Just about to finish up the Steam release of Persona 4 Golden. I finished the game once on Vita long time ago, had a great time. It was my first Persona game, so I had no idea what the whole commu thing was about - and figured the system out around mid-point in the game - thus most of the characters didn't have the 2nd rebirth personas. I missed Marie's storyline too, but at least got the normal ending, and thought that was it.
I feel really sheepish, that I finally found out about the true ending and Marie's extra dungeon etc. When I found out about the True ending - I thought the true ending would be just some extra picture or sort in the credits or post credit thing like many games - not this whole another dungeon with final final boss! (I think.. I'm about halfway finished with last (?) dungeon) I thought the regular ending pretty much solved the whole mystery - but the real ending is revealing who's the true, true culprit. It's like I'm being surprised after many years since I played P4G for the first time, again - it's fascinating.
As much as I loved the game, I am ready to finish the game. I already spent like 80 hours on this game, and TBH, not sure if it's worth playing the 2nd time to get the platinum. Fighting Margaret is one thing, but achieving the Rise's voice would be... quite tedious! LOL.
Just completed the game with the true ending. I am literally blown away. I had not known the existence of true ending all these years - that it's just not some few picture additions but with entirely new animations and epilogues and all. This has gotten me quite hyped up, that I am now thinking of getting Persona 5 Royal. I've Platinumed the P5 last year, so it's still a bit too fresh - but if they added enough material, I think I will gladly jump in for another 100 hour runs... but at this point of time, I will just rest a bit on Persona series. Man.. these games are long! (My end time was just over 102 hours - while I enjoyed it very much, it takes a good toll on my real life).
As per the story, I think P4G is superior to P5, but towards the end, the characters seemed to repeat the same lines over and over during boss confrontations and got a bit repetitive - but overall... I am very impressed how through they managed to tie up the story. I may give Anime series P4 and P4G a chance.