One mission to go in
Desperados 3 and sadly it's been a little underwhelming experience. I have quite a few issues with the game (mostly small-ish):
- I was hoping for more cool mission locations, like the bridge mission or the hacienda mission. Some levels have boring environments and there are areas you go back to in later missions so they're not all "fresh" maps.
- Maps are generally small. Doesn't mean that the missions are short, but the game should have bigger areas with enemies more spread out.
- I really dislike Isabelle's character. She's seriously op and doesn't fit in a western game with her supernatural powers.
- Mission difficulty varies quite a lot, I felt like the New Orleans missions were tougher than some of the later levels.
- The console controls can be quite terrible (I have a comparison with the beta I played on PC). Switching between available interactions is particularly annoying, especially since the game often suggests the "wrong" action as default.
As for the pleasant surprises:
- I really like using Showdown Mode and it works great.
- Playing this on hard difficulty is a fun and challenging experience.
- I will not get bored of Hector's character and his magical whistle + place trap combo.

- I like how there's more replayability than in Shadow Tactics. Most missions give you 2 options how to tackle one of the main objectives and the challenges (badges) are generally interesting. I know I'll spend more time with the game (but it's not going to be a platinum because of the speedrun requirements

I'm sad to say that I had more fun with Shadow Tactics than with Desperados 3, at least so far. It's still a solid game, but my expectations were higher.