stellar level design, intriguing world that build both on classic legacies while building it's own and just everything I loved in Souls 1 and Demons back in one title, with the exception of the aforementioned variety and some more NPC storylines.

- Undertale: Overall one of the best stories, also funniest games to have come out in a while. Charming, original and full of memorable moments without overstsaying it's stay. Not to mention the fucking great soundtrack

Witcher 3: I didn't know if i would either pick that or MGS 5 for like my open world of this year. But while MGS5 does open world super well, it kinda shits the bed on story which I consider one of the pillars of the MGS franchise. Witcher 3 manages to stay solid on all fronts. It's freaking massive while staying entertaining almost the whole way through

Honourable mentions: Until Dawn (David Cage-type game but done by an actual competent team), Mario Maker and Splatoon (Not exceptional in my book but manage to be incredibly entertaining for one, and breaking the mold of the usual nintendo lineup for the other) , MGS5 of course, Rocket League and Depth (fucking SHAAAAARKS). Also 100% Orange Juice and the Plague Knight expansion

Shit game of the year category: Everybody gone to the rapture, Order 1886 and the Prototype 1 & 2 "remaster"


Bloodborne followed by Rocket League.

Honestly all the other Open world GOTY contenders this year have been really boring for me.
1. Pillars of Eternity
2. Rocket League
3. Invisible, Inc.
4. Splatoon
5. (tie) Shadowrun: Hong Kong / Bloodborne

This is a very, very close year for my top six. Age of Decadence was on its way until bugs forced me to quit. I'm about halfway through Wasteland 2: DC, and it figures to crash the party (I include it, unlike Divinity: EE, because I did not play the original release of Wasteland 2).
Not done with undertale but it's working it's way up. Loving it so far

Still have to play her story, axiom verge, and life is strange

Right now it's either cities skylines, blood borne, crypt of the necrodancer, or hell divers
1. Undertale
3. Witcher 3 or Bloodborne, don't make me choooooooooose.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate also gets a special mention for being some of the most fun I've had in awhile, which surprised me as I'm not the biggest fan of the series. Tales from the Borderlands was an absolute blast, too, fantastic writing.
MGSV--it came out working flawlessly from a technical perspective, the upgrades, base management, flexible mission approach, minimal but impactful cut scenes, thick lore ect etc... And 60 fps??? Nothing fired on all cylinders like this.

Honorable, but ultimately disappointing, candidates:
TW3--should have been much better, but I can't seem to really dig in, I feel like it's a chore to play. The lethargic progression system, lackluster battle system, and technical disaster of a release just left a bad taste in my mouth.
BB--the f*cling health vial farming... Enough said


Witcher 3 is GOTY. Game is what I dreamt of when i was younger. Playing it is a experience similar to something like seeing Zelda Ocarina of Time for the first time. You hardly get feelings like this nowadays, and that's why I consider TW3 to be special.

Put perfectly. I haven't played Ocarina of Time so my first Zelda experience was with Twilight Princess and that game was an incredible experience for me. The Witcher 3 has many of things that I loved about it (horse, big world to explore, sword combat) and even more (amazing quests, biggest open world I've ever played, incredible foliage/graphics, etc.).

The Witcher 3 is not only game of the year and not only the game of the generation, it is the greatest game of all time.


For me GOTY is MGSV. I know it has it's faults, but the gameplay was so great and the game was so close to being one of those perfect games, but Kojima wasn't able to finish the product he wanted. At least that what it feels like. Damn you Konami!!!!

But Yeah. In no particula order, apart from MGSV:

- Bloodborne
- The Taken King
- Fallout 4
- Super Mario Maker
- Witcher 3
- Divinity, because the EE came out and why not again
- Ori and the Blind forest


It'll be between the following for me:

Fallout 4 (another incredible world to explore and stories to uncover)
The Witcher 3 (a beautiful and memorable game, but I'm just not the biggest fantasy fan. Can't wait for Cyberpunk)
Metal Gear Solid V (The overall package was disappointing though)
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