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What game are you currently playing?



I'm enjoying it so far. It reminds me of a bunch of other series, namely Persona, Atelier and Fire Emblem Three Houses.


Persona 5 Royal. I never beat the original game. I'm almost to the point where I stopped playing the original about 50 hours in. In other words, the game is about to get a lot better for me!

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition. At 2 hours in, it's not as fun as I remember or expected. Hopefully it'll get better when I unlock more battle mechanics and get better at the combat.

Mr Hyde

Nearly broke my DS4 today. Sometimes it keeps drifting and the character seemingly does not respond to any given action. I've had this issue sometime but it keeps getting worse and worse. And the fucking battery doesn't even last 2 hours. I think this controller is on its last legs now. It's straight up garbage and it ruins my gaming sessions on the PS4.


Darkness no more
Forget the last time I posted in here...
Xenoblade DE - Cleared this and it still holds up well. Great game.
TLOU2 - dropped in the middle of Abby's campaign. The gameplay started getting stale and I didn't like the story.
GoT - Beat this game. Really enjoyed it.
Fairy Tail - Really low budget and lots of cut corners. Pretty bad in just about every aspect. Doubt I will finish it.


What time is it?
Tried out most of the new additions to GamePass: Trail Makers, It Lurks Below, Xeno Crisis, Under Mine and Darksiders Genesis. I'm really glad I never pulled the trigger on Darksiders. The game combat feels a bit clunky and just isn't satisfying. It probably isn't fair to compare it to Diablo, but I didn't make it much past the first chapter. Of those games, XenoCrisis is my favorite. It's a simple take on Smash TV.
Nearly broke my DS4 today. Sometimes it keeps drifting and the character seemingly does not respond to any given action. I've had this issue sometime but it keeps getting worse and worse. And the fucking battery doesn't even last 2 hours. I think this controller is on its last legs now. It's straight up garbage and it ruins my gaming sessions on the PS4.

FeelsBadMan, I bought some new joycons last year and the right stick is already drifting.


I am plugging away at Mad Max on PS4 Pro. It is not bad, entertaining if car combat and post apocalyptic mayhem sounds appealing to you. I have Max and his ride almost at max level, so I think I am about ready to wrap this title up. There has been more puzzle solving to the gameplay than I expected. Especially if I try and clear out bad guy camps and hideouts 100%. Some of these missions can be tricky to complete with hidden items and alternate approaches.


Tried out most of the new additions to GamePass: Trail Makers, It Lurks Below, Xeno Crisis, Under Mine and Darksiders Genesis. I'm really glad I never pulled the trigger on Darksiders. The game combat feels a bit clunky and just isn't satisfying. It probably isn't fair to compare it to Diablo, but I didn't make it much past the first chapter. Of those games, XenoCrisis is my favorite. It's a simple take on Smash TV.
How is the combat not satisfying? You feel so powerfull making enemies flying around with your hits...

Mr Hyde

Finished The Last of Us 2.

It was an amazing rollercoaster ride and since I managed to avoid everything about the game (except one major spoiler, grrr) I was constantly surprised with the story and how it played out. I understand it's not for everyone, if you dislike a certain character the whole game pretty much falls apart, but for me it was a breath of fresh air and very compelling to witness the game through the eyes of this particular character.

The few negative bits I found was that it was not as impactful as the first one, but I never expected it to be, and it was a tad bit overlong in the end. Druckmann has problems with the pacing, I had the same issues with UC4, so some parts became cumbersome in the end.

The themes of the game however, especially about PTSD and its effect on the psyche and how revenge is not the answer, were handled very well. The inclusion of LGBT-themes was also handled very tastefully.

The overall gameplay was excellent with a lot of fun and tense combat encounters. The animations are incredibly well done and brings a lot of realism to the table. The segments with the Seraphites were the best, very chilling to hear the whistles they made when in pursuit. Unsettling stuff. Loved it.

I'd give this game a solid 8/10.
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Slowly playing through Ghost of Tsushima, but got back into MW when Season 5 dropped so I haven't played in like a week (also had food poisoning which made it hard to play reliably).

Finally started Super Mario Odyssey and while I'm enjoying it I don't think platformers are really my thing.


Finally bought Resident Evil 3 Remake, now it’s on sale, and the price doesn’t seem quite so awful for a five hour game.

Enjoying it very much so far. It’s more of the same, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Should have been a cheaper ‘Lost Legacy’ type deal though, given how much of RE2’s assets it reuses.
HITMAN 2: Gold Edition on my PS4 Pro. Game is awesome so far, all that level designs and missions are brilliant. Can't wait to play Next Gen Hitman.
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gradius v and r-type dimensions

i rented g5 when i was younger but don't remember a whole helluva lot, looks aces with an internal render bump

Gradius V is one of my favorite games of all time. So much damn fun, it's fucking amazing this ran at 60 FPS on the frigging PS2, even on co-op!!!. This was one of Treasure's best. It's criminal that there hasn't been a HD port.



Currently making my way through Halo 3 on PC. After absolutely loving Halo 2 Anni I'm really digging this one as well. Let's see if it ends up being just as good.

Next week I'm off work and plan to finally takle RDR2. Been holding out on this one for so long and now can't wait to fully engross myself into it.

That being said, I just discovered old console emulation of PC for me. Especially Dolphin is completely blowing me away. Been such an idiot last year for digging out that old console and hooking them up to my old monitor, playing the games with that washed out and streched image and these old shitty controllers. All the while I could have playing these games with the Elite controller and the original aspect ratio on PC... And Dolphin even makes those games look super clean. Can't believe it. Can't wait to get into the Metroid Trilogy on PC.

Forgive my ignorance but where do the games for the emulator come from? Do you play from disc or are they downloaded?

Just finished replaying it last night. Kind of crazy how much of a prototype these early titles were for other action games. The fixed camera thing from RE really needed to go though.

Well that's what they did with Oni 3 which had a rotatable camera and full 3D environments. :p

I love Oni 2 though because it has the best pre rendered environments next to REmake. It's also crazy that there's half a dozen playable characters each with their own distinct move sets and play style.

Mr Hyde

Booted up Deadly Premonition 2, a highly anticipated game since I enjoyed the first one very much. It was something different with a unique charm to it.

DP 2 offers up more of the same. I love the quirky characters, the weirdness, the amusing dialogues (especially Yorks constant references to 80s movies), the intriguing murder story. The new setting is nice too, a Southern Bayou-style cozy small town is perfect for a murder investigation.

However, this time I don't really gel with the extremely bad performance and janky shit overall. I tolerated it in the first one due to it adding to the charm, but here it feels gimmicky just to honor the original. It doesn't possess the same appeal, or lure, and comes off as headache inducing at times.

It also doesn't help that I recently played a very rough and janky open world game, with a detective/mystery story at the center in The Sinking City, which is miles better in comparison to how you explore the city, solve your cases and advance the story.
Second playthrough of, Evil Within 2.

I want to point out to everyone that you can play the first three chapters free on Steam. The "demo" essentially downloads almost the entire game so it's an easy transition to the full version if you want to.

Once you get to chapter three, you have an entire town to explore. I spent about five and half hours on those first three chapters alone! Demo is well worth it. By the time I was near the end of chapter 3, I was more than happy to spend $40 to unlock the full version.
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lots of people are playing neon abyss and undermine

intredast, will check them out
If you enjoy the likes of Binding of Isaac, Enter The Gungeon or Dead Cells, you'll probably have a fun time at the very least. The difficulty seems just right for me at the minute. Met and beat the first manager. Got to the second one a few goes later and almost beat him. Will play more.


Just finished The Order 1886. Awful awful trash. My eyes are still in pain over the amount of blur the game has.
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I’m over current gen.
‪I’ve spent most of my “gaming” these last two weeks just scrolling through my PS4 library wanting to find something to play. Don’t wanna replay tlou2 or any games I love cus I don’t want to burn myself out on them. My backlog games are whatever at this point. I don’t care for them anymore.‬ I’m done

‪I’m ready for PS-5 to come with freshness. These next few months are gonna be boring waiting

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Rise of the Tomb raider, Fall Guys and Fortnite, all with my Daughter.

I just finished ROTTR also, what do you think? Dont think i have played an easier game on the hardest difficulty in my life, wow is combat scenarios bad and that pacing, cant stand going every 2 feet to pick up a fcking collectible for story. The story is basically rip off of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, its not terrible but too big and its really just ok. I knew they blew thei load on TR, this one just go sideways too much.


Picked up a 2DS and modded it. So, the backlog continues to grow. Now playing Super Mario 3D Land. This is the video game equivalent of comfort food and I can't get enough.
Decided to give Sleeping dogs another go. I Initially, got it years ago on PS+, but didn't really bother to give it a fair shake and invest time into it. Kinda just played it for about a half hour and shuffled it out with something else because it didn't grab me instantly. Since then I've gotten a physical copy.

You know what, I'm glad I did. Its actually bretty good and does some things really well. It is practically GTA Hong kong or at least I'd imagine it would probably be close if it were ever made.

Its got quite a bit of content with a decent balance of variety to it. The side story quests are nice. The radio stations and music are surpringsly good. Story isn't half bad either, feels like it was kinda rushed and cut short though. Its also neat how every in-game mechanic seems to serve some function or rewards you instead of being shallow and superfluous padding or busy work. It gives you incentive to revisit various shops for power-ups and temporary boosts. If it had a sequel, with a larger budget and more development time, I could easily see it rival GTA. Too bad SE doesnt seem to think that way nor Activision did for that matter.

Also, getting my groove on with Raiden: overkill. Practicing on a laser only run and to hopefully eventually 1cc it.
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Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Blasphemous on Switch. While not perfect, it’s still a lot of fun. Awesome visuals.


The nicest person on this forum
In the anticipation of 13 sentinels: aegis rim, I'm re-playing some Vanillaware's pervious games and started with Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, this time on PS4. I'm falling in love with this game all over again, such fun and gorgeous game.
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Plague Tale : Innocence. Its pretty great. Its interesting how its a bit similar to the original TLOU. Definitely must have been an inspiration. Beautiful game.


Spent a couple of hours with Mad Max (Xbox One X) but ultimately it couldn't grab me. It's not a bad game but it didn't click for me.

So I started another Witcher 3 (Xbox One X) playthrough. I love this game.
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