Laconian Sword
I'm only interested in a new JSR if they fix the terrible controls (maybe JSRF did?). Loved the game concept but it was often pretty frustrating.
None interest me. If it ain't Alien Isolation 2 i can care less what Sega does, that's the only game I want from them.
You and me both.I hope we finally learn something about Project RE Fantasy.
I suddenly feel a little less sure about a new JSR(unless they are doing it, just without the involvement of the original creators)
I hope we finally learn something about Project RE Fantasy.
Oh hell yes for all of these!!It wont happen but I'd be happy if it did.
House of the dead collection ps4 with move support, or on psvr.
Another sega genesis mini.
Master system, dreamcast, Saturn, sega cd mini.
Panzer dragoon saga remaster.
Now onto the really fun part, speculationI'll go first:
Likely announcements:
- Judgment and Yakuza 3, 4, 5 ports to PC
- Phantasy Star Online 2 European release
- Persona 5 Switch release (50-50 chance of PC release too)
Realistic and well within the realm of possibility, but not necessarily likely (this year, at least):
- Some kind of new Sonic Mania-related announcement. Whitehead's new Evening Star studio have to be working on something, right?
- Remaster of Jet Set Radio Future and/or a new Jet Set Radio game announcement. Sega have been bringing back a lot of their old franchises, and JSR came high on that survey they did a while back. Hope springs eternal!
- Skies of Arcadia HD
- Yakuza 0 and Kiwami Switch ports
- Panzer Dragoon Saga remake announcement and/or new Panzer game
- Fist of the North Star PC announcement
- Shenmue 4 announcement. If they are going to announce it, it would have to be next year when all the Shenmue 3 team are still together, otherwise it becomes increasing difficult to put together.
- Dreamcast 2
- Persona 5 on Xbox
- Outrunners and Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder Sega Ages releases (there's no good reason why these shouldn't have come out multiple times over the past 20+ years, so I've pretty much given up at this point)
I’m excited for Persona 5 Royal but the one I’m really hyped for is......
I’m also looking forward to new Sakura Wars and Tokyo Mirage Session #FE Encore.
No Re Fantasy ? Studio Zero is the first Atlus Studio 100% funded by Sega.(their first game would probably be the first co development with Sega Japan and a true next gen game).
I vote Re Fantasy and Skies of Arcadia Remake + Skies of Arcadia 2 (I feel it's coming soon)
Surprise announcements?
Maybe Atlus will finally show something from Project Re Fantasy...
I hope we finally learn something about Project RE Fantasy.
You and me both.
Outrun 3![]()
I want another Jet Set Radio game. I have been waiting for 18 years now and like it was said earlier in this thread, it came up high on a poll they did recently, so hopefully Sega took notice of that. Just please give it to me, Sega. I want it so fucking bad.![]()
They’ve been great this gen. one of the best if we’re being fair. I’m hyped for nee Yakuza! I love the series so much that I’ll replay it when it releases on Xbox too
I’m expecting SEGA to kill it next-gen too. As I said, they’ve been great this gen and I don’t see them stopping being great next-gen
I’ll take Judgment 2 as one of their announcements. The game was good, very good.
Why Sega? Why must you just sit on Skies of Arcadia and not release an HD version for PC and console to download? That game is still my favourite RPG of all time. Just imagine 1080+ res, Dreamcast quality music and the Gamecubes additional content from Legends, It would be the perfect game.
This is the year we get Yakuza Kenzan + Ishin Remaster in the west!
The Yakuza franchise seems to be more popular than ever in the west (which sadly isn't saying much) so they'll look at the hype for Ghost of Tsushima and be like "wow people like this historical japan setting".... and that's going to push them to localize both games
Could we see SEGA announce Virtua Fighter 6 in 2020?
What we need:
Akira Domain
Bare Knuckles ga gotoku
Daytona 3
Jet Set Radio Revolution
Panzer Dragoon World
Binary Domain 2
Motor Raid 2 (feat Sakamato and the team F-Zero GX)
Golden Axe ga gotoku
Shenmue 4
That would be a good start.![]()
Will they get round to releasing this in the Western markets?
Persona on PC is just a matter of time
Nah, considering how the newer IPs sold like shit on PC I doubt it.
They didn't talk about Project Re Fantasy at all so it was a clear ''No!'' from SEGA and Atlus.
Does this count?
The remaster of SMT III: Nocturne is almost for sure coming to PC. They found things in the game files that pointed to it.At this point, I'm really hoping we can get some more SMT and Persona love on Steam
They publicly stated how pleased they were with Persona 4 sales. Persona 5 seems likely eventually.
I thought it might be fun to look back at the hype and predictions in this thread, and see what surprised and what disappointed.
First of all, the hype poll for games that had already been announced by the beginning of 2020:
I think that the top 2 (Yakuza: Like a Dragon and SoR4) pretty much lived up to the hype, getting good reviews from critics and fans alike. The Panzer remake was a little more mixed, with the initial Switch release having some issues, but it was later patched up and also released on other platforms. The publisher said that sales exceeded expectations. P5R got a great reception, but we didn't get Scramble in the West (coming early next year). Humankind and the House of the Dead remake were another two which didn't make it, and that unnamed CA FPS remains unnamed. Sakura Wars seemed pretty popular with fans of the series, but didn't managed to make much of an impact on the wider market. Troy got a surprise free release on the Epic Games Store, and PSO2 finally got a worldwide release. I forgot to add it, but 13 Sentinels seems pretty popular. RIP Sega Ages.
Now on to the most fun part of all - the predictions! I think it's fair to say that 2020 didn't quite turn out how anyone expected, and things weren't much different here.
So for me, that would be a 1.5 out of 3 under the "most likely category", and a big fat zero for the rest
Well, it wasn't much, but we did get a new trailer:
At this point we should be getting it before Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4
I think I'm done with retrying at this point. Ah well, we got this announcement at least:
No Judgment 2 yet, but we should be getting some kind of Yakuza announcement next year.
Why indeed. It's off my 2021 predictions list now.
Well, Ghost of Tsushima did turn out really well and even received lavish praise from Nagoshi himself, so hopefully that dream is still alive:
Yakuza Director Heaps Praise on Ghost of Tsushima, Laments Restrictions of Japanese Game Development
"To be honest, we were beaten"
Does this count?
We didn't get these in 2020, but I agree that we still need them!
Well, we got Gale Racer on the Arcade Astro Mini...
I know the show was cancelled, but did we still get any announcement? I honestly don't remember.
There is a crazy taxi rip off (Sega didn't block them and will publish the game in Asia)
There is a crazy taxi rip off (Sega didn't block them and will publish the game in Asia)
Kinda...Sega doesn’t feel like much of a player on this game. It’s a shame man. Damn shame.