Nearly broke my DS4 today. Sometimes it keeps drifting and the character seemingly does not respond to any given action. I've had this issue sometime but it keeps getting worse and worse. And the fucking battery doesn't even last 2 hours. I think this controller is on its last legs now. It's straight up garbage and it ruins my gaming sessions on the PS4.
How is the combat not satisfying? You feel so powerfull making enemies flying around with your hits...Tried out most of the new additions to GamePass: Trail Makers, It Lurks Below, Xeno Crisis, Under Mine and Darksiders Genesis. I'm really glad I never pulled the trigger on Darksiders. The game combat feels a bit clunky and just isn't satisfying. It probably isn't fair to compare it to Diablo, but I didn't make it much past the first chapter. Of those games, XenoCrisis is my favorite. It's a simple take on Smash TV.
gradius v and r-type dimensions
i rented g5 when i was younger but don't remember a whole helluva lot, looks aces with an internal render bump
Hope you're planning on playing 2 and 3 as well. You're in for one hell of a ride![]()
I'm enjoying it so far. It reminds me of a bunch of other series, namely Persona, Atelier and Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Forgive my ignorance but where do the games for the emulator come from? Do you play from disc or are they downloaded?Currently making my way through Halo 3 on PC. After absolutely loving Halo 2 Anni I'm really digging this one as well. Let's see if it ends up being just as good.
Next week I'm off work and plan to finally takle RDR2. Been holding out on this one for so long and now can't wait to fully engross myself into it.
That being said, I just discovered old console emulation of PC for me. Especially Dolphin is completely blowing me away. Been such an idiot last year for digging out that old console and hooking them up to my old monitor, playing the games with that washed out and streched image and these old shitty controllers. All the while I could have playing these games with the Elite controller and the original aspect ratio on PC... And Dolphin even makes those games look super clean. Can't believe it. Can't wait to get into the Metroid Trilogy on PC.
Just finished replaying it last night. Kind of crazy how much of a prototype these early titles were for other action games. The fixed camera thing from RE really needed to go though.
If you enjoy the likes of Binding of Isaac, Enter The Gungeon or Dead Cells, you'll probably have a fun time at the very least. The difficulty seems just right for me at the minute. Met and beat the first manager. Got to the second one a few goes later and almost beat him. Will play more.lots of people are playing neon abyss and undermine
intredast, will check them out
Rise of the Tomb raider, Fall Guys and Fortnite, all with my Daughter.